
One Piece: Lost in the Tutorial

In the treacherous waters of the North Blue, where pirates rule with an iron fist and mercy is a rare commodity, a young man named Blake finds himself thrust into a perilous situation. Through some unfathomable twist of fate, his consciousness is transmigrated into the frail and sickly body of a cabin boy aboard a ruthless pirate ship. The crew, far from the romanticized image of swashbuckling adventurers, embodies the darkest aspects of piracy, showing no remorse in their cruelty, and Blake is an easy target. However, just as hope begins to fade, an unexpected glimmer of salvation appears before Blake in the form of a mysterious text box: [Synchronization complete. The Tutorial System shall commence operations] Here's all you need to know before you start reading: The story begins with a more serious tone, highlighting the harsh realities of piracy and the struggles faced by Blake in his weakened state. But as the events progress, the narrative takes on the whimsical, lighthearted tone that One Piece is most known for. Similarly, the MC will start off as stern and serious due to his circumstances, but he'll grow more lighthearted and carefree as he begins to overcome the challenges presented to him one after the other. The chapters will be a blend of Blake's first-person POV and third-person POV, making it easier to tell the story from different perspectives. As for the most frequently asked question of whether this is a harem story or not, the answer is, I don't know. I go with the flow in my writing and develop the story in the way that makes the most sense to me, so if it made sense for the MC to have a harem, then he'll have a harem. If not, then he won't have a harem. The same goes for romance.

Wicked132 · 漫画同人
51 Chs

Tested #4

Author's note: I'm largely motivated by money, so be sure to subscribe to my p-word page if you've got the money and feel like giving me boost of motivation. You get to read ahead, I get money, everyone is happy. 

As for those who don't have the money or simply don't feel like spending it (stingy bastards) but still want to support me and help keep the story going, donating power stones, leaving comments and giving a review is the next best thing. 

The story would get more exposure that way, and more exposure means more (possibly paying) readers for me, and again everyone is happy, especially me and my wallet! And so in the words of a great man: Just. Do. It. 

Donate those power stones!


I adopted a pensive expression, meeting the quartermaster's gaze. "It wasn't for my sake, that's for sure..." I began, my voice trailing off with a sigh. "Maybe the captain had a personal grudge against Jon, and this incident gave him an excuse to act... or maybe he was simply angry," I added, accompanied by a nonchalant shrug.

While the original Blake may not have been inclined to analyze the situation, preoccupied with mere survival as he was, he did get around the ship while cleaning and playing his guitar, allowing him to overhear all manner of gossip.

Scouring through the memories of this body, I gleaned bits and pieces of information about the ship's dynamics.

It was evident that tensions ran high among the crew, with at least two factions vying for control among these pirates. The leader of the first faction was undoubtedly the captain, as for the other it could be anyone with even a smidgen of authority, including the first mate, the cook, or even the quartermaster himself.

It wasn't really clear since the rift between these pirates before the original Blake was picked up by them, and as for the reason, well, I honestly had no clue.

If I were to hazard a guess as to why the captain dispatched Jon in such a brutal manner, I'd wager that Jon belonged to an opposing faction. Seizing the opportunity, the captain likely sought to eliminate a perceived threat while sending a clear message to the others.

Naturally, I opted to keep my thoughts to myself and had no intention of revealing my reasoning to the quartermaster, since I was already acting too differently from the meek original body's owner, and too much of that would spark suspicion.

The second reason was that, admittedly, my speculations were heavily influenced by my own imagination and love for fiction, acquired from my previous life experiences. Wouldn't I be embarrassed to death if I said all that and the quartermaster started laughing at me again?

The quartermaster gave a solemn nod at my words before tapping out the ash from his pipe onto the floorboards.

"Yer not entirely off the mark, but yer missing a crucial piece of the puzzle. There was indeed bad blood between Jon and the captain, and the captain was seething with anger. But, there's more to it," he explained, a mischievous grin spreading across his weathered face, revealing his yellowed, crooked teeth.

"Ya see, Jon wasn't just any crew member—he was the first mate's cousin. And for a good while, the first mate had been defying the captain, stirring up trouble over an incident that occurred about a month before you came aboard," he elaborated.

My brow furrowed in confusion. "What incident? Can you tell me more?" I pressed, eager for more details.

The quartermaster's amusement was evident as he chuckled softly. "Ah, so you're curious, eh?" he remarked.

"Well, I suppose I've got a bit of time to spare, and it's essential for ya to know if yer to be of any use..." he began, his words interrupted by a thunderous explosion that reverberated through the ship, followed by the unmistakable sound of water splashing due to a heavy impact.

Soon, frantic cries and the thundering of boots echoed from above.

"It's the Marines again! To your stations, give'em hell!"

 "The Marines are bombarding us! Fire back, you idiots! Man the canons!"

At the sound of the commotion, the quartermaster's grin widened. "Looks like our story will have to wait until we weather this storm, lad... assuming we make it through," he remarked with a wry chuckle, reaching into his coat and producing a small dagger.

"Take this and protect yourself. It'll serve you better than that broken shard of glass under your bunk," he advised before tossing it onto the ground and heading out.

Taking a cautious peek through the hatch leading to the main deck, Blake's eyes widened at the chaos that unfolded before him. The thunderous roar of cannons echoed throughout the ship, and cannonballs streaked across the sky as the pirate vessel and the Marine ship engaged in a furious exchange of fire.

Amidst the cacophony, screams pierced the air—some filled with desperation, others tinged with exhilaration—as pirates sought cover behind whatever they could find on the main deck, returning fire with their flintlock pistols and rifles while the Marines retaliated with equal ferocity.

Blake would have much preferred to remain safely tucked away in his room, far from the madness outside. However, a cannonball crashing through the ship's hull, narrowly missing him before tearing yet another hole in the room, shattered any illusions of safety.

Realizing that no corner of the pirate ship was truly secure, he quickly reassessed his options. Scanning his surroundings for any sign of shelter, he determined that the captain's cabin seemed to offer the best chance of refuge. With the captain occupied elsewhere, now was the opportune moment to slip inside and seek sanctuary from the storm.

The captain's cabin seemed like the safest bet against the chaos outside—not impervious to cannon fire, but likely protected by the pirates if the Marines breached the ship.

With that in mind, Blake prepared to make his move. Yet, before he could even take a step, the ship lurched violently, sending him tumbling back down the ladder to the lower deck. Gasping for air, he grimaced as the pain from his broken ribs flared up, exacerbated by the impact.

Amidst the commotion, frantic voices rang out.

"They crashed into our side! They're trying to board us!"

 "Shit, they're throwing hooks! Kill'em before they get on deck!"

Clenching his jaw against the agony, Blake forced himself to his feet, intent on climbing back up the ladder. But just as he placed his foot on the rung, a Marine soldier's body came hurtling down, narrowly missing him.

Startled, Blake shuffled out of the way as the Marine soldier's form crashed beside him.

Seconds later later, a pirate peered down the hatch, spotting Blake and the injured Marine. "You there... Blake, was it?" he called out. Blake nodded warily, sensing trouble. "Finish this whoreson quickly! I need to get back to the fight!"

 With a swift motion, the pirate tossed a dagger down the hatch before disappearing back into the fray.

Blake surveyed the sorry state of his body, wounds crisscrossing his limbs and torso. Despite his weakened state and throbbing ribs, dispatching the Marine soldier seemed like an easy feat. The soldier, meeting Blake's gaze, seemed to grasp his intentions, a mix of fear and resignation clouding his eyes.

With a determined grimace, Blake clenched his jaw and retrieved the dagger, advancing toward the soldier, who visibly recoiled with each step. "Get up. I won't end your life... you'll bleed out soon enough," Blake declared with a heavy sigh.

"Follow me. I can lead you somewhere quiet— I can't say it's comfortable or pleasant, but at least you'll pass away peacefully." He motioned for the soldier to hurry along, his voice laced with an unexpected sense of compassion amidst the chaos.

The Marine soldier's bitter smile faded as he attempted to speak, his words punctuated by coughs, blood staining his lips. After a moment, he wiped his mouth and managed to rasp out a response.

"No need for that, kid... I'm already as good as dead. What difference does it make where it happens?" He shook his head weakly. "How did someone like you end up with these scoundrels, anyway?" he inquired, casting a curious glance at Blake.

Blake let out a weary sigh at the soldier's question. "Is that really what you want to talk about now? You do realize you're on the brink of death, don't you?" he retorted, his tone tinged with frustration. The Marine soldier's smile widened slightly, revealing bloodstained teeth.

"Well, if you're curious... it wasn't by choice. Sold to these pirates after my parents passed away..." He trailed off, sinking down beside the soldier.

"That must've been... tough," the Marine managed, his grip tightening around Blake's hand that held the dagger.

"In that case, don't hesitate... Finish me off or the pirates... will make it difficult for you later..." he urged, guiding Blake's hand to his heart. "Make it quick though... I'm afraid of pain... and if the pirates lose this battle, look for Ensign Pike... tell him he owes me for saving him a month ago... he'll take care... of you..." he added, his voice growing weaker with each word.


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