
One Piece: I'm Celestial Dragon

Our friend woke up in a luxurious room and found a screen in front of him informing him: 【Congratulations, you have become a Celestial Dragon.】 He found himself in a world where most Celestial Dragons do nothing but indulge in pleasure and carelessness, under the assumption that they are the center of the world and nothing can topple them from their throne. Armed with his knowledge and leveraging wealth and power, Ryoko carves his path in a world governed by power and schemes towards the pinnacle of the world. .................................................. I do not own any of the characters from the One Piece anime or manga, except for the original character I created. I do not allow anyone to publish my novel on any website whatsoever, nor take my personal effort ________________________________________________________________________ Support me at paypal If you can. ________________________________________________________________________ my Instagram : mus.ouka Contact and inquiries, and adding thoughts and images

Musouka · 漫画同人
50 Chs

Chapter 26: Rising Again

As the storms subsided, Ryoko knew it was time to focus on expanding the reach of the Hidden Hand, making it a formidable force that no one could underestimate. 

He began broadening his network and seeking alliances. Currently, he had an alliance with the Gu family, a personal alliance with Saint Shalria, a very good relationship with Saint Miosgard, and some acquaintance with Saint Carmel. 

On the other hand, his servants had established connections with some information brokers and secret organizations on his behalf while completing certain tasks. 

He did not forget to intensify the training of his servants to ensure they were prepared for any future threats.

Ryoko stood in the training hall, his eight loyal servants gathered before him.

 The hall was spacious, adorned with intricate designs symbolizing power and ambition, Each servant had proven their loyalty and strength through recent conflicts, and now it was time for them to receive their well-deserved rewards.

Ryoko spoke in a solemn voice filled with determination, "We have been through a lot, but this is not the end. We are just at the beginning, and the Hidden Hand will become a force that no one can ignore."

His words echoed through the hall, reflecting on the faces of the servants who stood attentively, their eyes fixed on their leader, ready to follow him to the ends of the earth.

Victor, the calm strategist, stepped forward, "Our enemies tried to undermine us, but we managed to stand firm, The alliance with the Gu family has strengthened our position, all thanks to your guidance, sir."

Layla, sharp and vigilant, nodded in agreement, "We've managed to turn the situation in our favor, but new challenges will undoubtedly arise. 

We need to stay vigilant and continue strengthening our position, sir."

Ryoko nodded, "Indeed. Our success is just the first step. We must build on it and expand our influence further, The Hidden Hand must not only survive but thrive, For that, Layla and Hinata, you are to increase the number of maids to 90 and train them in their duties, We will strengthen our network within our family's upper ranks and branch out to the noble factions surrounding us."

He then turned to Edward and Victor: "Victor, use the same previous network and employ a total of 180 people. Edward, you will have 140, making a total of 200 guards. Train them well, Edward; I don't want any weaklings. The remaining 40 will work under your command, Yami, Assign ten to each of your subordinates and oversee their training to assist in your work and network-building."

Everyone bowed in perfect harmony, agreeing to his arrangements.

Ryoko looked again at his servants, each one of them playing a crucial role in their recent successes. Rafa, who had previously received an elixir and shown its benefits, stood proudly. The rest watched with anticipation, aware that Ryoko was about to reward them for their dedication.

Ryoko reached into a small, ornate box and carefully pulled out seven bottles of the powerful elixir. 

The liquid inside glowed with a faint light, indicating its potency. "You have all proven your worth to me. Through your efforts, we not only weathered the storm but emerged stronger. 

As a gift for your unwavering loyalty and hard work, I present you with this elixir."

He raised the bottles, their light casting a warm glow in the dim hall. 

The servants' eyes widened in appreciation of the rare opportunity before them, To them, this was more than just a reward; it was a testament to their value and the trust Ryoko placed in them.

Ryoko approached each servant individually, handing them a bottle.

Victor took his bottle and bowed respectfully, "Thank you, Lord Ryoko, I will continue to serve you with all my abilities."

Then Ryoko turned to Layla and Hinata: "Layla, your analysis and ability to gather crucial information have kept us one step ahead of our enemies, and Hinata's support with her abilities created an impenetrable anti-espionage mix, Your loyalty is unquestioned, and your skills unmatched."

Layla and Hinata accepted the elixir with proud smiles, saying, "Lord Ryoko, we will ensure our enemies remain in the dark and that we always stay one step ahead of them."

Next was Edward, the head of security: "Your role is vital in protecting our security, enhancing our influence, and increasing our clients' trust in us and their safety."

Ryoko continued distributing the elixir to the remaining servants:

Yami, who excelled in swordsmanship and tactical prowess, his physical strength made him a formidable force, and he led his team firmly and without errors.

Vanessa, the infiltration expert, who had executed several key missions without leaving a trace.

Rafa, the skilled negotiator, who helped secure alliances and navigate the complex politics of information organizations, and also a proficient assassin, though he had already taken the elixir.

Gerald, with his powerful punches, whose combat prowess had tipped the scales in their favor at critical moments.

Each servant received their bottle with gratitude, knowing that Ryoko's trust and appreciation were more valuable than the elixir itself.

 They had all seen the elixir's effect on Rafa and knew the power that now lay in their hands.

Ryoko turned back to Yami, who played a crucial role in protecting the Hidden Hand during its vulnerable times: "Yami, your vigilance and dedication have kept us safe, Your role may be in the shadows, but your impact is felt by all, and I am pleased with your results in leading your team. Continue."

With a slight bow, Yami responded, "Thank you, my lord. I will continue to protect the Hidden Hand with my life."

After distributing the elixir, Ryoko stepped back and looked at his team: "This elixir will enhance your abilities, but remember, power is only useful when wielded wisely. Use it when the time is right, not recklessly. Our journey is far from over, and we will face greater challenges in the future, But I believe in each one of you. Together, we will rise to meet any threat."

The servants nodded in unison, their resolve strengthened by Ryoko's words. They knew that with Ryoko at the helm—who was unlike other Celestial Dragons, ambitious—the Hidden Hand was destined for greatness. 

Their competition, though friendly, drove them to excel further, knowing that Ryoko rewarded dedication and strength.

He checked their status screens after they drank the elixir, and they were as follows:

Name: [ Edward ]

 Age: [36]

 Physical Fitness: Level [A]

 Devil Fruit:[XXXXX]

 Skills: [ Rokushiki – Human Boxing ]

 Special Abilities:[ Armament Haki (Medium)]

 Loyalty:[ 100% ]

 ( Complete Loyalty)

Name: [ vectore ]

 Age: [42]

 Physical Fitness: Level [B]

 Devil Fruit:[XXXXX]

 Skills: [ Human Boxing ]

 Special Abilities:[XXXXXXXXXXXX]

 Loyalty:[ 99% ]

 (Complete Loyalty)

Name: [ laila ]

 Age: [21]

 Physical Fitness: Level [B ]

 Devil Fruit:[Fantqsy Fruit ( Soya Soya no Mi)]

 Skills: [ XXXXX]

 Special Abilities:[ XXXXX ]

 Loyalty:[ 100% ]

 (Complete Loyalty)

Name: [ Hinata ]

 Age: [31]

 Physical Fitness: Level [B ]

 Devil Fruit:[ Hear Fruit (kiku kiku no mi)]

 Skills: [ XXXXX]

 Special Abilities:[ XXXXX ]

 Loyalty:[ 96% ]

 (Complete Loyalty)

NName: [ Vanissa ]

 Age: [29]

 Physical Fitness: Level [A]

 Devil Fruit:[ XXXXXX]

 Skills: [ Hand-to-hand combat expert - Master of concealed weapons]

 Special Abilities:[ Observation Haki (Beginner)]

 Loyalty:[ 90% ]

 (Complete Loyalty)

Name: [ Girald ]

 Age: [28]

 Physical Fitness: Level [A]

 Devil Fruit:[ XXXXXX]

 Skills: [ Close combat exper]

 Special Abilities:[ Armament Haki (Beginner)]

 Loyalty:[ 92% ]

 (Complete Loyalty)

Name: [ Rafa ]

 Age: [30]

 Physical Fitness: Level [B]

 Devil Fruit:[ XXXXXX]

 Skills: [ Assassination expert - Stealth expert]

 Special Abilities:[ Observation Haki (Intermediate)]

 Loyalty:[ 90 % ]

 (Complete Loyalty)

Name: [ Yami ]

 Age: [32]

 Physical Fitness: Level [B]

 Devil Fruit:[ XXXXXX]

 Skills: [ Swordsman]

 Special Abilities:[ Armament Haki (Intermediate)-Observation Haki (Beginner)]

 Loyalty:[ 100% ]

 (Complete Loyalty)

By the end of the day, as night fell over Mariejois, Ryoko looked out from his office window at the distant stars.

 He knew the future was uncertain, but with such a team under his command, there was no limit to what they could achieve. 

He knew the road ahead would not be easy, but the Hidden Hand was on the rise, stronger than ever, With a renewed sense of purpose, fully aware that the upcoming challenges would be greater, but he was ready for them.

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