
Chapter 127

[Ken P.O.V.]

We docked at an island to buy some stuff and continue our journey. I'm walking around with a mask and a hoodie on, so I won't need to deal with scared people. Being infamous is cool, but it gets irritating sometimes.

"Argh, you bitch!"


I looked at the alley to my right when a woman suddenly bumped into me.

She fell on the ground, and a group of 10 guys came running towards us while one of them was holding onto his balls with a pained expression.

"Ey, you! Hold her right there, and we'll reward you."

The woman looked terrified. When she tried to stand up, she immediately fell down again. It seems like she has hurt her foot. The 10 guys appeared behind her and started laughing.

"Hahaha, it's over for you! You have nowhere left to go." said the guy who was holding his balls.

He then looked at me.

"You did good, boy. After we've had our fun, you can have her."

"Hm? No, thank you."

"What? She might look like this, but she has a good body."

"I just don't like sharing with scum."

"What did you say, punk!"

The guys turned mad, and they grabbed their weapons. They pointed their guns at me and started firing. The woman was on the ground closing her eyes and ear with a scared expression. After a minute of them shooting, I was still standing in the same place without a scratch.

"You monster!" screamed the guys.

"Monster? Well, I guess it's your guys' fault that this monster had to act up. But it's too late for regret now."

In unsheathed Shusui and in one clean swipe, I took off all their heads. The woman on the ground slowly opened her eyes and looked around carefully. When she saw me without a scratch, she had a surprised expression, but that expression turned into horror when she looked back.

When I looked closer at her, I saw that he had quite the pathetic appearance. Her long blue hair is filled with dirt making it hard to see her normal hair color. And like her hair, she had dirt all over. Her mouth looks really dry, so maybe that's the reason why she didn't scream.

She is wearing dirty brown pants and a dirty white t-shirt. The shoes she's wearing are almost falling apart, and she smells horrible. All in all, she's a 1.

I kneeled down.

"Are you okay?"

"I, I…"

I took out a flask with water and gave it to her. She looked between me and the flask.

"It's okay. It's just water. You can have all of it."

She immediately drank the whole flask to the last drop. She looked sad that there wasn't more.

"T… Thank you, sir. I don't know how I can repay you."

"It's okay, this is nothing. But who were those guys?"

"They were bad guys that have been pestering me for a long time. There has been a Marine Captain on this ship for a long time that always protected us poor people. But he sadly passed away recently. Since there was no one to punish them anymore, so they came after me."

"I see, so they were just cowards. No one touched you, right?"

"No, sir. You saved me before they could do anything to me."

"That's good. Can you stand up, or is your leg to hurt?"

"No, sir, I can still stand."

She stood up, but she fell down again. I caught her right before she hit the ground.

"Sir!? What are you doing? I'm making your clothes dirty."

"Don't worry about it. Do you have a place where I can take you?"

'She smells even worse so up close.

She shook her head.

"I had one, but they destroyed it. It wasn't much anyway."

"Have you been living like this for a while?"

"Since I was 5. I'm 20 now."

"That's a long time. I'm surprised that you can still move around with this body."

"Food is scarce, and unlike the rest, I don't eat everything. I only eat things that won't make me sick."

"Really? It's the logical thing to do, but to withhold the urge to not eat even though your starving is really difficult to do. Someone with your determination will make it far."

"Thank you for your praise, sir."

I looked at the bodies.

"We should get out of here before someone comes and starts to give us trouble. Put your hands over my shoulders, and I'll take you to an in."

"There is no need for that, sir. I don't have money, so I'll just go back and repair my house."

"Don't be stupid. Who knows what's waiting for you back home. Do you have anything important there?"

"No, but…"

"Alright, then let's go. I'm filthy rich anyway. I could easily buy this entire island."

"Are you a Nobel, sir?"

"Of course not. Now let's quickly go to the inn."

She nodded and carefully put her hands around my neck. I grabbed her waist and slowly helped her to the inn. I ignored the weird stares from the citizens and innkeeper and paid for a room with a shower.

"I'll go downstairs to get you some new clothes. What's your size? And do you think that you can take a shower with your foot like that?"

"I'll just sit down on the shower chair. But you shouldn't waste any money on me, sir."

"Don't worry about it. I would feel bad if I left you like that."

She gave me her sizes and started thanking me to the point where it got uncomfortable. I quickly slipped out of the room and went out of the inn.

'What the hell am I even doing. Dragging a dirty girl into an inn and buying clothes for her. When I was still learning under Garp, I ignored a guy that was getting beaten up in an alley and only fought because they attacked me. But now that it's a girl, I have to act all nice? Is this what they call a simp?'

I threw my thought away and went to a girl's clothing store. I told the clerk the sizes and had her pick some things for me. After I got an outfit with underwear and all, I went back to the inn.

'I should get back to the ship after I'm done with her. I'm sure that they're waiting for me back at the ship.'

"Here, I got you some new clothes."

She opened the bathroom door slightly, and I gave her the bag with clothes. She immediately closed the door.

"Thank you so much, sir."

"It's nothing."

[1 hour later]

I'm sitting on the bed reading a book when she came out of the shower in her new clothes, and I dropped my book when I saw her.

In front of me is standing a woman who looks to be about 170 cm (5,6 feet) tall. She has long, beautiful blue hair and ocean blue eyes. She has a cute small nose and lips. Her skin looks smooth, and the green dress I bought her shows off her curves that I didn't notice before. But now that I look closer, they seem bigger than Boa and Robin's. She's an 8, but if she didn't look like a skeleton, she would definitely be a 10.

"Uhm sir, is everything okay?"

"You're beautiful."



We looked at each other, both not knowing what to say, creating an awkward situation.

"Ahem, you should sit down. Your leg must be hurting."

She immediately sat down on the bed without saying anything.

"Let me take a look at your foot."

"I can't bother you with that, sir. I'll just go to a doctor."

"Sigh, stop with the sir thing. My name is Ken."

"My name is Celine, si- Ken."

I smiled.

"Celine, huh. That's a beautiful name."

I squatted down and grabbed her foot. I started feeling around to find the cause of the pain. The medical books I've read for the stupid 'Godly' technique wasn't a complete waste of time.

When I was done, I looked up at her face, which was completely red.

"Are you okay? Do you have a fever or something?"

I felt her forehead, and it didn't feel hot, but her face turned even redder. I looked into her eyes, and my heart suddenly skipped a beat.

'What's this feeling?'

I quickly backed off.

"You sprained your ankle, which will take time to heal. But since my medical knowledge doesn't go so far, I'll have Deuce take a look.."

"Thank you, Ken. But who is Deuce?"

"He is my doctor."

"Doctor? Wait, Ken, Deuce, where have I heard those names before?"

I took off my mask and smiled at her.

"Does this clear your memory?"

She looked like she was even scared than when she was getting chased back in the alley.

"Calm down, Celine. Even though I'm a pirate, I don't hurt innocent people."

"I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting that. I know that you aren't a bad person. Otherwise, you wouldn't have done all this for me. I'm really sorry for reacting like that."

"It's fine. I couldn't get mad at a cute girl anyway. Let's go back to my ship quickly. Leaving your leg untreated would be bad."

She nodded with a cute smile and quickly put her new shoes on. I again supported her, but this time I was enjoying having her so close since she smells really good. We started slowly walking towards my ship.


[Was this chapter any good? I feel like I butchered it.]

Anime Quotes:

"I was younger then, I wasn't afraid of anything. I didn't think about dying for a second. I thought that I was invincible. Then I met some girl. I wanted to live, I started to think like that; for the first time I was afraid of death. I had never felt like that before."

- Spike (Cowboy Bebop)

"You can close your eyes cover your ears, and keep your mouth shut… But you cannot stop how you feel towards someone."

- Shuu Igarashi (Love and Lies)

"I can't bear the thought of living in this world without you."

- Elizabeth Liones (The Seven Deadly Sins)