

A genius from earth gets transmigrated as a slave from the world of his favourite anime and manga series One Piece. Let's see what awaits him in his second life and if he can fight for what he never had in his first life... FREEDOM! Notes: -No Harem -No system This is my first work. English isn't my first language. If you like it please leave a review!

xXyan · 漫画同人
22 Chs

The "Free City" of Milazzo.

We made our way into the port. Our ship was almost sinking as the battles on the seas were to much for the mediocre ship I bought back on Sabaody Archipelago. Thankfully, Milazzo was well-known for their shipbuilding and maritime trade, so I could probably find a booming ship market somewhere on this island.

"What a beautiful city, Captain, I wonder what kind of food they serve here!" said Shun excitingly.

"It sure is beautiful." response Hana while admiring the buildings.

It didn't have any big or grandiose buildings but it gave a welcoming vibe. The locals and merchants didn't even looked weirdly at us since they were probably used to pirates coming here as it was a trade port so pirates come here to sell treasure or rest.

We continued walking through the city. It was a really nice and big city. It had a really big and lively market. We finally found a nice small inn at the edge of the market. We booked two rooms for an undetermined period of time and set back to exploring the city and finding a place to eat.

We passed through the main plaza and found a crowd there listening to a masculine voice speak.

"Will we let ourselves be beaten by Nicolo and his pirate goons! No, we will fight back against the injustice, our land was revered for our principals of equality and democracy! We will fight for our rights and freedom!" the blonde man yelled!

"Freedom! Liberty! Glory to the Opposition!" the crowd yelled.

Suddenly some people dressed in some black uniform came with cutlasses and started running towards the crowd.

"Squash the rebellion!" the man that led the charge yelled. The other uniformed-persons followed him and started yelling.

"Crap! It's the black shirt pirates, run!" a member of the crowd exclaimed. The crowd soon started dispersing in different directions.

"Let's go as well, we don't want to be caught into this mess!" I said to my crew.

We all started running back to our inn.

"What was that?" Reimei asked slightly confused.

"Probably a protest." said Hana.

"From what I heard, this "Nicolo" person has risen to power and hired pirates to squash rebellions." said Shun

"This should be a free democratic city, it doesn't make any sense, the people should win the election if he is this hated." I said

"You have a point. So what should we do, Captain?" replied Shun.

"We rest today, tomorrow Reimei will search for a good ship we can buy, while we gather more information." I ordered.

"Aye, Captain!" said all three.

We went to sleep. Hana got her own room while the boys slept in one room with three beds. While laying in bed, I began analysing the situation. This was really weird. Why would the people protest against an elected ruler. I could only think of three possibilities. The first one is that their elected ruler made some really bad decisions and they were just protesting. The second one was that they were gathering support for the next elections. And the third one, which was the worst, was that this Nicolo established a dictatorship and ruled with the help of some hired pirates. From what I heard they were named the Black Shirt Pirates. Unfortunately the real situation was most likely the third one as I don't see why the ruler would hire pirates to squash rebellions. Teh other two possibilities were really far-fetched.

Tomorrow I'll gather more information and see the full picture. Once I have all the information I need I'll act accordingly. I'll either help the so called "Opposition" or leave the island without any trouble after buying a new and upgraded ship. I got enough berries as I gathered some hefty savings while on Sabaody Archipelago selling the exotic hides and body parts of the beasts I hunted while on my training.

If I do act, I need to act publicly. If I keep acting from the shadows, I won't gain any notoriety. I'll publicly defeat the Black Shirt Pirates and this Nicolo. With that thought I fell asleep.

I felt light pierce my eyes. I soon opened my eyes and looked around. All I could see was a bright ocean. Suddenly a white haired boy with pale skin manifested in front of me. The boy was laughing and running around happily. He didn't even notice me. He then looked at me and started running towards me. He got closer and closer. I began panicking. When was about to make contact with me, he passed right through me. I looked down at myself... I had no body. Suddenly blue fire covered the whole sea. I closed my eyes. When I opened them again, I could see a beautiful green plain. I could see the white haired boy holding the hand of a tan white haired woman wearing a beautiful white kimono that had floral patterns.

"Mother, why can't we fly like birds?" asked the white haired boy.

The woman let out a gentle giggle.

"I used to be able to fly once." she said with a smile.

"Really!?" asked the boyz turning to take a look at his mother.

"Yes! I gave up my wings to be with your father and have you, I don't regret anything" said the woman happily while looking back at him.

"Then why can't I fly like the birds, they are so free!"

"If you want freedom you have to fight for it yourself, little angel" said the woman with a motherly tone while poking his forehead.

Blue fire began appearing again. The scene soon changed. The same woman and child were eating at a table outside in what seemed like a garden. Next to the woman was a black haired, pale man with some beautiful blue eyes wearing a plain blue kimono. Sakura tree petals were dancing around them.

"Father, how do I become strong?" asked the child.

"Why do you ask?" said the man.

"Mother said that if I am strong enough I could be as free as the birds!" came the reply of the overly excited child.

"Being strong means to protect everything and everyone you hold dear... and eating your veggies." the man said with a kind smile taking s break from eating and looking back at his son.

"But I don't like the veggies!" the child cried with a sad expression while looking back at his father.

The adults began to laugh and the child soon followed. Suddenly blue fire engulfed the whole garden. The man and woman and all the decorations began to melt like wax. The boy didn't even move as he turned his head and looked in my soul with an empty gaze.

The scene changed again to a ship. I have seen this before! The man and the woman from earlier tried to cover a little boy the man was decapitated and the woman stabbed in the back. I wasn't a spectator anymore, I could feel my body. I was the child!

"Sora! Sora! Sora! Run my child!" the white-haired woman said.

It was the same dream I had before, I could see the Jolly Roger of the beast pirates.

I got up and took a few steps back. I could see a man dressed in black with some black wings on his back approach. He kneeled and looked at the white-haired woman and then at me. He reached for me with his huge hand.

"I'm sorry nep..." everything went black after he touched my head.

I woke up sweating heavily. My head hurts. Everyone was still asleep. I dressed up and went outside to take a stroll. What was that dream? What connection to I have to does people? I'm pretty sure that they were the original bodies owner's parents. But why do I feel so attached to them.

I could even feel myself start crying while seeing the last scene. I'm not that emotionally unstable to start crying without reason, I don't cry at all, I can't remember the last time I cried. What made this different? Why did King say he's sorry? He isn't the type to be merciful. What did my mother mean when she said she used to be able to fly? Was she a skypian? I only have more questions.

It seems that this is a recurring dream.