

A genius from earth gets transmigrated as a slave from the world of his favourite anime and manga series One Piece. Let's see what awaits him in his second life and if he can fight for what he never had in his first life... FREEDOM! Notes: -No Harem -No system This is my first work. English isn't my first language. If you like it please leave a review!

xXyan · 漫画同人
22 Chs

Fight for Survival

The giant door opened and out of it came a giant lion with a big scar over his eye. His body weirdly didn't even have a single scar. He had bulging muscles and a hungry look on his face.

The crowd began to cheer:

"Kill him! Kill him!"

My whole body began shaking, I couldn't even move... Is this how it is getting to end?

No! I can't give up already! This is my chance, during this fight I need to surpass my limits and fight for my survival!

I created sharp bone claws coming from my knuckles and approached the lion. He pounced on me but I rolled out of the way. He hit the ground and left a crater. This was my chance! I dashed towards him and tried to cut him but to my horror my claws didn't even penetrate his skin! The lion recovered and swiped his paw at me. I ducked to the left and made some distance between us. The lion looked at me with an hungry look. I retracted my claws because I figured I couldn't damage his hide. My heart was racing, I needed to find a way to defeat this beast. If it wasn't for my abnormal body and instincts I would already be dead.

The lion let out a mighty roar and ran towards me. I had to think of a way to damage him... If I couldn't cut him I will hit him with a blunt force until internal bleeding will kill him. The staff would only hinder my movement so I had to dispose of him with my bear hands.

The lion jumped high in the air and came down on me with his mouth open showing his razor sharp teeth. I dashed out of the way and he hit the ground leaving another crater. I closed the distance and hit him hard in the eye so he would be blind. My attack worked as his eye was damaged. After the lion got back up he was franticly shaking his head and looking for me. I ran circles around him as I hit him multiple times in the vital parts of his body.

Blood came out the lion's mouth. I ran towards his head to deal the finishing blow. As I got ready to punch him his huge claw swiped my chest leaving a mark. I ignored the pain and punched him hard in the head. The lion flew back into the wall. The wall cracked as the lion fell onto the ground.

I could barely stand on my own to feet. The lion tried to get up but fell back on to the ground as more blood came out of his mouth. My legs caved in and I fell too. The last thing I heard before passing out were the roars of the crowd.

I woke up back in my cell, my chest still bleeding. If this persists I would die of blood loss. I heard some footsteps in front of me. When I looked I could see the guard that led me to the arena.

"Patch yourself up, trash."

He threw me some bandages, a bottle of what I assume was some cream to put on the wound so it doesn't get infected, water and some food. I scurried towards the entrance and began devouring the food. I didn't even care about the bleeding anymore.

"If you keep winning and entertaining the crowd, maybe you would get rewarded"

I didn't even acknowledge what he said as I began gulping down the water. The guard soon left and I started disinfecting and bandaging my chest wound. This will surely leave a scar. I left some of the cream and bandages for later use.

My slave life continued this way for a the next year. I was now 11 years old. I continued fighting once a week in the arena. I only fought beast ranging from giant gorillas with 6 arms to little flying bugs that formed a huge dinosaur like animal. I developed three new abilities: The first one formes a thin layer of bones underneath my skin, this provides me with a durable light armour that regenerates. The second ability ejects my finger bones out of my hand forming bullets. The third skill is hardening the bones in my fist so I can do more damage. I found out that due to me being a bone human I can regenerate bones and skin almost instantly. The only downside to this ability is that it still hurts to break my bones over and over again. I developed a immunity to pain due to the constant use of my devil fruit powers.

I also developed somewhat of a fighting style based on speed and power. I dodge until the opponent gets tried then using my higher agility and strength I deal powerful srikes to the vital organs. To use this fighting style you need speed, power and stamina. Otherwise you couldn't outrun your enemy for the first half of the battle, additionally my smaller body makes me really evasive. I only fought mindless beasts that were fighting on instinct so I don't know how this fighting style holds up against humans.

While I wasn't fighting, I began trying to feel the other slaves using observation haki but I made no progress yet. Saint Sharlia began parading me around the holy land, she was bragging to other world nobles about how strong her slave is. I was even allowed to accompany her to a slave auction. She told me that if I ever lost a battle, I would be killed and all the other slaves would be forced to fight the beasts. My body also developed. I got taller and I began to develop some muscles. I had a swimmer's build. Not to bulky to not hinder my movement but really powerful. I had a perfect mix of power and speed. I still have 3 huge claw marks on my chest. No matter how hard I tried to fix the scar with my devil fruit power, I still couldn't find a way to get rid of the scar, same goes with the celestial dragon slave mark.

I need to get powerful, you can't be free if you don't have power. I remember that the marines and world government agents use the rokushiki arts. But I can't remember the way they trained them unfortunately.

I was broken out of my stupor by a guard.

"Get up, it's time to fight!"

I got up and began following him we got to the usual arena and the crowd began cheering.

I expected the usual beast or animal but out of the other side came another human dressed in a gladiator outfit.

"Are you ready to die, little boy?" he arrogantly said.

I didn't even say anything back, I just got in a fighting position, stray thoughts still plaguing my mind. Would I be able to kill him if push came to shove? Would killing him make me a bad person?

I didn't get the time to end my train of thought because he unsheathed a sword and rushed at me swinging. I could see that he was experienced from his footwork. I ducked to the left but he quickly recovered and swinged again. I reinforced my hand with bones and blocked his strike while I tried to hit him in the face with my left arm but he tilted his head to the right and dodged. He dashed behind me and swung his sword at my nape. I turned around and reinforced my forearms with bones to block his sword. My bones cracked and I jumped behind to make some distance between us. My bones were rapidly reconstructing.

I didn't want to kill him but based on his srikes to my neck and killing intent he had no desire to hold back. I can't afford to have mercy on my enemies. That's how weak people die. The whole reincarnation ordeal made me forget how cruel the one piece world is. I should be ruthless to my enemies and kind to my allies. I tried to hit him with my bone bullets but it didn't work as he either blocked or dodged. I had to get up close.

I formed a sword out of reinforced bones and dashed towards him. We exchange blows rapidly. Neither of us had the upper hand. He was really good at feinting. I couldn't tell where he will strike next but I couldn't give up yet. My body was full of wounds. Fortunately they were only skin deep. I suddenly began to see more clearly. I could read his movements, I could see where he will strike next. What was this? He tried to feint and strike from another direction but I predicted and blocked his blow with my own powerful strike. I have awakened observation haki!

The crowd was silent. His blade flew a few meters and landed on the ground. The man had a terrified expression on his face. He fell on his back, he tried to back off.

"Wait! Wait! Please, I have a family out there, a wife, kids! Please don't kill me!"

My sword made contact with his neck and his decapitated head flew in the air. The crowd burst into cheers and shouting. I had just killed a man... I didn't feel anything... Am I a monster?