
One Piece: Awakening the Monkey King

On his birthday, he made a bold wish—to possess a Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit and live as the freest man alive. Fate took him by surprise when he was suddenly thrust into the dangerous world of One Piece, reborn as a boy named Bardock. Stranded on a desolate island with nothing but his will to survive, he stumbled upon a rare Devil Fruit. Desperate, he devoured it, unleashing its unimaginable power—Zoan-type Monkey-Monkey Fruit, Mythical Form: Sun Wukong! With the strength of the legendary Monkey King coursing through his veins, Bardock is ready to shatter every chain that binds him. The seas tremble as he sets out to conquer the world, fueled by the relentless drive to be the freest man of all! ... This is a translation!

Firesight · 漫画同人
35 Chs

Chapter 30: Invasion

While on the ship, Bardock could use the Nimbus Cloud to form several tendrils, each wrapping around the four people to conduct weight training. Since the Nimbus Cloud remained connected as a whole, it didn't hinder body flexibility much within a small area, and it didn't require any additional energy.

However, that was only viable on the ship. Once they reached the shore, things became different. The four of them would likely spread out, which would significantly increase the energy consumption. Besides, using the cloud in front of others would seem odd. So, Bardock simply wore the Nimbus Cloud like clothing, increasing the weight resistance by several folds.

Recently, Bardock discovered that Mansherry's healing ability was also effective for training-related injuries. As a result, he began offering his blood for Mansherry to turn into dandelions.

Man, this was practically a Pirate World version of Senzu Beans! Although it couldn't restore mental energy, no matter how fatigued the body was, after eating one dandelion, you'd immediately feel as good as new.

As a Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit user, Bardock's recovery ability was already impressive, but it couldn't match the effect of these blood-infused dandelions. Since his Zoan powers granted him enhanced blood regeneration, he began offering his blood at regular intervals, allowing Mansherry to create dandelions from it.

With that, Bardock increased his training intensity by several folds, progressing at a rapid pace. Besides mastering "Shave" (Soru), one of the Six Powers (Rokushiki), he also learned "Iron Body" (Tekkai), "Moonwalk" (Geppo), and "Tempest Kick" (Rankyaku). His swordsmanship also improved significantly, especially his control over each strike. He could now make every slash trace a perfectly straight line.

Late at night, Robin and the others were already resting.

In the courtyard, Bardock's training continued. The houses in this wealthy district were spaced far apart, and the soundproofing was excellent, so he wasn't worried about disturbing the neighbors.

"Boss, this is the place, right?"

"Yes, this is it. Get ready to climb the wall. Keep your weapons handy and try not to make too much noise. Of course, even if we do make noise, it doesn't matter. Just make sure the job gets done cleanly. Let's move!"

A group of ten people coordinated to scale the wall. When the leader finally climbed over, he noticed his men standing still in shock. He immediately grew angry, hissing, "Why are you just standing there? Get to work and find that guy! Kill him!"

"No need to look, boss. He's right there in front of us."

The leader moved forward to see for himself, and sure enough, there he was—still doing push-ups.

"Just wait a minute, I'm almost done," Bardock said without getting up, continuing his push-ups.

"Does he think he's the boss here? Who the hell's in charge?! Attack him, beat him to death!"

The lackeys didn't dare disobey their boss. They drew their weapons and charged at Bardock with iron rods, long knives, short axes, and even a trident, aiming at various parts of his body.

Reluctantly, Bardock glanced at his push-up count, seeing he was just a couple dozen shy of his goal. He really didn't want to stop. He was following Rock Lee's self-imposed punishment-style training method from Naruto. If he didn't reach his target, he'd have to do extra drills. Having the ability to finish but being interrupted by these small fries was more than a little annoying.

"Sorry, neighbors."

Bardock furrowed his brows, releasing his Conqueror's Haki, instantly knocking out the intruders.

"Sigh, I didn't want to accidentally hurt anyone. When will I be able to control my Conqueror's Haki to only affect enemies?"

After finishing the remaining push-ups, Bardock ate a blood-infused dandelion. A warm current surged through his body, instantly restoring him to peak condition. He grabbed the leader, slapped him awake with several hard smacks, then tossed him onto the ground. Picking up a long knife from the ground, Bardock pointed its tip at the man's throat. "Talk. Whether you live or die depends on your answer."

"I'll talk! I'll talk! Don't kill me! We're from the Night Wolf Gang. Our boss, Oliver, ordered us to kill you and capture two little people as part of the deal."

"Oliver and the Night Wolf Gang, huh? Are you involved in the slave trade too?" Bardock's voice carried a chilling tone.

"No, no, we're just a small local gang! We don't have those kinds of connections. Sometimes people higher up make us do some dirty work, but it has nothing to do with me! I'm just following orders! It's all Oliver's doing!" The leader, sensing Bardock's murderous intent, frantically tried to shift the blame to save himself.

"The higher-ups? Who are they? And where is Oliver?"

"Oliver lives in the fanciest house in the slums. You can't miss it. The higher-ups… the higher-ups…"

"Hmph, looks like you don't want to live."

"The higher-ups… it's Viscount Adrian! Viscount Adrian is a noble! We have no choice but to follow his orders. But what difference does it make if I tell you? You may be strong, but he's a noble! Please, let me go! I won't dare cross you again!"


Bardock lightly kicked his neck, knocking him out cold again.

"Oliver, huh? Let's start with you."

Bardock called the Nimbus Cloud, tossed the unconscious men onto it one by one, then jumped on himself, flying straight toward the slums.

"Well, that was easy to spot. Amid all the run-down shacks, there's this one luxurious mansion. But they didn't tell the truth. This is probably the Night Wolf Gang's headquarters. Plenty of people here… Ah, I forgot to ask what Oliver looks like. Oh well, I'll just fight everyone. Let's make a big scene."

Bardock was planning to make an example out of Oliver, though the guy seemed a bit insignificant for the role.

With a leap, Bardock landed heavily in front of the mansion's gate. The guards immediately drew their weapons without a word and attacked.

"Oh, impressive! These lackeys are well-trained."

Before the guards could even get close, Bardock kicked them away with two swift strikes. Then, with two Tempest Kicks, he slashed through the mansion's doors with crossed wind blades, strolling inside like he owned the place.

As soon as he entered, he was attacked. Someone had set up an ambush behind the door, but their skills were lacking. The blade aimed at Bardock's neck was too slow. In disbelief, the attacker watched as Bardock pinched the sword between his thumb and index finger, then shoved it forward, causing the sword's handle to crush his chest. The man collapsed, unsure if he was alive or dead.

In just a few moments, the entire mansion was in an uproar. A crowd armed with weapons surrounded Bardock, and several gunmen aimed at him from the outer circle, ready to fire at any moment.

Upstairs, Oliver, dressed in pajamas, frowned as he looked down at Bardock. "Who are you, and why are you attacking the Night Wolf Gang?"

"Really? You sent people to attack me, and you still managed to sleep soundly?"

"Attack you? Oh, you're that merchant's son. Useless idiots couldn't even handle such a small task. Hmph, you might be strong, but if you think you can defeat the Night Wolf Gang, you're delusional. How about this? Hand over the two little people, and I'll make you a leader under me. How does that sound? It's not often I show mercy."

"Oh? If you strip naked and run three laps around the entire city, shouting, 'Adrian is a pig,' I'll mercifully let you live. How about that? I don't often show mercy either."

"Kill him!"

The Night Wolf Gang members had been waiting for the boss's order, and upon hearing it, they immediately launched an all-out attack, seemingly intending to crush Bardock into pulp.

Surrounded, Bardock remained calm, charging forward through the crowd. The attackers flew aside like straw as he plowed through their formation.

Following his strategy of dealing with ranged attackers first, Bardock used "Shave" to rapidly approach the gunmen, taking them out one by one. In just a few moments, not a single gunman was left standing.

The remaining gang members were already panicking. They couldn't even see his movements clearly—this was a completely different level. He was a monster. They could only hold their weapons and spin in circles, too afraid to charge.

Oliver was furious. His men were utterly useless. He leaped down from the second floor.

"I admit your strength is surprising, but do you really think you've won? Don't look down on me! I'm the boss of the Night Wolf Gang, the ruthless Oliver!"

Oliver tore off his pajamas as his muscular torso began sprouting fur. His head transformed into a hybrid between a human and a cat.

"There it is! Boss's short-tailed cat form! We're going to win for sure now!"

The gang members' confidence surged.

"What the…? So the boss of the Night Wolf Gang is a cat?!" Bardock was at a loss for words.