
One Piece: All For Revenge?

The World Government had been experimenting on him for a long time. Then he began to think of plans for how to escape from here. But will he be able to escape? Will he be able to take revenge on them? ----------------- English is not my native language. If you find a mistake in what I wrote, please write the correct one in the comments so that I can improve myself. ----------------- If you want to support me, or if you want early access to chapters. patreon.com/derebeyi

DereBeyi · 漫画同人
41 Chs

Chapter 21

When Ragna and Law reached the beach, they stared blankly at the sea.

Law couldn't take it anymore and ask, "So how do we go?"

Ragna took a look at the forest behind them, then replied, "I can build ourselves a small ship."

He could do that since he learned shipwright from Fisher Tiger.

Law involuntarily began to worry as he thought of the calm belt they had to cross. They wouldn't be food for sea kings on a small ship, right?

But just then, they noticed a ship coming towards them.

Law was directly excited and said. "Look, they're Kuja pirates, maybe they've come to get us."

After a while, the ship approached them, and green-haired large sis said to them, "Come here, we'll drop you off to a nearby island."

Ragna and Law immediately jumped their ship. Then two sea snakes who were in charge of pulling the ship immediately began to move.

Looking at Hancock's big sister, Ragna, she said, "The captain wanted to talk to you alone. She is waiting for you inside right now."

Ragna nodded and went to her room. When he entered, he met Hancock, who was staring directly at him.

Without saying a word, Ragna sat in the chair across from Hancock and waited, wondering what she would say.

But no matter how long Ragna waited, Hancock was staring at him without saying anything. So because Ragna didn't want to wait any longer he said, "Hancock-san, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Hancock wanted to ask him if he had previously been a slave in Mary Geoise. But if him not, then she would have revealed her slavery status, which was not something she wanted at all.

If Ragna found out that she was the Celestial Dragon's slave, he could inform the marines. At that time she and her sisters would have to run.

Ragna had guessed what she wanted to ask, but he wasn't going to say anything himself. Even though he knew about Hancock's situation, he still wanted to hide his own past.

Ragna guessed that Hancock might have been one of the slaves who saw Ragna being publicly tortured in the square. But still, that didn't explain why Hancock was so interested in Ragna. After all, everyone there wanted to forget the past and leave it behind. There was no need to remember those times anymore, right?

Because Hancock didn't want to talk about it, she said, "Before Rayleigh-san left asked us to drop you off on one of the islands. That's why you can sneak away while we're resupplying from a nearby island."

Ragna nodded and said, "Okay, thanks for your help." He then got up and walked towards the door, as there was nothing else to talk about.

Hancock sighed heavily as she looked after him and then said, "Ragna-san, will you show me your face?"

After thinking for a moment, Ragna took off his mask and said as he turned towards her, "If the Pirate Empress wants to see, of course, I'll show my face. After all, you helped us a lot, at least I can do that."

After a moment of surprise, Hancock began to study Ragna's face. She hadn't really expected Ragnar to show his face.

Ragna didn't care too much about showing his face. After all, he already knew the truth about Hancock. If she tried to do bad things then Ragna would hurt her too.

"Why did you want to see my face?" Ragna asked.

Hancock said, "It was just a casual request, no particular purpose."

"Well then, see you again." Ragna said, then put on his mask and left the room.

Hancock was still thinking about his face at the time. She was even more certain that she had met him before, but could not remember exactly where she was.

Hancock thought, 'It makes me even more curious. Now that I see his face, I definitely sure we've met before. Maybe I don't remember right now, but I definitely will one day.'

After leaving the room, Ragna began to look around for Law, and he saw him talking to one of Hancock's sisters. Which one? With the muscular and big one.

Ragna paused for a moment in surprise, then walked towards them.

"Law, we're close to the island. Are you ready?" Ragna said.

Law looked at the distant island and said, "Oh? Did we arrive that fast?" He then looked at the beauty(!) in front of him and said with a smile, "Marigold, thank you for this fun conversation. I didn't even notice how the time passed."

Ragna looked at Law in surprise. Was Law flirting with this big woman right now?

"I thank you too. Law, I really had a lot of fun chatting with you." Marigold said with a smile. She had also gracefully touched Law's arm as she spoke.

Ragna was simply speechless because of the scene before him. He could only say good luck to Law in his heart.

Soon after, the ship slowly approached the island and began to resupply. Ragna and Law sneaked away at that moment and hid somewhere on the island.

"So what are we going to do now? Where will we go?" Law asked.

After thinking for a moment, Ragna said, "Let's go to Sabaody first and meet Rayleigh. I've never been to the New World before, and frankly, I'd like to take a look at it there."

Law's danger instincts began to ring, "Are you serious? Just the two of us going there!?" Right now, Law wished he'd never left the island.

Please, give me ur stones. I need them.

If you wanna read the next chapters, it's here ==>


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