
One Piece: All For Revenge?

The World Government had been experimenting on him for a long time. Then he began to think of plans for how to escape from here. But will he be able to escape? Will he be able to take revenge on them? ----------------- English is not my native language. If you find a mistake in what I wrote, please write the correct one in the comments so that I can improve myself. ----------------- If you want to support me, or if you want early access to chapters. patreon.com/derebeyi

DereBeyi · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 22

Most people didn't like the previous chapter. Actually, I had plans for mask and Hancock. But now I'm thinking of rewriting the previous chapter.


Ragna and Law arrived at Sabaody within a few days and went to Shakky's bar to meet with Rayleigh.

"Yo, Shakky! Is Ray around here?" Ragna said when entered.

"Ragna and Law? You've changed a lot in three years, especially Law. Ray is probably gambling somewhere. Come sit down, have something to drink until he comes." Shaky said.

Law had indeed changed a lot. Because three years ago he was a little boy and now he had grown into a man.

Ragna sat down on one of the chairs and then said, "I hope you can give us a discount. After all, I don't have much money right now."

Ragna said because he knew the prices in the bar were expensive. Unfortunately, he had not saved that much money in his pocket when he came here. After all, he didn't want to leave the small amount of money the kind pirates gave out of courtesy in here.

Shakky said, "You can pay later if you want." Soon after, she added with a smile, "5 times more."

Law involuntarily twitched when he heard what she said. Five times the price? Multiplying the already expensive prices by five, it was a complete robbery.

After thinking for a moment, Ragna said, "Do you accept heads for the belly?"

According to him, there were a lot of pirates on this island with big prizes on their heads. It was also a good idea to pay with one of them. Who knows how the pirate would have felt if he knew he was going to die just for a few bottles of liquor.

Shakky said with a giggle, "I'm just kidding. I will offer a discounted price for you. I think you will be a valued customer of mine in the future."

After they had been drinking for a while, Rayleigh had finally entered the bar.

When seeing Ragna and Law, he said with a smile, "So your training is over."

"Yes, we both developed our own techniques for a year after you left." Ragna said and added provocatively, "Would you like to try how strong I am?"

Rayleigh said with a laugh as he sat next to them, "Hahaha! This is a very interesting proposition, but I'll put it off until later. I just want to have a drink right now."

Rayleigh wondered how much stronger Ragna had gotten in the past year.

"Well. Besides, I came here because I had a request from you." Ragna said.

After taking a sip of the drink, Rayleigh said, "Hah? What do you want from me again?"

"I want to go to the New World. So I want you to coat my ship." Ragna said in an excited voice. He was thinking about the adventures he would have there.

Rayleigh took one look at him and said solemnly, "I do it if you're willing to go there, but I'd like to remind you that it's very dangerous there. They called here Paradise because the pirates escaping from there think that this area is easier. You've only traveled with two people so far, but that's a whole different story. There is also a danger lurking behind you."

After what Rayleigh said, Law's anxiety grew even more, but still, he always left the final decision to Ragna.

"I know it's really dangerous there. But maybe I can find talented people there to add to my crew. For now, it's just the two of us, but you know best how strong we both are. Also, we will travel in disguise to avoid any danger." Ragna said.

"As I said, it's your decision, I won't interfere with you." Rayleigh said with a smile. Frankly, he admired Ragna's courage.

At that moment Shakky said, "And do you have a suitable log pose for the New World?"

Ragna scratched his head as he chuckled, "Hehehe, was there a need for something like that? Anyway, it means our journey will be even more difficult. The harder it is, the more fun it will be!"

When hearing him, Law suddenly lost his balance and his head involuntarily hit the table. Was it really right to leave the final decision up to him?

Rayleigh too didn't know what to say at the time. Would such a thing be called courage or was it just stupidity? Not even his captain, Gol D Roger, would dare to do such a thing.

Shakky stared at Ragna for a moment in surprise, then pulled something out of the drawer and handed it to him. She said with a sigh, "Sigh* If you die there, Rayleigh's efforts would be in vain. Take this, it will show you your way in the New World."

Ragna picked it up laughing, "Hahaha! Thank you, Shakky." After all, he didn't want to die in vain.

Rayleigh said, "Do you have a ship?"

"Yes, we found it abandoned in the middle of the sea on the way here. We are really lucky." Ragna said.

At that moment, Law was confused. Abandoned ship? In fact, Ragna had told the truth, after all, after throwing the pirates into the sea, the ship was indeed abandoned.

"Okay, show me where you are tomorrow. I will finish your work quickly so you can leave quickly." Rayleigh said.

Ragna nodded gratefully.

That's when Shakky cut in and said, "You former to be one of the Sun pirates. Do you know what they've been through?"

Ragna was worried because according to the canon, Fisher Tiger was dead.

"What happened?" Ragna asked in a low voice.

"After something happened to their captain, they disbanded. Some have to be to Fishman Island right now. You can get more detailed information after you go there." Shakky said.

Ragna wanted to go to Fishman Island even more after hearing it.

Please, give me ur stones. I need them.

If you wanna read the next chapters, it's here ==>


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