
One of a Kind: The Path of Destiny

Yelena had been hidden for 18 years after the death of her mother. When her brother and father didn't show up on her 18th birthday, she needed to find out why. After receiving a mysterious gift from her father two years before, she decides it's time to open it amongst her friends. Now, as the most powerful supernatural being on earth, she chooses to walk the path to save her family and the world

Thegamingmomma · 奇幻言情
14 Chs

Chapter 7

Kyle and Kiah watched me closely as I started to sit up. Kiah crossed the floor swiftly4 to the couch and placed one hand on my chest, "You need to get up as slowly as you can, you're going to feel very light-headed, and your body is going to feel very heavy at the same time." He removed his hand from my chest and helped me sit up as slowly as possible.

He was right, I got light-headed, and I couldn't lift any of my limbs. They felt so heavy. I looked at Kiah and tried to shake my head so he would know to lay me back down, but I couldn't move my head. I whispered, "Kiah, lay me back down, or I'm going to puke all over you."

He laid me back down, smiled at me, and kissed me on the forehead. After he kissed me, I felt another electric zing move through my body. I stifled a moan because it felt good and hurt all at the same time.

He looked at me, and our eyes met. I knew he was going to tell me what my father had done to me.

"Yelena, they told me that you had them used whatever your father had given you, said he instructed you to, do you mind if I read the letter your father had given you with it?"

I shook my head cringing in pain, "No, I don't mind at all, he said I could trust your family with the letter." I smiled a little, feeling comforted by his presence.

He grabbed the letter from where it had been set down and opened it. I could see the concentration on his face as he read every word. He folded it back up putting it back in the envelope. He moved closer to my face, and kissed my cheek, I felt another electric shock.

"What is happening?" I thought to myself.

He looked at me quizically, touching his lips.

"He felt it this time too." I thought.

Without skipping another beat, he told us what was happening. "You're not going to like what he did to you. I've known about this for a long time. I was hoping it never came to this. His letter proved to me that he sent it right before he went into hiding. Giving you these items was a last resort, but Yelena, you have to promise me that you will not overreact when I tell everyone the truth." He moved away from me, licking his lips lightly as he waited for my answer.

"I can't promise I won't overreact, but I promise not to yell at you," I replied as I started to gain movement back in my limbs, as my body slowly came back to life.

Ella walked in with two bowls of pasta, one for me and one for Kiah; she looked at us both.

"I hope you're hungry, and I made some for your boyfriend too, I figured after hauling away that werewolf he would be starving, that guy didn't look light." She said as she handed me the bowl.

I slowly sat up and curled my legs up under me and started eating, observing everyone, then I realized what she had said.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I said very fast and blushed.

Kiah looked at me laughing, "out of everything she said to you, you get defensive about her saying I'm your boyfriend. Not about the werewolf or anything, you crack me up, love." He finished as he started devouring his food.

"Love?" I thought to myself, "that's a new one." I shrugged it off like he hadn't said anything, and through a mouthful of pasta, I asked: "Are you going to tell me what happened when we stuck me with that huge ass needle?"

Ella looked at me rolling her eyes, "You need to swallow your food before you talk, it's quite disgusting to see it rolling around in your mouth." She looked expectedly at Kiah.

"Well," he started saying, not knowing exactly where to start, he sighed, "My father, your father, and Kyle's father, they were best friends growing up. As you know, Kyle's father is a vampire, mine is a werewolf, and your dad is a portal walker. The war between everyone started when they were in their early teens. Their parents tried to separate them by moving away, but they would write letters and ideas about how they could change this war. With their knowledge of their degrees in supernatural science, they came up with an idea that Clive Haveski himself wanted to steal."

He stopped to take a bite of pasta, swallowed, continuing on with his story, "their idea was to harness all supernatural powers. They figured out how to combine them into one being with the power of each faction. The only problem was that they knew it had to be someone with a pure soul, untarnished by war and hate. When your mother had you, Yelena, he hid you from the world so your soul could remain untarnished. Also, I have something to tell you about your mother," he paused, looked at me with sad eyes, and continued.

"Your mother was a werewolf and died giving birth to you because of your portal walking powers. You were already a very powerful being when you were born, and that's why your dad hid you away. He knew that you had been a true gift; he wanted you safe and wasn't going to let anyone get to you." He set down the pasta bowl and scooted closer to me grabbing my hand.

I felt power flow from his body to mine as an electrical shock moved its way through us. "What is happening, Kiah?" I asked as I pulled my hand away from him. The sensations were pulsating throughout my body, and it had started to overwhelm me.

"You already had dormant werewolf genes, you just never had to change at the full moon. He sent you to live with us because he wanted you to know how we act, how we mate, and how we unite as a pack. I was 14 when he brought you. I've always made it my business to protect you." He sighed, trying to reach for my hand again. I shook my head taking my hand out of his reach.

"After my father handed the pack over to me when he got sick, he told me what they had done." He placed both his hands in his face and rubbed his eyes. "You now have access to all magic"

I started shaking with anger and confusion. I looked at him, wondering why he kept this from me for so long. I already knew the answer.

"He cares for you," A voice whispered through my mind.