
wondering about life

I look at clothing before me, standing contemptuously on the chrome-painting racks.

Racks and wardrobes upon racks and wardrobes of clothing. It was all so beautiful, so relaxing to view and so time consuming.

You could never get enough of this, no matter who you were, whether you liked clothes or not.

I strolled to the posterior of the room where I found woman's clothing sitting on a velvet navy blue ottoman.

I took them, not caring if they were my size or not, and put it on. I was getting cold of being in a towel even though I knew the heating had been on.

The clothes were average, but something that looked expensive from far away. It was a silk burgundy dress with small chunky heeled sandals, something I would wear on the weekends.

I had a strange feeling that this person knew what my taste was, clothing and food. It was all prepared for me with nothing missing. A perfect home, with perfect food and perfect everything.

Before leaving the apartment, I grab my bag which was sitting in the large living room, painted white with a dark leather sofa and mahogany furniture. All beautiful, yet simplistic, just like the bedroom.

The door to the exit was also large and dark wooden, contrasting with the pure walls, standing exquisitely in front of me.

I open the front door to leave and walk through the corridor to the, yet again stunning, crystal elevator, where I press the ground floor level.

It took about 10 seconds to come down around 200 floors, and as I walked out, a stream of black suited men followed a tall handsome, and surely outstanding young man, into the lobby and to the elevator I left. I couldn't see his face at all as he was surrounded by other men, so I bothered no more.

The lobby had tall ceilings, large crystal chandeliers and gold walls. It made you feel like an ant.

Something about the aura of this man was similar, his smell, his appearance. I couldn't decipher it so I just left through the left front doors. They were also tall and glass, floor to ceiling, doors with gold long handles.

This wasn't a place normal people could come. I knew it all too well.

When i walked out of the hotel, I called a cab and drove to my house, which was some 20 minutes away. I walked up a few flights up the stairs, feeling sorry for the suffering my sister must've been through. I thought nothing more of what happened today and walked straight into my apartment. I found my sister sleeping on the sofa quietly, with an expression of dispair. I hugged her tightly, wrote a note and placed it beside her, before getting my school equipment and leaving to school.

I really couldn't be late on my first week to school.

But there were a few more surprises waiting for me.

These are quite short chapters but I will surely work harder to bring you longer and higher quality chapters. Also, I'm going randomly, with whatever pops into my head so all ideas are as fresh and young as possible.

Thankyou for being patient. Love you all!!

Victoria xx

vickyyyyxxocreators' thoughts