
Omniverse- starts with Naruto Universe

Larry_Page_0183 · 漫画同人
12 Chs

Chapter 6: The Curious Case of the Cosmic Catastrophe (Continued)

Dr. Chen studied the data on her computer screen, her brow furrowed concentration.

Finally, she let out a long sigh, a smile slowly spreading across her face. "Lerish," she said, her voice filled with admiration, "this is extraordinary work. The data is compelling, and the correlation with the anomaly is undeniable. You've opened up a fascinating avenue for further research."

"Does this mean..." Lerish began, his voice barely a whisper, "does this mean I might be right?"

Dr. Chen shook her head gently. "It's too early to say for certain," she explained. "Science thrives on skepticism and independent verification. We need to repeat these simulations, refine the models, and compare them to real-world observations. But let me tell you, Lerish, this is a significant starting point. You've shown the scientific community something remarkable – a young mind with the potential to break new ground."

News of Lerish's work spread quickly within the academic circles Dr. Chen frequented. While some dismissed it as the fanciful ideas of a brilliant child, others were intrigued. A few seasoned astrophysicists, impressed by the ingenuity of his approach, offered mentorship and guidance.

Lerish, still too young to fully participate in a professional research team, continued his work under their watchful eyes. He refined his simulations, delving deeper into the complexities of dark matter interactions. He learned about the intricate process of scientific peer review, the importance of rigorous methodology, and the weight of evidence necessary to propose a new theory.

The journey was far from easy. Countless hours were spent grappling with intricate calculations, wrestling with contradictory data, and facing the occasional criticism from established scientists. But Lerish persevered, fueled by the thrill of discovery and the unwavering support of his parents and Dr. Chen.

Years passed, a blur of academic pursuits and intellectual growth. Lerish, now a teenager, stood at a prestigious scientific conference, his voice steady as he presented his research – a comprehensive study on the potential influence of dark matter on stellar formation, a theory that began with a nagging anomaly in an elementary textbook.

As the final slide filled the projector screen, a hush fell over the auditorium. The room buzzed with questions, a mix of skepticism and excitement. Lerish, no longer the wide-eyed child but a young man on the precipice of groundbreaking discovery, addressed the gathering with quiet confidence.

His work, though still undergoing rigorous scrutiny, had become a catalyst for further research. It challenged established paradigms, opened doors to new avenues of exploration, and sparked a renewed interest in the mysterious properties of dark matter.

Lerish, the Universal Consultant, had begun his journey not with a missing cookie case or a misplaced textbook, but with a question whispered into the vastness of the cosmos. He had taken a scientific anomaly, a chink in the armor of established knowledge, and dared to explore the uncharted territory hidden within.

The path ahead remained long, filled with challenges and potential setbacks. But as Lerish stood bathed in the spotlight of the conference hall, he knew this was only the beginning. The universe, with its infinite mysteries, was his oyster, and he, the young man with a universe within him, was ready to delve deeper.