
Omniversal Librarian

Read if you are bored and don't want to think too much. Have you heard of the Library of Babel? The one that contains all the knowledge that ever was and ever will be. But what if I told you that it is not the only library of its kind? There is a more amazing and mysterious place, where the information of all the universes, of every corner of the multiverse and even of multiple multiverses, is kept. Welcome to the Omniversal Library. In an unknown corner of infinity, this magnificent library stands as the epicenter of universal wisdom. Here, the shelves fade into the distance, each one holding unimaginable volumes on all conceivable topics. From the deepest secrets of science and philosophy, to the stories of unknown worlds and unimaginable creatures, the Omniversal Library contains the treasures of knowledge that the human mind can barely imagine. -------------------------------------------- The beginning is slow until he gets his power, he will develop in the main world before going to other worlds or he can make a short trip to have fun. Main world will be a zombie world but a time before it happens and it is divided into 2: Japan and Korea. (in the future maybe China) Japan: Central story with HOTD and characters from normal stories like Haikyuu, netoge no yome, etc. Korea: Central story Return Survival and people from "normal" stories like PTJ verse more focused on Quest Supermacy, also manhwas h like My Sister's friends, secret your mom or silent war.

Gaelicus · 漫画同人
75 Chs

CHAPTER 62 Death Collector (Easy)

Current time, omniversal library.

"Everything ready, Clarion?"

"Yes, Master, I've accessed the source code and registered you as an authorized user."

"Okay, I'll begin."

I initiated my plan by reciting a command in the language of the system, a language that can alter realities from their core.

[Sacred zone, reality level activated.

Execute subconcepts, undetectable, virus, infection, propagation.]

[Supplement subconcepts with the trojan title.]

[Execute the subconcept "undetectable" in the following commands.]

[Execute the subconcepts in the reality of the user known as "the Collector."]

[Execute the virus in the souls of people about to die and the propagation and infection subconcepts in the pantheons, heavens, hells, and cycles of reincarnation where the souls arrive.]

[Execute the trojan in the source code of reality.]

[Reality, execute these commands over the next 3 days.]

This is one of my most powerful abilities, not due to its destructive power but because it allows me to take control of a reality.

Without the system's help, it would take me a decade to steal a reality in the manner I'm doing, especially because the Collector has multiple interconnected realities, and all of them are immense.

What I'm doing is infecting the souls of the dead with my own source code so that reality recognizes me as its owner. To do that, I need to have more than half of the souls in the reality infected with my code.

Think of what I'm doing as buying shares of a company. Souls are the shares, and whoever controls the majority gains control of the company.

Doing it through that method would take too long, but it's necessary not to be detected.

Each day, an average of 150,000 people die worldwide, 0.002% of the global population. With the infection and propagation concept, I calculated that it would take me 3 days to take control of 2% of the total reality.

My plan is to use that percentage to gain full control of the reality for a few seconds. That's all I need to eliminate the Collector without risks.

Constantly executing infection commands takes all my concentration and brainpower. I can't afford to leave copies of my body in the original world.

Conquering the world is easy; conquering a reality from its root is ridiculously complicated. Conquering a reality with an owner multiplies the difficulty tenfold.

It's incredibly difficult... but my system will provide it in exchange for killing an imbecile.

I'm so lucky.


3 days later

In the penthouse of the Mori JP Tower, Japan. A man is sleeping in front of hundreds of screens displaying the lives of different people on each one.


A sound of a door slamming open is heard, and a green goblin with a monocle and butler suit rushes towards the man.

"Lord-Sama! Lord-Sama!"

"I've told you a thousand times not to wake me up! Idiot!"

The man threw a nearby crystal glass at the goblin, which merely passed through him like a ghost.

"But it's important, Lord-Sama. I've found the reality of 'High School of the Dead' that you've been searching for."

"What?! You should have told me sooner! Finally! I've been searching for that damned reality from the beginning. Show me!"

"Yes, Lord-Sama."

The multiple screens disappeared, and a single giant screen covering the entire room remained.

"Fire at will, those who can fight, get ready! Women and those who want to survive, to the back!"

"Hirano-kun, I entrust my daughter to you."

"Dad! Mom! What do you mean by that?!"


"Souchiro and I have a duty to fulfill, Saya. Leaving you in his care is the only thing we can do as your parents."

"Wait! Everything will be fine, Mom! We just have to hold on. I've requested help from Daniel-San's place; they didn't respond, but I know they'll come!"

"We can barely hold on, Saya. You must go before something bad happens. Komuro-Kun, Hirano-Kun, take her!"


The projection continued until the teenagers managed to escape safely from the mansion.

"Where the hell are Saeko-chan and Shisuka-chan? Why is Rei-chan's boyfriend still alive?!"

"Lord-Sama noticed multiple interferences in the fate of that reality, seemingly caused by the same individual!"

"It must be another damn fanfic protagonist, always ruining my stories. Now, I'll have to kill him and live in a ruined story until the anime ends.

At least I only have to wait until the manga's cancellation.

What's the name of the bastard who interfered with my treasures?"

"His history is blocked, Lord-Sama; I can't find anything about him. But I thought I heard Miss Saya mention someone named Daniel who never appears in the story."

"You're becoming more useless by the day. Transport me to 'High School of the Dead'; I'll fix everything myself."

"Come on, don't blame him; I'm the one who sorted my information; I'm very shy, you know. Besides... I miscalculated, I didn't make it in time for the mansion incident; we lost a good MILF, may she rest in peace."


[Warning!! Your reality has been infected; you will lose control for a while.]

"Sacred zone, killing command!"


Sacred zone

Sealing time

Generating protective barriers, space 100m

Multiplying barriers

Generating sealing barriers, space 100m

Multiplying barriers

Executing "system administrator" command

Executing absolute sealing on "System: story thief"

Executing command: Creation of dark creatures

Executing command: Divine reproduction

Executing command: Temporal acceleration, target: dark creatures

Current count: 1,230,123

Editing code: Reality/Life/What is considered to have lived killed?--- microorganisms-No

Executing new command: Reality/Life/What is considered to have lived killed?/microorganisms-Yes

Executing command: Immolation, target: dark creatures and their microorganisms, attributing death to: Daniel Ashikaga

Title: Massacre activated

Executing command: Source code, delete backup, subject: Taro Tanaka pseudonym: The Collector.

Commands executed

End of command]

"It would have been nice to meet you under different circumstances."


"Back to nothingness."

A cut is necessary to erase the Collector from existence. And so I did it, a direct thrust into the brain was enough.

In a microsecond, his entire body exploded on a molecular level due to the accumulated damage from the massacre ability.

The explosion spread, destroying everything in its path until it reached the barriers created by Daniel, stopping the explosion.

Before completely destroying the place, I kidnapped the little goblin as a gift for Clarion.

That little goblin in the system avatar.

Nothing remained; it destroyed the penthouse of the building and two more rooms. Now, there's an empty space with a perfect circular shape with a circumference of 100 meters.

"It seems like it withstood the impact this time. Making a sword out of my own bones worked better than I thought."

[Ding! Congratulations, you've completed your first bounty hunt.


- Congratulations, Dahyun has successfully evolved into a multiversal tree, next evolution... tree of reality.

- Now, you are the owner of this reality, protect it as a mighty guardian.

- You've obtained the title: "I Am the Only Protagonist."


 There is no one more important than me in my presence. Give me everything you have.

 - Active effects:

  - Talk no jutsu: Speak with villains to lead them on the right path, convince people to be your allies, save the damsel of their wrong choice, persuade even the greatest villain to change and sacrifice themselves for you. Speech is the most important weapon of a protagonist.

 - Twists of fate: Find a secret treasure in a bazaar or a new enemy around the corner; destiny is mysterious.

 - I'm a good guy: A protagonist is always the embodiment of virtue, kindness, and goodness. No matter how badly you act, others will always justify your actions and support you, no matter how incompetent, useless, racist, perverted, aggressive, ruthless, or twisted you are, they won't judge you and will forgive you. 

 - Blessing in disguise: Turn a curse into power, poison into an antidote, and betrayal into a blessing. Things that would kill anyone strengthen you.

 - Monogamy was never an option: A true protagonist is never alone; conquer girls everywhere and make them want to join your harem willingly.

- Passive:

 - I Am the Only Protagonist, that must be mine: a protagonist deserves all things in existence.

Passively steal the destinies of the protagonists around you, whether they're women, powers, coincidences, masters, achievements, and that includes problems and humiliation attempts.]

It's a good title... I already have "protagonist," which gives me similar effects to the active version, but the passive one will give me protagonism without doing anything, I suppose that's fine.

"Master!! Did you save it?! Did you save it?!"

"Yes, Clarion, calm down. Take it and enjoy it. I have to go see Dahyun."

"YESS!! A reality-grade system!"

"I think I'll take a while; when you finish eating, give me a complete report on this reality and its rules."

"Reality system, reality system!" Clarion is in his own world.



I'm going to start writing with different POVs to practice.

I want to make a fanfic novel about a female villain hunting system.

But real villains, those who can cause genocide.

Like Rise, Daki, Lust (Full metal), The Witch Queen (BC), Irene Belserion.

Although that will be in the distant future, I have to think better about the type of characters I want to work with. I was thinking of putting on revenge sleeves, where the women are beautiful, but they are complete bitches.

I do want to put those in, but people wouldn't take it.

Tell me if you know of any villains that you really like.

(I didn't put Esdeath because I don't consider her a villain, but she would put her in)