
Omniversal Librarian

Read if you are bored and don't want to think too much. Have you heard of the Library of Babel? The one that contains all the knowledge that ever was and ever will be. But what if I told you that it is not the only library of its kind? There is a more amazing and mysterious place, where the information of all the universes, of every corner of the multiverse and even of multiple multiverses, is kept. Welcome to the Omniversal Library. In an unknown corner of infinity, this magnificent library stands as the epicenter of universal wisdom. Here, the shelves fade into the distance, each one holding unimaginable volumes on all conceivable topics. From the deepest secrets of science and philosophy, to the stories of unknown worlds and unimaginable creatures, the Omniversal Library contains the treasures of knowledge that the human mind can barely imagine. -------------------------------------------- The beginning is slow until he gets his power, he will develop in the main world before going to other worlds or he can make a short trip to have fun. Main world will be a zombie world but a time before it happens and it is divided into 2: Japan and Korea. (in the future maybe China) Japan: Central story with HOTD and characters from normal stories like Haikyuu, netoge no yome, etc. Korea: Central story Return Survival and people from "normal" stories like PTJ verse more focused on Quest Supermacy, also manhwas h like My Sister's friends, secret your mom or silent war.

Gaelicus · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

CHAPTER 63 Two Reunions.

In a plain surrounded by enormous mountains, with small flowers scattered across the ground, There stands a tree as big as a football field. and so tall that only half of its trunk can be seen before the clouds cover the rest.

Sitting on a tree branch, a beautiful fairy in a green dress hums.

"I see you're still as beautiful as the last time I saw you."


Dahyun, the first world tree Daniel received, is the graphical representation of what Daniel considers beauty. Being connected to Daniel's soul, her entire existence revolves around him.

Her beauty enchants Daniel every time he sees her, and his lust envelops his mind. The only thing stopping him is the chains he imposed on his own desires.

Her irresistible innocent charm wreaks havoc in his mind; he wants to mark her and make her as tainted as he is. However, no matter how hard he tries, her purity remains unchanged.

When Dahyun gained consciousness, Daniel was already an expert in various areas of reality. She was born with the concepts of beauty, nature, life, energy, and purity.

Her jet-black hair is as beautiful as the night. Six wings of pure and celestial white adorn her back. Her skin is white as snow and with light touches of pink in the most delicate parts of her body.

She wears a green dress decorated with golden embroidery and gems, a gift from Daniel.

She's the current bearer of more gifts bestowed by Daniel.

Her dress protects her from any negative karma, curses, malicious actions. It shields her in a way that even a single malicious thought towards her could end her life; even the fate's bitch would get a migraine if she attempted anything against her.

Her gold necklace with emerald gems adorns her delicate, long neck; its function is to provide health and prosperity to its wearer. It ensures they won't know disease, discomfort (poison, dizziness, paralysis, bleeding, etc.), fatigue, etc.

Her diamond and emerald earrings grant wisdom to the wearer and the ability to judge the intentions of others, whether good or bad.

Her last treasure is one Daniel made especially for her, a white gold tiara decorated with a jade flower. Its function is to seal her beauty and nature from the eyes of others, allowing her to lead a normal life, and no one discovers her identity as a world tree.

"I've told you that only Daniel is fine, Dahyun."

"Impossible. In animes, maids call their masters like that."

"But you're not a maid and It's not an anime either."

"Yes, I am. I am the one who manages the palace! That's the job of a maid."

"Technically yes, but I won't let you be a maid. You're too cute for that."



"Enough of jokes; show me your new powers."

"But I'm already showing them, Daniel-Sama. Hmm, I don't understand why it's not working."

"What are you trying to do?"

"Confine you."

"Confine me?"


"And the chains?"

"Supposedly, your other versions in the multiverse should be experiencing the same. If I manage to confine one, it affects all, depending on the number of imprisoned versions, the effect multiplies. Do all your versions have the 'breaker' ability?"

"Oh, I understand now. what an interesting ability. You can contact other versions of the multiverse. Although it's a powerful ability, it doesn't work on me; I don't have other versions."

"You killed them? How ruthless, even with yourself.."

"I wouldn't take it that way. Let's say I eliminated the possibility of generating a 'What if?' of me. I don't exist in the past or the future, so no one can travel back to kill a powerless version of me, or someone from the future would come to kill me while I'm 'weak.'"

"That's very complicated. I only understood that my new power doesn't work against you."

"It's a good power; it could work against great entities. However, you'll have to be a tree of reality to harm me."

"I'll work hard, Daniel-Sama!"

"How does your power work?"

"Well... I don't really understand it; I just do it. My roots extend across the entire possible multiverse within what Daniel-Sama understands as reality, and I can use my power in any universe that has my roots."

"That's quite broken."

"I can also extract energy from the multiverse with my roots. Now we have even more energy!"

"I don't know what to do with so much energy, haha."

"I'm full of energy, give me a mission, master!"

"Hmm, do you know about Matryoshkas?"

"The Russian dolls?"

"Yes, use your new ability to hide the palace within several fake dimensions as shields. If possible, create several Matryoshkas for greater protection."

"Yes, master!"

"You can take your time; we have no threats. There are many people in the palace now, so be careful."

"At your command."

Dahyun's body buried itself in the ground, disappearing and returning to the heart of the universal tree.

"I already sent Clarion and Dahyun to work; it's time for me to work too," Daniel thought and headed to Saeko's room.

Saeko was standing in the waterfall of the training room, the lower part of her body submerged in the lake, while from her waist up, she was receiving the full force of the waterfall.

Inside the lake, pressure built against Saeko's entire body under the water, causing her muscles and bones to fracture and tear. At the same time, it was sacred water that healed Saeko's wounds, tempering her body and making it more resilient.

The waterfall's water did something similar to her body but also tempered her spirit and refined her veins. They were designed as two different training activities, but Saeko did them simultaneously.

If the training room didn't have the concept of immortality, Saeko would have died a long time ago.

"She's crazy. I think not adding her past life affected her more than I thought."

Daniel didn't show Saeko her past life; he thought she was strong and didn't need it. Daniel shows past lives as a training method, providing perfect cultivation methods for the body. This saves years of practice for ordinary girls with no power.

Saeko had everything she needed to live without her past life, easily accepted the harem, and had the mental strength to withstand the passage of time.

* Applause *

The waterfall stopped, and all the water returned to calm.

"Saeko, I'm back."

Saeko opened her eyes and, like a ninja, stood on the water. With a leap, she reached Daniel's location.

"I missed you," she said with a hug.

"I missed you too. I didn't expect you to figure out how to flow your energy so soon," Daniel replied, returning the hug and giving a sweet kiss on her head.

"Yes! I felt a strange power in the water entering my body, and when I tried to extract it from my body, that happened... only it exploded. It took me a while to stand on the water."

"You don't have to push yourself so much; I just wanted you to strengthen your body a little. You skipped ten years of training."

"But... if I don't try so hard, I'll fall behind. All the girls had amazing lives and are getting stronger by leaps and bounds. At dinner, we all got together, and... they all became very strong. I'm supposed to be your sword, but... I'm so weak."

"You know, Saeko. I chose you as my sword because I saw your potential.

I saw it, I know it, you are strong.

What you just did proves it.

Just enduring constant damage to your body for so long makes you strong. Anyone looking at you from a distance would think you're in total calm and concentration.

I saw something different; you were in the waterfall wanting to cry from the pain, your whole body trembling, and you endure it just to strengthen yourself, you're worthy of being my sword.

Saeko, from the first day I saw you, you were worthy of being my sword. Don't just be my sword, be my partner for the rest of my life. I love you."

*Crying,* *crying*

Only the silent crying of Saeko, burying her face in Daniel's chest, trying to disguise her tears and sorrow.

"Do you really think all that of me?"

"Of course."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I'll be stronger for you."

"You're already perfect for me."

"I'll be even more perfect."

"It's impossible for you to be more perfect."

"I will be."


"I said I will be."

"And I'll be there for you when that happens."

"Thank you."

They remained embraced for a while longer until Daniel interrupted the hug because he was supposed to be working.

"I'm glad you're feeling better. I picked you up because I'm going to take you to meet the strongest people in this world."

"The strongest people in this world? Where are they?"

"I don't know. I sent Yeon to find them; I'll send her a message to locate her. Here, go change; I made you a new outfit."


"Thank you, I'll be back in a moment."

"Take your time."


After the next chapter a new arc will begin, a small one. Where Saeko and Daniel go to the "second life ranked" manwha tower. When that arc ends, the adventures in the new world will begin, I already made a small spoiler with the series that will come out, the collector used his abilities.

I uploaded photos of Dahyun on the discord.
