
Oh yeah i am Sokka

A man without much luck in life dies drowned and reincarnates in the avatar world like Sokka, a boy without any talent like in his past life, but this time he will have to carry the weight of saving the world. Will this new Sokka be able to do it? What changes will it bring to the original story? Daily chapters, possible harem, system, weak to strong, what are waiting for read?!

LordPhenex026 · 漫画同人
25 Chs

Chapter 7: The last airbender

"Sokka we have to help him!" Katara exclaimed jumping off the ship towards the block of ice.

'So the avatar huh' Sokka thought looking at the system screen in front of him, 'Amazing'

He had gained 20 stats points and 20 XP, in addition to leveling up, it seems that luck was finally smiling on him.

With all the XP he gained yesterday, he took advantage and bought a scroll to have more information about the avatar.

These were reincarnated every hundred years in a different nation, the last avatar was born in the fire nation so the current one had to be born in the air nomads.

But as far as Sokka knew, the Air Nomads were exterminated by Lord Sozin, so this boy must be the last Airbender.

He had also read about the characteristics of avatars, they were the bridge between this world and the spiritual one.

He honestly wanted to research spirits, but that scroll cost quite a few experience points, 'I'll have to keep doing quests.'

Sokka also got off and saw how his sister was hitting the iceberg where that child was, and with him inside there was a giant animal.

Suddenly, Katara gave one last blow and miraculously the block of ice broke in two. Then a large pillar of light emerged.

And from there that boy came out with his eyes and the arrow on his face shining a very strong blue, until he fell to the ground fainting.

"Careful!" Katara went for him, and she was the first thing the boy saw when he opened his eyes, "Are you okay? We saw you trapped there."

"Y-yes, I think so" the boy floated up.

"So you're the avatar" Sokka commented with a small smile, and the boy became nervous and Sokka approached him.

"Me? The avatar? Come on you must be kidding me!" exclaimed the boy, stepping back with a nervous laugh.

"The avatar? Why do you say that Sokka?" Even Katara was curious about her brother's words.

"It's simple, I heard a long time ago that the air nomads who would be the avatar, had their bodies tattooed with arrows, like in your case, child"

"And well, the air nomads also had flying bison, like this one" Sokka pointed to the large animal behind where they were.

"How do you know all this Sokka?" The girl was surprised by her older brother's knowledge.

"Dad told me these things when I was little. You know, he travels too much" Sokka replied and his sister nodded, now it made sense.

"It's true, I'm the avatar, my name is Aang" the boy scratched his head in embarrassment and Sokka sighed.

"I'm Sokka and this is my younger sister Katara, we come from the southern water tribe," the boy answered, "And we're going to the northern tribe, are you coming?"

"It's true! You need to master waterbending, you are the avatar" Katara exclaimed looking at him.

"Would you really take me to the North Pole?" Aang asked trying to make sure, and Sokka nodded with his arms crossed, "That's great, you hear Appa?!"

Aang turned to his bison and stroked its nose, "Come on, my bison will fly us to the North Pole in no time, won't you Appa?"

Appa grunted and Sokka covered his nose because of the bad smell Appa gave off, "We'd better go on my ship, we need supplies and there is an island nearby."

Although this was more of an excuse, if they traveled aboard the bison he would have to leave his ship, something he was not willing to do.

Thus, if they reached that island, he could save the ship in the system's inventory, and this way they could travel comfortably on Appa.

"But Appa can travel faster!" Aang exclaimed as Sokka walked towards his ship, "Hey!"

"Don't try hard, when Sokka gets an idea in his head it's very difficult or almost impossible to get it out" Katara replied looking at the boy.

Aang snorted and took Appa's rein, "Dude, I think you'll have to go in the water this time."

Appa grunted at that and launched himself across the water, while Aang and Katara climbed onto the ship.

"What if we find ourselves on a fire nation ship? I think it would be better to go by air" Katara commented and Aang supported her.

"Well, you and Aang will create a fog when we detect a ship, so we will go unnoticed" Sokka responded. He thought of everything.

"I already told you, it's impossible to change his mind" Katara said looking Aang with a big smile.


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