
Oh yeah i am Sokka

A man without much luck in life dies drowned and reincarnates in the avatar world like Sokka, a boy without any talent like in his past life, but this time he will have to carry the weight of saving the world. Will this new Sokka be able to do it? What changes will it bring to the original story? Daily chapters, possible harem, system, weak to strong, what are waiting for read?!

LordPhenex026 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6: Going out

Name: Sokka       Strength: 4

Speed: 4            Agility: 4

Senses: 4              Intelligence: 16

Stamina: 4 Charisma: 6

Sokka looked at his stats, he had 25 stats points to distribute, he would have to do it smartly like he did last time.

"For this occasion we are going to level everything except intelligence, which is much superior," Sokka reasoned, beginning to add points for each slot.

Name: Sokka      Strength: 7

Speed: 7            Agility: 7

Senses: 7              Intelligence: 25

Stamina: 7 Charisma: 7

It gave him satisfaction to see how organized everything was, it was indescribable, of course intelligence continued to increase every day.

Name: Sokka                Class: Warrior

Talent: Launcher (Lv1) Weapon: [View list]

Level: 6 lvl                        Shop: [View]

XP: 60                                Notifications: 0

"Later I'll sell the old ship from before at the system store, see how much they give me," Sokka commented, sighing tiredly.

Suddenly, he saw Katara walk in, "It would be great if you knocked on the door once in a while before coming in," Sokka said sarcastically.

"But there's no door," Katara murmured, rolling her eyes at him, "Well, I know you won't admit it, but you've been acting really strange."

"What are you talking about?" asked his brother.

"You know it well, the penguin, visiting the old trio, your attitude, your words... everything is different about you now" Katara replied, looking at him seriously.

"Katara, it's about time I got this serious, I'm the only man in this village, I have to defend it" Sokka answered just as seriously.

"Your brother is right about that."

Katara was surprised to hear Gran Gran, who seemed to agree with what Sokka said.

"You surprised me this afternoon Sokka, I never thought you would come up with such a plan and have it work" confessed their grandmother.

"It's part of the process," the boy answered.

"That's why Katara, you must also take it seriously, you are the last waterbender of the southern tribe, you must live up to this fact"

"Therefore, when you are at the North Pole, take the opportunity to train as much as you can," Gran Gran pointed out with a slight smile.

Katara's eyes shone, and then he hugged his grandmother, this meant that she approved of the trip to the North Pole, "Thank you very much Gran Gran!"

"And when will you leave?" asked the old woman.

"Tomorrow we're leaving, I want to rest for a while right now," Sokka responded, yawning, "I don't think anyone else will attack the village for now."

In any case, he had thought about leaving some weapons for the people of the village, so that they could defend themselves in case someone attacked them.

"Okay, then we'll let you rest." Gran Gran left the place, taking Katara with him so she would stop bothering him.

"Gran Gran, do you really think Sokka is okay?" The girl asked, looking at the old woman, who nodded, leaving her surprised.

"Only he has become more mature, and that's good," answered the grandmother, turning around.

But despite everything, Katara was still stuck in her gears because of what Sokka had done to those soldiers.


Both Katara and his brother had boarded the ship they captured from the Fire Nation. And it was still dawn here.

Sokka had sold the ancient ship yesterday, gaining an amount of 100 experience points. He needed to get a map.

[AVATAR Shop]      [XP: 160]

Weapons           Skills      Items

Scrolls Information      Sell

Sokka entered the scroll section, that's where he spent 5 XP to buy a world map, "I guess we can go, right?"

"That's right," Katara nodded without much encouragement.

Gran Gran was downstairs, looking at her grandchildren, she had gone to say goodbye to them, "We will send you letters Gran Gran! Take good care of yourself, and the same for the village!"

Out of pure instinct, Sokka started the ship, beginning the first step to travel to the North Pole.

After a while, they felt like they had bumped into something. Sokka clung to the edge of the ship, there was a bright crystal blue light.

"Stay here, I'll go see what it is about," Sokka declared, jumping on the mass of ice.

He saw a silhouette within that mass. Then, he took the club from him and started hitting

After a while, the mass cracked and then blue smoke began to come out. And immediately a little boy appeared, "Huh?"

[Secret mission completed]

[Secret Mission: Free the Avatar]

[You have completed the mission!]

[You have leveled up]

[+20 XP, +20 status points]


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