




Cold wind blew eerily, leaves danced to the music of the winds. Monkeys dived from trees to trees in the woods. Faint footsteps were heard, A figure emerge from the thick side of the woods...he tucked his hands into his pocket with an evil smile plastered on his face.

The figure was recognized to be, Mr Clark as he approached the. Most deadly part of the woods still walking majestically. He halted and stamped the floor two times resulting the ground to glow. A green plasma laser erupted from the ground and scanned him from head to toe.

After he was scanned the ground turned to green and Mr Clark was completely covered in a tube which led him down into a tunnel underground. Spot light's shown vividly while robots roamed around, securities were alert always while other muscular and scientist's roamed about.

Mr Clark emerged from the tubes with smirk showing vividly on his face, The Armed men bowed in respect before him. Mr Clark hands still put in his trousers and he approached the hall with evil smirk.

Faint footsteps of Mr Clark was heard on the tiled ground, he walked towards the direction of Glass doors were experiments and other things are done. Mr Clark sighted the first glass door containing several doctors with the experiment of mixing of blood while the second door was filled with gadgets in it.

The third was filled with silver,woods and plutonium bullets that are able to kill any supernaturals in the world, his smirk turned to smile immediately he sighted the room filled with mechanized weapons every where... This weapons are very rare and designed mainly for supernaturals.

Armed men putting on green attire were seen with their weapons firmly, The area was mechanized and securities put in place, CCTV were active while numerous Agents trooped around and noises filled the air.

Inside the main hall, several agents and doctors or I should say scientists with computers analyst filled the hall as they were busy playing their roles. A huge machine was spotted and people were placed in it, giving them the strength of hundred men in one.

Mr Clark stared at the whole building from the up where he stood and he was amazed at his work and work he could do and what his money brought him but he remembered the scene of his wife death resulting tears to flow freely from his eyes.

" Alicia.... Very soon.. Your death shall be avenged " He muttered silently with his gaze fixed everywhere.

" Phantom lord...sire " A voice said and Mr Clark titled his head slowly and his gaze met a young and muscular guy with dreadlock on, he approached Mr Clark with smiles and he hastened his footsteps to avoid Mr Clark anger.

" Mamba... Any news?? "Mr Clark asked with all seriousness in his voice.

" Yes Phantom lord( That's what Mr Clark is called) We located and abducted one of those killers during the attack in the park during your wife's death " The figure known as mamba answered.

" Oh... Is that so, then where is he?? "

" Sire... He is in the torment room "

" Good job mamba ... Lead me to him... Right now " Mr Clark ordered, The agent named boss man directed Me Clark into a room with dim light and blood littering the floor, Mr Clark scanned his eyes around the dark room.

Mr Clark grinned the more as he sighted a figure tied to an iron chair, blood gushed out of his lips and his bodies was designed with marks...tears flowed freely from his eyes and he spat out blood.

Mr Clark approached the figure with smirk and he bent low to the figure height with anger written on his face, Smoke filled the air as some guys were in hailing marijuana with smiles as Mr Clark slapped the figure resulting it to resound around the place.

" Let's play a game.... If I ask you a question, you will answer me but if you don't!!.... You will pay " Mr Clark sniffed evily and he collected a dagger from his men with blood stained on it.

" Let's do it... Who killed my wife?? "

" Please sir.... I... I... I.. Don't know... Know.. What.. You.. Are talking about Plsss " The guy begged in pains. But this enraged Mr Clark the more....Mr Clark used the dagger in his palm to penetrate the right leg of the figure.

" ahhhhhhhh... What... What... The... Fuck... Pls.. Pls.. Pls... I... I.. I.. I.. Am.. Begging you "

" Then answer my goddamn question....bitch " Mr Clark half yelled using the dagger again to pierce the left leg resulting the figure to scream in pain.

" Your goddamn people killed my beautiful wife at that park.... And you are telling me Pls.... No... No.. I don't think you mean... ANSWER ME OR YOU WILL MEET LUCIFER IN HELL "Mr Clark roared violently making use of the dagger to slash the figure in his face and blood gushed out rapidly.

" They.. They.. They... We.. We.. We're many, bu...but.. I didn't kill a female " The figure starmered in fear of been killed.

" I already know that but I want you to give me informations or else you rot in hell " Mr Clark said pointing the dagger to the throat of his captive.

" We...we are... Are.. An organization... We.. Are...the... We.. Serve the great master " The figure said and. Mr Clark widened his eyes in shock. He was still pointing his dagger at his captive neck.

" Oh... Hmm, I see then tell me who the great master is??... I need his fvcking name "

" He is nameless... No one knows his name... We serve him " The figure pleaded in pain.

" Phantom lord... I say we roast him alive " A goon suggested and Mr Clark drifted towards him making use of the dagger to slit the goon throat violently, the goon gasped and dropped heavily on the ground resulting it to make a heavy thud.

" No one talks when I am talking is that clear?? " Phantom lord(Mr Clark) roared and all the men nodded in fear of dying.

" Take this bastard away from my sight " Phantom lord ordered and two goons took the dead body away still shivering in fear.

" And back to what is was doing " phantom lord smirked and faced the figure shivering in fear and silently wailing In pains. Mr Clark walked up to him.

" If you don't know the master name is... Then tell me your organization " Mr Clark ordered using his dagger to slash the figure face resulting blood to drip from it.

" Arggggghhh... Please... Please... Fucking Pls.... The name of our organization is the dark triangle and we are the most deadly and feared organization ever " The figure replied in fear.

" Is that so... Somebody should put it down... The dark triangle, well it will soon turn to the white circle when I am done with them " Mr Clark said and that erupted laughter among the goons.

" Thanks for your information but I don't see any reason of keeping you " Mr Clark said facing the figure as he marched towards the figure.

" Pls... Pls.. Pls... Don't kill me... Please "

" Sorry dude but things are meant to be done anyways "

" please don't kill me "

" Give a good reason why I shouldn't " Mr Clark smirked.

" Because I could help you in having information and gaining access into the dark triangle " The figure said amidst his pains.

" Hmm.. Well that's a good reason but who are you to the organization?? " Mr Clark asked sternly and the figure coughed out blood.

" I am the general computer analyst and a scientist, I invented a machine that could Super human speed to a human "

" Hmm... I will go for it because we have a device that could a human strength but we are lacking speed... You must bring that device for me if you want to live "

" But how am I sure you aren't gonna kill me at the end?? " The figure asked spitting out blood from his lips.

" With this " Mr Clark said and a sharp syringe appeared in his hands which he immediately plunge it into the neck of the figure.

" Arggggghhh... What was that?? "

" That is my most dangerous scientific liquid... It will kill you immediately if you think of betraying me by any chance " Mr Clark replied with smiles beaming on his face.

" Welcome to the Organization of the Star agency or my agency... You are now recruited into my team.... And Brian tend to his wounds, I want him to be perfectly healed " Mr Clark ordered before bolting out of the torture room and mamba followed him immediately while the rest untied the wounded figure who collapsed on the floor immediately he was untied.

" Mamba what is the next?? " Mr Clark asked with his gaze fixed on mamba.

" Phantom lord...our supernaturals tracking system just got reports few minutes ago that two vampires have been spotted in the woods " Mamba answered.

" Good... We move in five minutes " Mr Clark ordered as he made his way into his office with mamba following him like a goat( Just bear with my sentence'goat'😅😅).

Mr Clark eyes collided with a glass tube filled with water and a glowing ring at the center of the tube. Mr Clark plunged towards it while mamba remained where he was to avoid his master's rot kindled against him.

" Mamba any information about this strange ring?? " Mr Clark asked facing the glass tube and his eyes were completely fixed on the ring in it.

" No my lord... Not any " Mamba replied.

" OK you can leave.... Prepare the squad one, we move in five minutes and their gadgets should be on with their weapons filled with woods and silver bullets in it " Mr Clark said still facing the glowing ring in the tube.

" Yes...phantom lord " Mamba retorted before bolting out of the office.

" Hmm... When I know what you are...you mysterious ring and your powers, I will use you for my mission....I must have my revenge " Mr Clark said still looking at the ring.




The warm wind blew heavily scattering the leaves everywhere, Dark aura radiated around and a black portal appeared revealing Jobo and his four able warriors resulting the air to reek with deadly and demonic aura everywhere.

" I could fill the glowing aura of the ocean ring, we head that way " Jobo said sniffling the air and pointing to a direction and they all brought out their dark fairy wings and flew out of the woods. Meanwhile a figure was watching them from afar with red atlantian cloth and he was holding his trident firmly.

" Bitches... I will get to the ocean lord and then get the ocean ring before you do... You evil skibats " The figure said before disappearing away from the woods.