






The woods was filled with dark auras radiating around, Night crickets sprouted out in the sky, the hallucinating sounds of cars was fast approaching as dozens of vans trooped down into the woods but a red SUV was spotted revealing Phantom lord( Mr Clark) coming out of the car with black face mask on( it is not corona virus nose mask).

The vans halted and armed men emerged from the vans with their revolvers and the rifle ready, Phantom lord took out a pistol gun from his car and he approached the side of his men, Mamba was sitted holding a Machine gun loaded with silver bullets.

" Abran fuego(Open fire) " Mamba ordered and the Armed men opened fire not focusing on a target but just fire anywhere.

" Esté en guardia y Esté listo para disparar( Be on guard and be ready) "

The area became foggy and dangerous, Whooz sounds was heard and the leaves moved, The right angle. The atmosphere was suppressed by an unknown aura, slight movement was heard and the Armed men steady and ready to attack.

" Arggggghhh... Mother fvcker " A voice shouted and an head rolled on the ground as the Armed men opened fire at the direction and not resting a little bit. Mamba was ready and strong enough to fight... He knew they were vampires because he is also a vampire.

" Master... Those vampires are really creepy, I think I will have to handle them myself " Mamba said facing the phantom lord but Mr Clark refused his words.

" Mamba... You may be a vampire but they are three at that foggy side( pointing to a side full of fog)... I think I will need to handle them myself, tell your men to hold their fire... It is time for phantom lord to fight " Mr Clark ordered.

" Hold fire... I repeat hold fire, it is time for the phantom lord " Mamba ordered and everybody stopped shooting and their gaze were fixed on The phantom lord who approached the foggy area.

" Aberei lei fagansei " Mr Clark chanted with green glowing eyes and the fog disappear immediately revealing three figures with red glowing eyes, sharp claws and two sharp teeths and they were all staring at the phantom lord.

" Will you just stay there or will you care to attack " Mr Clark stated and the three figures all dashed at him in vampire speed but he saw them in slow motion and smirk, Whooz sounds was heard and Mr Clark mysteriously appeared at the back of a vampire, connecting a bone breaking punch to his back.

The two vampires charged at him, making use of their sharp claws in an attempt of slashing the phantom lord but he evaded them and connected a bone breaking punchs into the vampires ribs which sents th crashing at a strong tree, Mr Clark eyes glowed and veins were showing on his face, his claws were very sharp but his masks was covering his sharp fangs.

He dashed at a vampire laying on the floor using his hand in lifting him up by choking him painfully as the vampire struggled to catch his breath, this enraged all the vampires and they meant to stand up but a force pulled them down.

" You may see me as a bad person, but I am not... I am doing all this for a reason " Mr Clark stated still choking the vampire in his hands as he enhanced towards the vampires on the floor.

" Don't try to break out of it... It will kill you if you do " Mr Clark said releasing the grip of the vampire and making himself to crash heavily on the ground, A strong kick was directed by a vampire but Mr Clark was to quick to have manuovered his way by swiftly doing a back flip and then kick of the vampire.

" What are you?? " A vampire asked coughing out blood from his lips still trying to stand up.

" I am the unknown boy " Mr Clark replied and dashed at the vampire with demonic speed immediately using his claws to slash the vampire in his chest and blood gushed out from his chest as he winced in pains.

" Abruan fengo " Mr Clark ordered and the Armed men all unleashed all their bullets against the weak vampires repeatedly and the layed weak on the floor in their own pool of blood.

" Do you know why I did that?? "

" Because you are a bastard, you monster " A vampire yelled coughing out blood on the floor, the aura became instense, the mighty wind rushed scattering leafs everywhere while everywhere were occupied with Star agents.

" No babies.... I did that because you killed my men, but for this( Mr Clark directed a injection into the neck of a vampire resulting him to scream)... This is for My theory and experiment " Mr Clark said removing the injection roughly as it was filled with bloods in it.

Incoming bike sounds illuminated everywhere and three bikes were sighted approaching them. The riders brought out their revolvers.

The riders opened fire at the start agents and the star agents reciprocate the attack as the woods were filled with bullets flying around.

" It is the banger bros... My lord " Mamba said facing the phantom lord (Mr Clark) who smirked still facing the riders.

" It's OK.. I know about that and it is time for me to teach them a lesson " Phantom lord said and he could not be seen again as he already merged with the wind.

Whooz sound was heard and a rider was knocked out of his bike, Phantom lord revealed him self and immediately knocked another rider from his bike.

The last rider rained bullets at him but it proved abortive as all the bullets dropped on the floor, the air reeked with danger and deadly aura as the phantom lord green eyes glowed and his claws sprouted out.

He dashed at the last rider, using his claws to slash his face and immediately knocked him out of his bike and he kicked the bike away with heavy force.

Phantom lord swiftly drifted at the two banger guys that were up on their feet and we're prepared to strike, He connected a bone breaking punch into the abdomen of a banger guy.

He skillfully unleashed a great amount of heavy kick to the chin of the other banger guy which sends him crashing to a tree.

He dashed at the last one, using his fist to punch the jaw of the guy and he quickly used his second fist in attacking the abdomen and he kicked the crostum of the figure which resulted to him kneeling and wailing in pains.

" What... What.. What the hell are you " The banger guy asked in pains.

" Well, you can call me the unknown.... Because I am the ancient and disastrous one but you can officially call me the phantom lord " Mr Clark answered using his leg in hitting the banger guy away from his side.

" You guys aren't suppose to attack my men....well you did it and you are paying for it "

" You don't have any right in killing supernaturals " The banger first guy said coughing out blood.

" Says who?.. Tell me Huh?.... I am the ruler of my world and I decide what I should do " Mr Clark retorted and squated low and three syringe appeared on his hand which he drove it forcefully into their necks resulting them to collapse.

" Take them away into the base and instruct doctor fagar to wipe their memories but still keep their skills intact " Mr Clark ordered and the bangers were dragged away by Some agents.

He stood up sniffling the air while his mask were still on, He drifted his head slowly towards the weak vampires that layed weak on the floor.

" uhm... It looks like my powers are to strong for Normal vampires or supernaturals like you guys "

" Well I don't really have your time... I am done with you guys because I have your blood sample, when you are fully healed then you can leave this goddamned place "Mr Clark said walking up towards his car.

He bolted into his SUV ignitting the engine, he drove out with speed as the vans and cars all followed behind him in great speed.

" I don't fvcking understand that kind of powers in him... He is an unknown type of creature or species " A vampire groaned weakly.






I need to be quick about finding the ocean lord, you may be thinking about how I know about the ocean lord... Well I am an atlantian but a different species which I won't talk about it yet.

A prophecy was stated in the cave of Lebanon and it says that a boy, an abomination and a bastard of the water god NEPTUNE and the unknown human. He is prophesied to be the ocean lord of the atlanteans and the ruler of the oceans.

I always have scents of my fellow atlantian in that school in the school today, I saw the skibats in earth and I knew I need to be faster and quick before anything goes wrong.

What is his name... Fe.. Fe.. Felix.. Yes he name is Felix, that guy is always trying to make friends with me. But there is something about him that is always connected to me but I don't understand, but is he??

No it can't be.. What am I even thinking, But I need to be quick about him. I need to find the scroll of the lost because that is the essential instrument in finding the prophesied ocean lord.

You may be wondering how I am so rich, you always know that I am an atlantian and my tears form pearls anytime it always touch the ground and I use the opportunity and make myself to shed tears.

Forming many pearls and selling it to many black market in exchange in giving me money and that made me have chance in entering Sunvale college. Because I always have feelings about that school.

But I really need to make friends with the Brandon brothers because that will be really great and essential in linking me everywhere so that I could find the boy.


👹👹 Unknown realm 😈😈😈



Dark aura evolving around the realm, The atmosphere reeked with evil, deadly creatures roamed about freely.

Gnashing of teeth and howl filled the air, A gigantic temple was seen in the midst of the deadly creatures, inside the temple and at the altar of the temple.

An unknown figure was seen kneeling down on the dark glowing altar and the atmosphere was filled with dark smoke. Amidst the dark smoke, a two pair of red glowing eyes opened and the chain glowed reddish.

" Tai morl garrar.... I am awoken, Brother will regret binding me in this chains....and I will rule the world and all supernaturals will bow before my feet " A dark grutal voice spoke out and it was followed by an hysterical and evil laughter causing it to echo around the building.

" Arr xas telmot will be reborn "