
Nox City Of Infinite Worlds

NOx city of infinite worlds contains remains of past present and future million of worlds transformed into reality per periods of chaos the fifth period is going with only 20 years left, prophecy known " child of chaos will bring all into internal darkness " city was sealed Adam normal modern man transferred into this world a world with chaos &blood betrayal & allies how to know who in your side don't worry my friend here your ally Xon spirit world build your worlds finish trials and gain powers rule by iron fist kings wars welcome to the city of NOx ! with only your limit is your imagination !

Amr_Sabry · 科幻
17 Chs


Elsewhere inside the Xander ruling family, inside its orchard of worlds, sitting in the middle of the satin on the platform is a man who appears old in his eyes, but with a strange beauty that has been affected by time, making him closer to eyes that have seen many things.

black wings, shining behind his back.

The black-haired person sat with great prestige, looking up at the lights of the worlds surrounding him, at the center of which was a large black light.

This person of great prestige was none other than king Zouk Zander.

His gaze was interrupted by the lights of the worlds when she sent him a message requesting permission to enter the orchard to meet him.

The mist appeared, forming a magnificent, powerful female body.

Bright white wings shone on her back.

She bent down and spoke with great humility and respect.

"General Luck salutes King Zouk Xander Thank you for allowing me to meet you."

King Zouk  looked at the feminine figure bending in front of him and spoke with kindness shining in his eyes,

"No, I consider you as my daughter's  Liz, Stand up and tell me why you wanted to see me?"

Luck stood and looked at King Zouk with respect and began to tell him what she had seen in Princess Liz's dreams about the white light.

Because she didn't hear the deep voice, she neglected to mention it.

She continued until the light entered the saccade part, then she informed him of Princess Liz's decision to enter the world of Sidkar because of her suspicion of the plan of the Sakids and Sidkar. 

King Silva closed his black eyes and a complete black illusory eye appeared.

He looked at General Luck and spoke calmly as if he had been expecting this, "This is why the Olka has closed its doors, The light of changing  has finally appeared after such a long time."

General Luck was astonished by King Zouk's vague answer and wanted to ask him what he meant, but she refrained, knowing that if King Zouk wanted her to know, he would tell her.

King Xander's black illusory eye disappeared and his eyes brightened, and the black rune appeared in his eyes,

"General Luck, follow Princess Liz's orders, I will tell you who will be with you when you enter the world of Sidkar, It may be Liz's little brother Val, but I see a lot of mistakes in this. I will inform you when I know more, Go prepare  now "

General Luck bowed respectfully, "The King's orders are decreed for us," and slowly disappeared into the mist as she had appeared

King Zouk  looked up, a black rune spread across his eyes, and sent out a mental message, 'General Fan, General Zod, come'

As soon as he finished sending the message, two male-looking figures appeared, with strong builds and shiny black wings covered with yellow feathers.

They had a beautiful appearance, like all Xanders.

Long black hair, black eyes, relatively long tails, and a small nose.

The two figures bowed respectfully and spoke together, "We salute the King of Zander"

King Zouk spoke in a calm and serious voice, as if his next orders were beyond discussion.

He spoke to the man with a yellow horned snake hanging on his chest, with only a right wing attached,

"General Fan, Princess Liz will go to the next campaign for Sidkar, Chaos is coming, You know what to do."

General Fan bowed respectfully, "King Zouk's orders are decreed for Xander"

King Zouk turned to General Zod, the snake with the left wing on his chest shining proudly,

"General Zod, watch the Sakids It seems that ancient history will finally emerge, Go to Olka and send my message to King Shak, if he wants to send a spy to them, Since the doors of Olka are closed, it seems that they will wait for the appointment of the Emperor, The next to swear allegiance to him, which means withdrawing them from this war, theorists of the results, but this does not prevent this old fox Shak from intervening in the title of results"

General Zod bowed lightly and respectfully, indicating his status as the general of Xander, King Zouk. "The King's orders are decree for Xander"

King Zook retreated to the platform and sat on top of it.

The black wings behind him shone faintly.

He looked at Xander's big black world and calmly issued his orders, "Go now."

The two figures of King Zouk's generals disappeared into the fog before disappearing again as they appeared.

King Zouk did not care about this and continued to look up with his black phantom eye, only closing his eyes and his thoughts wandering,

'Old friend, is this the chaos you wanted? You ordered me to betray you for this?'

The King of Zouk sighed slowly and began to shake his head and his large black wings vigorously out of sadness, as if a bird had been separated from its soul.

He shouted at the top of his voice in the black darkness, scattering all the lights of the worlds around him, revealing the pitch-black sky above him.

"My old friend, why did you want war? Answer me. Will you wait in silence for the destruction of the world you created?"

King Zouk Xander's voice disappeared into the darkness, and the lights of the world's  light of the large black shining world of Xander went in circles, forming a tornado around King Zouk on the large white platform.

King Zouk's voice shook, as if his soul was crying inside him.

He sighed deeply and returned to his previous calm, and his wings stopped shaking, and the garden around him calmed down, and the lights of the worlds returned to their previous places, and he murmured quietly inside his soul.

'My friend, you are the one who started this chaos, leaving the royal families disperse, I do not know the reason for this, but I knew that you do nothing without previous calculations, The Olka withdrew as I wanted, leaving the Xander alone, Did you hate us to this extent, my friend, for our previous failure?'

The King of Zouk sighed deeply and everything around him calmed down in the Xander orchard as nothing had happened

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do

Let me know if things you don't like about story and plots

a new arc will open as we star worlds trials gathering army that will be known in the eternal darkness for eternity



Amr_Sabrycreators' thoughts