
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · 漫画同人
41 Chs

Ch~Thirty: Brawl In The Backyard.

Netherensis - Hunter House Backyard.

"Alright! The two of you to make a Seal Of Confrontation..... now begin!" Jackie's voice echoed as soon as Jae arrived at their place.

Jae could see the two Mythical Enemies standing opposite each other and it seems like they were about to fight or spar. Jae also felt curious about the battle between the two so he didn't try to disturb them and watch by the side as the two of them activated their powers. When they did, Jae realized that they had also become stronger.

Soji radiated a purple aura from his body as his body started transforming due to the activation of his powers. His teeth grew small sharp fangs and his fingers elongated a little bit. The most interesting thing was his eyes. Instead of the purple eyes that Jae was expecting to see, a menacing and seductive red eyes with pinpricks of purple in it came into view. His skin tone changed to a pale one and now looked very handsome.

Just like Soji, Sol's body radiated golden aura and his fingernails grew longer and instead of fangs, he got an elongated canine. His eyes turned to a lovely and sexy blue with pinpricks of gold in it. His height increased a little and grew a little muscular. Apart from his hair growing slightly longer, there were no other hairiness on him.

Hearing the signal from Jackie, they lunges towards each other. Jae has to admit, even though they had transformations like that of a beast, they didn't fight in an awkward manner.

Soji blocked a fist from Sol before raising his claws to attack him from below. Sol dodged the sharp claws by spinning away from the trajectory of Soji's incoming claws, then he ducked and used his legs to sweep Soji off his feet causing him to lose his footing on the floor and fell on his back.

Soji immediately blocked his face from getting kicked by Sol, he then held Sol's leg, wrapped his legs around his neck and brought him down to the ground.

At first, they started out in clean moves but Jae noticed as the fight continues, he was not watching a brawl between the two boys. They were not just using kicks, fists and claws but now, any part of their body is used to fight. Jae continued watching as Soji used his amazing speed to dodge a grappling hook from Sol and deliver a clean punch on Sol's face.

Sol wasn't to be outdone, He quickly strikes back and found an opening from Soji's moves. He slashed his claws at Soji's right thigh which immediately drew a little bit of blood.

Soji also clawed at Sol's chest when he also found an opening. The duo battle changed quickly into a fierce brawl. It's been five minutes now and they are still in battle with each other. Jae was sure he couldn't endure a battle of that intensity for more than ten minutes. They might not be that much difference in strength between all of the boys but Jae was sure he would lose in endurance against this two beasts.

Now it's been a little above twenty minutes but the two boys are now tired and sluggish. Their attacks no longer carried any form of power in them. And the result of this battle was a draw!

As a werewolf, Solomon was physically stronger and had resilient and defensive body. His speed was also very fast and his recovery ability was good.

As a vampire, Soji was also physically stronger and resilient but not as Sol. His speed was very amazing, faster than Sol and his recovery ability was top notch.

They both had their advantages and disadvantages, Sol was physically stronger than Soji while Soji was physically faster than Sol.

"Alright, the brawl between the duo is a tie. Now let's welcome our newest training member" Jackie said with a smile while looking at Jae. He reached his palm out into the air and two white round ball appeared in it. He then threw it to the duo who were already recovering slowly.

"Yea, amazing moves guys. You guys have grown very stronger. What level are you guys?" Jae asked the duo who had already recovered most of the injuries.

"Of course we've grown stronger, we are now Level 8 Iron Rank Hunters. What about you?" As the hyperactive one, Solomon said with a large smile on his face. Even though he had deactivated his ability, his teeth still had a long canine.

"I'm Level 6. How did you guys get to that level so fast?" Jae was surprised. He thought they would be the same level as him or just one above him but two levels above him was quite a surprise.

"Solomon accidentally ate a Beast Core, the energy inside the Core made him level up so I also tried it with him and I leveled up" Soji said as he walked to them by the side.

"What? Isn't it very dangerous to eat a Beast Core? The energy inside the Core is not refined and stable which could kill a person if eaten. That's why they can only absorb the energy after refining it right?" Jae turned to asked Jackie who nodded his head.

He then said "While this is true, it also doesn't apply to all Hunters. Especially Special Type Hunters with transformation ability like these two. They can easily digest the energy in the Core and use to to strengthen themselves"

Hearing Jackie's words, Jae looked at the duo once again who were smiling at him.

"I want to fight you guys, together. Just see it as a way to test my strength against you guys" Jae said while looking at them.

"If you want to test your strength against us, fight one of us, we are both stronger than you, you know?" Soji said in a surprised tone.

"Yea, aren't you a Level 6, what gave you the confidence you could beat a Level 8, two Level 8s?" Solomon also said feeling little bit surprised.

Jackie just stayed away from the three and climbed a tree branch to watch and rest.

"I never said I could beat a Level 8, I want to just fight to test my strength against you guys" Jae said to them to clear any misunderstanding. A lower level telling a higher level that he can beat him is quite a provocation to the higher level. So Jae was careful of his words, not that he was afraid of the duo though.