
Nine Venoms Sect Founder

“I admit defeat. There is no one more shameless and deceitful than Harun under the vast Heavens. He’d fool demons and gods with his innocent face, then screw them over with a triumphant gloat,” said the Devil Ancestor, first witness to Harun’s delightful misdeeds. Harun, Plague Overlord of the Noxious Flame World, ascends to Heaven after 150 years of cultivation. At first expecting celestial wine and phoenix meat, Harun instead faces the harsh reality of once more being the underdog. Soon he falls victim to a conspiracy aimed at his unique left eye, must escape the clutches of Heavenly Gods, Empyrean Monarchs and divine clans—and win the 10,000 Sects War. But all those mighty deities and hegemonic forces forgot to take one thing into account: they’re dealing with a cunt. A clever cunt with enough venom to drown a state. Follow Harun as he evades calamity, obtains a Sect Founder System, and goes on to establish history’s number one sect with the tears of his swindled foes. https://discord.gg/tucy4kc

Devil_Paragon · 玄幻
170 Chs

This is Illegal

Meanwhile, disconnecting himself from the torrent of karmic bounds, Harun glanced at Jiyan, whose eyes opened to meet his. At first, her heart almost leaped out of her chest. But a second afterward, the surge of enthusiasm lifting her upward crashed to ground zero. Having been by Harun's side for so long, both Jiyan and Mukri could see the fundamental difference in Harun's gaze. Yes, his radiant eyes had never looked more enchanting, but the casual goofiness that separated Harun from self-imbued experts seemed replaced by a divine and inviolable splendor. And while Mukri didn't know how to take the change, Jiyan disliked it instantly.