
Nine Fates of Hell

Once upon an ancient time, in the planet of Jupiter, divided into 36 continents and over ten thousand countries, a great seal was placed upon by gods to separate the three realms-heaven realm, mortal realm, and hell realm. The seal was only to be broken by the prophesized immortal who will dominate the whole upper and lower realm. However, the seal was temporarily broken when an orphan boy visited a forbidden ground and stole an artifact that must belong to the demons. Monsters from myths have risen from the depths of the earth and destroyed the city. And perhaps, the only way to survive is to be a cultivator by bathing in the flames of Nirvana. Levi is an ordinary but ambitious boy who dreams of escaping his sealed hometown and travelling the greater expanse of the world. He hopes to be a cultivator who flies beyond the horizons and reach true immortality to heavens. But his dreams were to end because of one huge mistake. Now, he has to accept covenant with a demon in order to save himself and everyone from destruction. However, he have to pay the price of accepting a demon's soul and learning forbidden techniques. All his dreams are overturned, and instead of fighting his way to heavens, he must walk the dangerous path to hell. Conquering monsters, beasts and evil cultivators, he is to find out that his own world is Hell itself. "All the world's already corrupted by power, of vengeance, of war, of hate and greed. All realms will be destroyed in no time. However, there is only one way you can stop all these. You won't need to become a god. You will have to learn to walk your own fate; completely free and unbounded by any seal and curse. And to travel unstoppable, conquering anything that stands on your way. Use your blade, slay your enemies and step on their corpses until you stand on the highest pinnacle of cultivation! But before that, I will help you tread, the Nine Fates of Hell..." [this is a new edition of the story, the protagonist is changed to female, not Levi]

DeathWalker13 · 玄幻
42 Chs

Terrible Fall

Up there. Just lying in front of her. Blood. Bodies. All dead. Each of them received fate worse than the other. And not a single movement to be the sole evident of survival. No. Not one.

This realization struck her heart. She saw the villagers, the men and women, even the children were torn to pieces. The woman who helped her was lacerated to the point her face is literally ripped out. The chief was sitting against a wall with his spinal cord exposed through his missing neck. The boy who helped her get through the forest and the abusive old woman. What's his name again. Zou Jia. He too was helpless against such monsters that his chest were crushed, exposing his half-eaten heart bathing in the crimson warmth. Rou Lang teared up. The outcome of the battle was not so good to see. In fact, it was horrifying, not just because of blood and gores scattered around, but because of gruesome death presented to the innocent villagers. Tears keep coming out her eyes as he stared at the face of the boy. Now her determination is wavering.

"Why did it turned out like this? Why do I have to fail ultimately? Why am I always useless? I can't even save a single person. What kind of cultivator am I? Is this the way it should be? Will I have to fail again and again even if I have the power to change their fate? Why can I change mine will I can't overturn the end of those around me? Is the heavens so powerful that their words I cannot hope to retaliate?"

There were countless reasons as to why it happened. But one thing for sure is that the Heavens has dictated this outcome. The flourish of this beautiful secluded village has already been decided -a gruesome death. Maybe the Heavens is to blame, if not the wild packs of these monsters; but blaming won't change anything. She can only cry in distress that she wasn't able to change their course of destiny. If only she's more powerful enough, not even an army of them can't stop her. Right now, the best choice of action is to get up and move on. Grieving is not for lost but should be saved for later. The most important thing is that she is still alive. Thus she can fight for justice. Rou Lang was not alone however, she had a Master to support her. But Master Levi is a demon lord and has never learnt the way of mercy or compassion, he has little to nothing to give in order to alleviate her emotional trauma. She was thankful enough he was there, else she could not have survived the massacre.

Cough! Cough!

Someone's there. Someone is still alive. Rou Lang noticed someone coughing at a distance. Given a keen sense of hearing, she was able to discern where he is.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

Despite her legs trembling, she went to help the injured man.

"You okay?"

"Not so." It was Liu Wushi. There were scratches and bruises all over his body. He sat up. "I'm not that wounded... but I'm pretty sure to die in a couple of minutes." He stared at his arms. The veins are bulging, visibly turning darker. "Been infected with rabies. I'm not gonna make it."

"Don't say that. I'll find you a medicine. Don't lose hope. You can still survive."

He shook his head. "Forget it. I have already lost my family since young. And now my uncle and aunt are also dead. It's a pity I cannot save them, nor myself. I just have to accept. Besides, the fight is still not over."


"Look at them. I saw them stealthily blending with the darkness to kill the rest of the villagers. They are responsible for the death of survivors." His gaze fixed on something behind her. She turned around.

She can see three silhouettes almost in blend with the darkness. They were standing there, silently staring at them.

"We cannot outrun them. There were atleast six of them. We can only fight."

The duo stood up, tightly clenching their blades with grim facade. The heavens have gone too far, to actually presented them such huge calamity was not even enough? These shadows were not moving. Even the wind would not be able to ripple their robes. They were standing there like statue. But they released a nerve-wrecking aura able to make the two feel tightness in their hearts. Nevertheless, they must still continue the battle. If not, all their efforts would be for naught. Liu Wushi was once again ready to reveal his real strength. Even though he's not a cultivator, his skills and experience in battle is not to be undersestimated. Meanwhile, Rou Lang was having trouble redoing her previous steps. She tries to focus hardly but she won't jyst achieve the perfect calmness state. She hopes Masted Levi could help her.

But her Master once again left her. He never did a response which is quite strange since she was met with a life-or-death scenario. Why could it be? Perhaps these black-robed men are nit here to cause trouble? Impossible! Even at a distance, their body is leaking with copious amount of devil energy. But she was wondering why they aren't attacking.

Rou Lang felt her heart thumping fast. Inside the deepest depth of her mind, she foretolds an invoming doom that made her gulp. Ut seems that she has to witness yet another death tonight.

The three figures suddenly vanished under their gaze. Then a strong force hit them from behind and they fell down helplessly. They immediately recovered and rolled away to dodge any incoming attack. Byt there was none. The Shadows flashed and vanished. Both of them stood up again and vehemently raised their vigilance to any change in the atmosphere.

Yet they were too late again. A strong punch hit their back and a kick at their legs. The force was so massive it cracked their spine and almost broke their knees. But it wasn't yet over. When they tried to dodge, two punches flashed by in an instant and smacked their faces really hard. The punch made them spin off in midair before they fell. Their faces are bruised and jaws nearly broken.


They were crushed on the ground once more by a powerful step and they can't dislodge from the powerful legs. Whilst in the middle of pain, Rou Lang thoughts were confused. She was thinking how such a seemingly simple punch and step can deliver such strong blows on them. Could this be inner force? Possibly. She tried using her inner force in battling and the effects were indeed wondrous. But that was just a tiny speck of the real inner force. What about if they used all of their force? Would they be crushed like stones hammered by steel?

Rou Lang thought, if she could unleash her inner force as well, she might be able to break free. But as she tried concentrating, her mind is getting muddled by the pain on her back. She can't focus properly. It's like something is invading her system, blocking any passage of qi. She failed to wriggle it out. Thus she could only lie down and attempt to stop the poison from spreading. But the voice of her Master sounded.

"No! Don't do that! Just let it be. I will take care of it."

However, Rou Lang cannot endure any further. The poison was vigorously spreading all throughout her cardiovascular system and she was sure she'll be dead if the poison reached her heart and froze it. Despite that, Master Levi has made no motion to helo her purge out the poison. He was silent throughout so she let him do what he needs to do. She trusts him after all; and was sure he wouldn't let her die.

She glanced sideward to Liu Wushi. He was literally on the verge of giving up his life. Very evident on his face is extreme suffering. Rou Lang do not want to see him like this. He was a brave fighter. And he has done his duty with all he've got. Maybe it's the time for him to rest. She mouthed silently the words 'Let go'. For the last time, Liu Wushi smiled and then closed his eyes for eternity.

Rou Lang felt much bitterness inside her heart. She sobbed uncontrollably. The death of a friend is undoubtly hard to accept, especially since he died just right in front of her. But other than that, her emotions started boiling. Something inside her is telling her to get angry. Angry to death. Angry to suffering. Angry to everything that dares to take away her joyous smile. And those anger were turned to madness. And she gritted her teeth very hard.

Crimson red starts bathing her vision. It was the accumulation of all despair she've suffered all these years, of pain she'd had to endure, of injustice she is living with, of violence which crushed her million times, of death which ended the only love she hold dearly, and of anger she keeps penting throughout her life. Now they were boiling. Now they can't wait to be released, to erupt and satisfy this uncontrollable madness within. For that, there was only one thing to do.