

The unimaginable happened. Ken woke up to a world in great shambles, a world where nightmarish creatures wander about. More so, he also discovered that higher beings can communicate with him through dreams. And that devils and angels truly exist. How will he survive this apocalyptic world? And just how many would trust and believe him? Would this seemingly Last days of the world really be the last? "The scariest thing for me, is anticipating what horror the future could lead. And knowing there's nothing I could do to change what will be." Join Ken as he meets the Seven Princes of Hell! Thank you for your time! NOTE: Epic/Poem form Add-ons: After the first volume, more volumes covering other creepy stories will be written here! It will be a compilation of my horror stories of different genres! Better watch out! ... Other works by The author: REAPER'S BALLAD-fantasy romance novel That deals with tragedy, acceptance, romance and more (Will soon be adapted to comics)

tigerpaws · 灵异恐怖
270 Chs

Chapter 262: UP TO THE TOWERS

The human soldiers cried in great fear,

Seeing that the angels had fallen asleep.

They then loudly begged God to forgive all their sins,

As Sellena tried to help them stay still.

She rose her hand, trying to calm them down,

Saying words of assurance, despite her companion's doubts.

She sighed and told Sellena to stop,

Seeing that no one seemed to follow,

"Might as well drop the act."

Sellena looked at her with saddened eyes,

"But if they don't remain quiet, Satan may notice and attack."

155 paused.

For a moment she forgot she's supposed to be selfless,

And sighed for a second to process.

The humans. To her, they're quite pathetic.

They're doing the exact opposite of help.

She glanced at them again,

They're barely doing the angels favor.

Making such unbearable, and noticeable noises,

It's very hard not to say harsh words against them.

The woman in red put her palm on her face.

"We're doomed...the entirety of human race."

She said without the slightest hesitation,

But wondered how she can say them so.

How she can say those words without feeling sorry?

She felt guilt creeping in.

Because, really...

Why is she feeling great disdain and irritation to her own kind?

"...have I forgotten to feel human?"

Sellena looked at her and wondered what those words meant,

How can 155 say such things with that certain face?

She gazed at her deeply, making her look.

"You're just stressed and tired,

it's normal to feel like that

when you're burdened by the world."

Her cheeks quickly turned red.

Embarrassed that she's quite selfish.

"Oh Sellena, if they're not kids,

I mostly feel like this."

"Well, it's hard to make them follow.

I guess I get why you're feeling quite irritable."

"Sooner or later, they'd get us killed, you know?

It's not like the angels can save us all."

Sellena nodded in agreement,

But really, she can't blame them.

Being logical and calm isn't always the case for everyone.

Especially those human soldiers, who've been sheltered by the angels since the war.

They must have grown accustomed to being looked after,

And now that reality took a cruel turn,

It must feel like hell to fight alone.

"I don't blame the both of you."

"Oh, young lady. They should quickly learn.

They'll see more of this world's horrors.

This isn't even worthy of that kind of reaction.

Being a bunch of cowards,

weilding swords and asking for forgiveness,

it's pathetic.

It won't help humanity recover,

life's not magic."

Sellena only gulped at her companion's words.

I mean...they could clearly see Satan fighting the archangels,

And how is that not concerning at all?

Whatever her friend may mean about it however,

she doesn't speak back.

And instead waited eagerly,

for whatever 155 may want to add.


155 blankly stares at the crying crowd,

"I hate it that I used to cry just as loud."


"Well, Sellena, since we are waiting for our deaths,

I might as well make the most out of it.

I'm going to say some really deep stuff.

So better listen to what I'll share."

Sellena only nodded,

And stood closely to her friend.

"Back when I was first brought to Lucifer's palace...

I did nothing but cry.

It was hell you know? Literally.

He've took my heart, my soul, my body.

Until I barely felt pity for another being..

Until I hoped everyone dead for any minor inconvenience..

Living all those years, without getting older,

Without feeling any happier...

It was...horrifying and worrying.

No word could ever describe that feeling.

But time...healed me in the worst ways possible.

I then came to...mostly not feel anything at all.

I'm older than your great grandma, but look at how I act and talk.

There's barely love and compassion in me, huh?

You must hate me sometimes,

Feel like I don't have a soul."

"I don't, not even slight.

There's a part of me that walks the same path.

I am also quite selfish at times,

But you must always choose your more loving and forgiving side.

And I think, you are a very loving person, 155.

'The most heartless of people, once cared too much.'

I've heard that from a movie somewhere,

So yeah, there's that."

"Wow. Well, I...don't know about that either,

I mean...I killed my mother and father.

I'm not...quite sure if I fit the description,

But yes, I remember loving Lucifer.

Worst mistake ever.

I think it would have done me more favors,

If I didn't love at all."

"Well...things happen for a reason,"

Sellena tried to put up the best words.

But 155's face quickly wrinkled into a frown,

"What kind of pathetic reason would that be? I wonder now."

Sellena felt the need to shut up after her words became bitter,

Clearly hurt from recalling her worst of chapters.

"Hah...well, I'm ready to die, anyways.

Better than being enslaved."

155 said casually,

But to Sellena, her emotions lie deep.

It must have been that hard to be entrapped in a foreign place for years,

As you're slowly ripped from your humanity,

only heplessly letting the demons do as they please.

She was about to hug the woman, until her eyes caught sight of a bright floating orb.

For some odd reason, she felt the urge to follow.

155 was shocked of her sudden distraction.

"Oi! Don't touch that! It must be the work of a demon!"

Sellena however, felt like she fell into a spell,

There's nothing she can hear,

Not anything else.

Deeply worried, 155 tried to shoo the orb away,

But to her surprise, her hand did nothing to send it off.

Instead, it came closer, more entrancing,

That Sellena soon followed the light,

to wherever it might be going.

155 tried to call her name again and again,

And grew even more concerned when the orb flew high to the air.

When she expected Sellena not to follow anymore,

Sellena uses her slates to hoist her up to where it may go.

She seemed mind-controlled.

And 155 was skeptical of what to do.

Soon, she felt surprised when a tower rose from the ground,

And that was when Sellena snapped back from reality.

She soon found herself clueless, high up in the air.

With her feet only stepping, on the slates she created.

She soon sees the orb, fluttering around her as if to comfort her mind,

And soon, she understood what it wants.

It was what's Lluming was talking about.

Her fate to protect all around.

She quickly smiled and casted more stepping slates for her feet to move along,

As her eyes look ahead, to the blue little orb.

Whatever it may ask of her, she is ready to comply.

But something important, slipped from her mind.

That Satan had heard the tower emerged.

That Satan...had now paid attention to the humans,

defenselss and cold.

"Ah, now I know what to do."




He smiled a sickening smile as he throws Michael away,

Making his bones break,

showering him with intense pain.

And once the archangel slipped to unconciousness,

Satan prepared to end his reign.

He rose his sword as Ken yells helplessly,

Unable to free himself from the restraints.

More so, his troubled mind had forbid him from using his future-seeing eyes,

Making his condition, more stressful than he minds.

The archangel of Kindness tried to free him too,

But the snakes only hurt Ken more with every little move.

Ken then urges Jegudiel to help Michael and his other brothers first,

Since they're the ones suffering the most.

Jegudiel nodded and ran away,

And felt surprised to see Dawn disobey.


Satan suddenly feels a cold metal on his back,

And saw that Dawn was threatening to attack.

He could almost laugh at how stupid he seems.

"Don't be too confident, little kid."

He quickly summoned his snake to trap the angel,

But was surprised when he saw it get eaten.

A big water dragon emerged from the scene,

After it heard the news, of Satan's terrible sin.

Enraged that Satan had a less nobler vision,

The sea monsters promised to help at the angel's cause.

"You do not have any reason,

And only birthed sins to spite God.

Not for freedom, not for love,

Not for renewal, not for us.

You only manipulated us just because.

And you'll pay for that.

Now that I've found the real culprit,

Now that I've managed to hear the full story.

I'm terribly pissed and angry,

That I want to satisfy it,

by gnawing your body."

Satan may have dodged from it's bone-crushing teeth,

But some of his snakes that make up his hair, didn't.

The dragon then quickly bit it,

Killing some of his serpents,

And pulling them painfully.

And as Satan was up in the air,

Hanging from his bloody hair,

He felt like his scalp was to be destroyed,

And the pain was almost unbearable.

He yelled a horrifying scream, and from the depths of hell,

Emerged a certain helper,

That was so big, and unheard of,

even the archangels hesitated to come closer.

A serpent of a cobra's head,

And a boa's body,

Emerged from the soil,

Hungry and ready.

And after it caught the scent of the dragon,

It did not hesitate to fight it head on.

Satan could only watch as he heals his injuries,

Feeling satisfied that the dragon was taking hits.

The large snake then successfully ate the dragon's head,

Making Dawn's other helpers, hesitate to help.

Satan, seeing that his most powerful snake is too strong to be stopped,

Smiled and quickly clapped.

"I wasn't really planning on using you, my old friend.

I promised you after all,

You wouldn't feel pain.

But perhaps, this is the time you be uncaged,

The time for you to help forge your own future,

and make sure none would again,

hurt you so terribly,

you'd rather be locked away."

The snake hissed at the angels,

Showing so much distaste,

And Satan was much delighted,

That his beast is still tamed.

"You've waited too long, huh? For that world I promised to you.

Well then...how about,

you help me mold it anew?"

The snake nodded like a puppy,

As Dawn froze watching it behave.

From how the words escaped from Satan's lips,

It seemed as though,

his 'old friend'...

("...is manipulated.")

Dawn frowned at the thought,

Satan...as always, is a very selfish demon.

Incapable of nurturing emotions,

Incapable of loving someone, saved from his ambitions.

So it's impossible that he'd consider anyone a friend...

"And just what friend...

puts their companion on a cage?"

"Alright then, my beautiful serpent,

I have a special mission just for you.

Can you call all your other friends first?

I don't want you to do all the work."

Their talk was interrupted however,

When they took notice of the light,

that errupted from the tower.

And soon enough,

they could hear Sellena's voice,



telling the humans their only given choice.

"Every human, do not move from your current positions,

As I will now engage the divine barrier.

Anyone that will leave their barriers,

Will no longer be protected by the power.

I repeat, do not move.

And once the barrier is engaged,

No harm will befall you."

"Bullsh*t," Satan hissed.

And soon ordered his serpent to act quick.


Martha on the other hand, had the same experience,

Following another orb, had lead her to a similar place.

She told the maids not to follow her inside,

"If I don't come back, know that I've been eaten alive."

The maids nodded obediently,

As Martha enters the tower,

so ancient and dusty.

There, she finds an old dusty book,

And after her kind hands had opened them,

appeared light, so pure and true.

The light soon connected to Sellena's palms,

That in turn, made the orb have its cue to instruct.

"Tell the humans to not move,

To trust God and what He can do.

So long as they listen to the instruction,

They'll be protected by the barrier.

I tell you this, because any who disobey,

May run and hide, but will still be eaten by the snakes.

Now go on, go and tell them,

And I'd help you, echo your voice to every place."

Sellena nodded and spoke,

"Every human, do not move from your current positions,

As I will now engage the divine barrier.

Anyone that will leave their barriers,

Will no longer be protected by the power.

I repeat, do not move.

And once the barrier is engaged,

No harm will befall you."


Martha was shocked to hear the sound.

The sound of a person speaking!

She could almost jump up and down of joy,

But she's afraid that it may be fatal to make too much noise.

She knew she was deaf before,

So she wondered why she could hear Sellena's voice.

She felt happy nonetheless, thinking she's cured.

Until she felt the atmosphere, turn suddenly cold.

Her happiness, turned to fear,

The time she heard growls, from

below her feet.

She saw on one of the cracks below,

That the maids had become monsters.

She felt horrified to see one of Satan's snakes,

Had made its way to their place.

She concluded that it may even be the cause,

For the unpleasant and heart-breaking transformation of the maids.

The orb then quickly told her to remain calm,

"Also, go look around."

Her eyes were quick to notice the bell,

And she then had an idea of what the orb may tell.

"Before the monsters reach the final step,

Quickly sound the bell.

Do not stop, or they will reach your room,

And also, always guard the book.

Some monsters may not be after you,

And every short break you take, they may be climbing to reach it.

If the book is destroyed, humanity will too.

So take it seriously, this heavy task, given to you."

Martha nodded and quickly complied,

Praying that her arm won't grow tired.




Soon, Satan felt his wrath worsen.

And asked the serpents to give the protected humans a scare.

"Taunt them to get out of their barrier,

But for you, my strongest serpent,

Kill the woman from that tower."

He pointed to where Sellena resides,

And the strong snake, Negendra,

couldn't wait to comply.


"Sellena, focus only on raising your hand,

Do not even think of taking a break no matter how hard.

If you fail at this task,

it will cause you their lives.

Do not drop it no matter what.

This is my final instruction.

Be strong, good bye."

The orb vanished,

As Sellena shakes in fear.

More so when she clearly could see,

A huge snake making its way towards the tower,

Barely waiting for its meal.

More chapters soon! Enjoy reading! Thank u for the support!! We're near to the most exciting parts!!! Have a goodnight for now!

tigerpawscreators' thoughts