
The Truth of the Nephilims

The Lost Primordial began his tale of what transpired several thousands of years back to the days of Noah.

"When God created the heavens and the Earth, as written in Genesis 1, this world was the intended home or place where God would dwell. He wanted to have fellowship and enjoy eternity with those who love Him. He wanted to create a perfect world. But then there was Satan. The first one to rebel. He was a genius."

"A genius?"

"Yes. When God created everything, there was a powerful law in place. Everything was created, and everything was 'good'. But Satan found iniquity in himself. It was something that was so vastly incomprehensible. It was also proof of Satan's power. He desired something but didn't know what it was at first. So he sought it and found a way to surpass all creatures' dimensional limitations. And then it occurred. He had pride and went his own way."

"So he... rebelled? Or, to put God in a bad picture, Satan had free will?"