
New Creation

His dream had finally come true. After working his ass off for a year, he was able to afford the new full dive VR game New Creation even as a collage student. Now he would be able to relax in a beautiful fantasy world without having to worry about studying. Unfortunately for Gel, however, his only wish would soon be shattered when his beloved family went missing. With this new game being his only way, no matter the sacrifice, he must get them back! 50 power stones for an extra chapter! ----------- The cover is mine, thank you so much to Praise_Novels for making it! Please go check out his novel "Born With An Unbeatable Monster" and show your support! If you want to copy and paste, here is the link https://www.webnovel.com/book/born-with-an-unbeatable-monster_23704082306689005

MrChill · 游戏
23 Chs


Vi stared at the quest notification, absent-minded for a moment, before quickly snapping back to reality and accepting the quest.

'Well, it looks like I need to gather more people under one banner... '

He thought about it for a moment and look at the man in the corner of the cell before giving him a sadistic smile, "Hey you, you're going to lend me your strength for this quest. This isn't a question by the way, if you decline you will end up like the wall I just punched through."

With the sudden appearance of this random person punching his way to the next room and his fearful appearance, the man could only accept it. The way he thought about it was that it would be better to try and get some rewards from the quest than just die outright. He slowly nodded his head.

Vi looked at him and his smile got bigger, "Good, let's go gather some more players; we won't be able to fight against these NPCs with such little manpower."

Vi went up to the next wall and punched it, once again his fist went through the wall very easily revealing another person staring at him in confusion and fear.

He just explained everything and, just the other man, this person had no choice but to follow Vi's instructions.

Vi began to go through cells like a pen through wet paper, gathering an army of people.


"Yawwn, what a boring day... I guess it's about time to renew the spell on the chosen ones."

The prison guard began to walk through the jungle of cells eventually ending up in the hall where the chosen ones were being held.

He calmly walked up to the first cell, but saw something unexpected, 'Where are the prisoners... don't tell me.'

The prison guard quickly understood what happened and turned around. He planned on hastily running away and reporting this to the prison warden.

"Where do you think you're going? You just got here, what's the rush?"

The guard slowly looked behind him only to see what could only be explained as a devil. He had an absolute chaotic smile on his face, his gold eyes glistening in pair with his crimson red hair. As the guard's eyes drifted he looked behind the devil only to see an army.


All of a sudden, the prison guard felt extreme pain in his stomach as he was sent flying, at high speeds, into the wall at the end of the corridor. He spat out a mouthful of blood and quickly passed out.

"Alright, crisis averted, let's get going. I'm sure the guard has a map on him."

Vi went up to the peaceful sleeping body of the prison guard and began to search his body with no regard for keeping his hands above the guard's waist.

After searching around for a bit he finally found a map tucked into the prison guard's uniform. He opened up the map and studied the map for a minute before frowning, "This isn't good."

"What is wrong sir Vi?"

"Well first, with how this place was built, we can't leave without making a mess. There are a multitude of checkpoints in almost every area that an escapee would be guaranteed to pass by if they wanted to escape. The second problem is I still don't know where Forset is!"

Vi looked up at the ceiling, looking at all the details it held. Spiderwebs, pieces of concrete that stuck out a little, and dust that fell off the ceiling every now and then because of the people walking above them with no clue in the world of the whirlpool they were about to be sucked into.

He sighed, his sigh filled with worry for his friend, and his eyes glowed filled with longingness to find his companion.

'I hope you are doing well where ever you are, Forset.'



A cold iron bucket filled with ice-cold water splashed into the face of a sleeping woman.

She coughed as she was roughly woken up by a bucket of water and quickly woke up.

As her head cleared up she looked around, desperately trying to find a way out, only for her eyes to hover on the person in front of her who rudely woke her up.

She had long flowing blond hair, and blue eyes, and was overall very pleasing to the eyes but that was only at the first glance. In reality, she was no angel, but a devil in sheep's clothes.

"Welcome Forset to the interrogation room. I'm here to pry everything you know about the dungeon that recently opened in Celtic Village. You will cooperate, or you find your stay here most painful."

Forset heard her words and go what she was saying, she was going to be tortured if she didn't spill the beans. She began to struggle a bit only to see her hands and legs were tied to the chair she was sitting on.

"There is no point in struggling you won't be able to get out of those restraints, they are just as tough as the prison walls; practically impossible to break as a normal person. Anyway first question, what did you get from completing the dungeon."

Forset sat there not saying a word, and the woman in front of her quickly reacted, "I didn't want to do this, but you leave me with no choice."

The woman turned around to go pick something up, but Forset was one step ahead. When the woman turned around only one thing came to Forset's mind, 'A chance!'

She quickly began mumbling something that seemed like nonsense at first, but quickly ended up making more sense the farther she got in the spell.

Just a second after she began mumbling a grey magic circle opened behind the woman and a spike violently went through her brain, causing her to fall to the ground, dead.

'Tch serves you right. Now... how do I get out of this.'

Forset pondered for a moment before coming up with an answer. She began casting a spell, it was the same as the one she just cast a moment ago, except this time it was much smaller and originated at her wrists.

A metal needle, just big enough went through the rope binding her to the chair allowing her arms to move freely. She did the same to her legs and got up from the chair before looking at the dead body of the woman. When she looked at the gory mess she left, some unpleasant memories showed themselves to her. Although at first, she was starting to get dragged into a lake of memories, slowly drowning; she soon was saved from the slow descent by her tiny amount of memories with Vi.

She quickly got over her episode and looked at the dead body of the woman before coming up with an idea. She took the clothes off the woman, it's not like she would care anyway; she began to undress quickly putting the dead woman's uniform on.

She also used the knife the woman was trying to reach to cut the hair off of her scalp and wear as a bloody wig.

'Although it is kind of gross, people won't be able to identify me at just a glance. It should be safe enough to quickly run through the halls to escape... now I can only hope that Vi escapes as well. Who am I kidding, he probably is already challenging the leader of this place.'

Just as Forset was in the middle of thought a notification entered her face. It was the Revolt quest.

Thank you for reading!

Had a lot of stuff going on today, so enjoy the early chapter!

As always 50 power stones = 1 extra chapter

MrChillcreators' thoughts