
Suspicious Minds

"What did you say to Alastor to make him to leave so suddenly?" McGonagall asked, as she patted her lips with a napkin. With Harry's missing memory of the night he ran, she didn't quite trust the Potions Master as much as she used to. Not that she liked the boy right now, still to Obliviate a child, and perhaps being the reason he ran away, well, she was keeping an eye on him.

"I simply asked him if he knew why your Gryffindors were looking this way. Potter is up to something, I know it," Severus snarled, glaring at the teens. His eyes narrowed when he was something green flicker in the brat's glasses, like there was a light on them. 'Just what is that child up to now?' he wondered.

"Severus, must you always blame Harry for everything?" Minerva sighed. It was a constant battle between them, and she really didn't want to get into it right now.

Then the teens looked back to each other and started to talk in whispers.

"I've lost my appetite," Snape said, folding his napkin and placing it on his plate. "Goodnight, Minerva, Filius, Pomona, Albus," he said as he nodded to each of those nearest him, and then swept from the room.

Harry's POV

"You mean the ugly guy that just stomped out? Not Snape, but the old one?" Fred asked, picking up some chicken and taking a bite.

"Yeah, he's a bit unnerving," our hero stated, also returning to his meal.

"That's ole Mad-Eye Moody," George answered, swiping some more chicken off the platter.

"What is his real name? Because that sounds like a nickname," Harry asked with narrow eyes.

"Alastor Moody," Neville answered. "He's the DADA professor and an ex-Auror. Most of the people in Azkaban are there because of him."

'Shite,' Harry thought frantically. 'What am I going to do with that bit of information? I was right, he's an imposter. Why would there be an impostor at Hogwarts? Oh, dammit, he must be the one who put my name in the stupid tournament. But why? Is he the one trying to do me in? Again, why? Fuck, what can I do?' His mind raced with this information. He knew he couldn't trust the adults, and he couldn't just out and out say he knew the guy was a fake. He'd have to explain how he knew. So what to do? Dammit.

Out loud he said, "I don't trust him, there is just something about him that gives me the willies. Try not to be alone with the guy, okay?" he looked to each of his friends with a serious face.

"I don't know, Harry, I was alone with him and all he did was talk about my parents. He seems reasonable enough," Neville said, looking at his frantic friend and wondering what set him off. When the DADA professor talked to him after the class with the Unforgivables, he seemed like a nice guy, if a bit gruff and paranoid.

"Please, just trust me on this, that guy is bad news," he all but begged, still running the new data through his databank, trying to come up with a solution.

"I believe Harry is correct," Luna said with a dreamy look. "That is a man that should be avoided at all cost. He is the Defense Against The Dark Arts professor after all," she added, and then came back to herself, humming a little tune.

"That's right, according to what Hermione has told me, we trusted all the DADA teachers and they all tried to kill me at one point or another," Harry exclaimed, happy to have an excuse.

"Harry, how can you say that? Professor Lupin didn't try to kill you," Hermione said, looking at her friend and wondering the same thing Neville was.

"Wasn't he the werewolf that tried to eat me— twice?" our hero asked with narrow eyes. He still was uncertain about that guy, even if he was Sirius' best friend. From what Hermione told him he was just as reckless as his godfather. Well, maybe not quite, but still with his condition he should've known better than to rush ahead unprepared.

"Well, he really wasn't himself," she tried to defend the werewolf.

"That doesn't negate the fact that he put himself in a position that put others in danger, or the fact that he tried to eat me," Harry snarled, slamming his fork on the table.

"Yes, I suppose you are correct," the bushy-haired witch quickly conceded.

"Well, when you put it like that, I guess I understand why you wouldn't like him. Okay, Harry, I'll keep people around me when he's near. I just hope I don't get detention with him," Neville said to defuse the angry boy. He did wonder if it was more than that, and vowed to ask Harry when they were alone.

"Good," the dark-haired boy said with a firm nod and went back to his dinner. His mind was still racing as to what to do. He knew one thing for sure; he wasn't going to be caught around that man.


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