
Facing the Unknown

Harry's POV

Harry found himself on the bridge of his internal spaceship. After taking a calming breath, he turned to Picard and asked, "What can you do for you, Captain? It's been a long day, as I'm sure you know, and I want to go to sleep. So, pardon me if I'm a bit short, but this had better be good." He flopped down in a chair that he conjured and lifted his eyebrow to the bald man in charge of his mind.

"I would not have called you if it was not important," the captain stated as he stood, and adjusted his shirt. He walked to the young man and watched him carefully. He was unsure how the teen would take the news he was about to impart. "The away team has found another anomaly. I felt that we needed to examine it. We do not know what it is, or if it can be useful, or harmful. Closer examination will hopefully tell us what we need to know. I felt it imperative that you be here for that. Data is on standby with the necessary information." He cued the away team to give their report on the viewing screen, and then turned to watch it.

Harry turned to the large window, that was now a screen, and asked Data what was up. He noted that the android didn't look the least bit tired, but the crew did. At that moment, he felt a flash of jealousy, but then remembered that androids didn't feel emotions, and figured that he would rather be human.

"We were almost to the end of the white space, when we were pulled in the opposite direction. As we came to a stop, we scanned our surroundings. There is an… irregularity in your forehead, located behind your scar. I do not know how to describe it, but it does not belong to you."

"How do you know that it's not mine?" Harry questioned.

"Readings indicate that the magic is wrong. The magic of this anomaly is much more violent than yours," was the answer.

"Oh, okay. Go ahead, sorry I interrupted."

"Acknowledged," Data said with a nod of his head, and continued his report. "The first thing we did was put a shield around it, and then we examined it. That is when we found that it is foreign to your body makeup. It seems to be attached to your magical core. Observe this string like matter that is penetrating our shield, it goes in the direction of your core. Because of this, we did not want to destroy it. It may inadvertently cause you harm. However, we can stop the leeching, and render it weaker," Data stated mechanically, bringing up a hologram of a large blob of malevolent magic that was just hanging in the front of his mind.

"Do that last part and leave a probe there so I can look next time I meditate. Captain, see if the science crew can find a way to remove that… parasite. Also, see if it has anything we can use. I would do it tonight, but I'm too tired and cranky to be of any use," the exhausted teen stated, looking at the mass of blackness that was so close to his brain. Just the feelings coming off that thing made him shiver. He wanted it gone, but right now, he'd just mess it up if he tried. The last thing he wanted is for that… thing to explode on his brain.

"On your orders," Picard stated with a nod. He turned and started barking orders. The crew members hurried to comply.

Harry nodded, and then went back to the real world. He took a moment to wonder if having make-believe people in charge of his head made him crazy. Then he just shrugged and went to sleep. He'd worry about it another time.

The next morning our hero got up feeling much better. Dreams of laying in a woman's arms was just the thing he needed. Sure, he had to clean the sheets, but what a way to wake up. This put him in a much better mood than yesterday.

He hated that he seemed to snap at everyone, but he felt that he had just cause. After all, in the last three weeks he had accidently had his name drawn into a stupid deadly tournament, overdosed on an experimental potion, lost his memory, lived on the street, was kidnapped—twice, was mind-raped, was virtually kept a prisoner here, was put in a death-defying situation, and all the adults continued to try and control him. Maybe not Sirius, but everyone else tried to tell him where to go, what to do, and what to say, what not to say, where to live, where to sleep, and he was bloody well tired of it.


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