
Nazi Superman In Marvel Comics

MC transmigrated into a crossover world of marvel world Follow him on his adventure, and how he enjoys his time on earth and outer space. English is my second language so please bear a little bit. just for fun

SexyNinjaBoi · 漫画同人
10 Chs


We started moving towards the spaceship. Doit Was Amazed to see the ship.

[Space Ship Image]

We Entered our ship, Although, Doit had seen this ship in his memories but was Still in Awe.

The Interior was just like he had seen in the Sci-Fi movies.

There was enough space for 100 people. The ship also has Launching Pods for emergencies.

There was a small research lab, Bedrooms, Kitchen, and storage room that stored a lot of data and alien spices body samples.

It was a huge ship. Summer built this ship to travel Across the galaxy so that she won't have to build a lab for every planet.

" Welcome, Miss Summer and Mr. Doit. Where would you like to go?" SpaceShip System Asked.

"Let's go to Planet Zociol ." Summer ordered. and we both sat on the Seat.

SpaceCraft got prepared to launch.

The Spaceship Thecnologicly was very advanced as it didn't have a traditional fuel engine, this ship worked on an Anti-gravity and wrapping Technology, So it didn't have repulsers.

The spaceship started levitating slowly, and, After a few Seconds, It picked up the speed.

We entered outer space leaving the planet behind us only in 5 seconds.

" So, how far is that planet from here?" I asked her, there was nothing to do, so I asked the question to make a conversation.

" 16 Light years Away, we will be there in 6 hours," As she says that, she lays down on her seat.


After saying this, she did not say much, nor did Doit ask her anything more.

Doit was also thinking about the future, He knows his planet will explode one day but doesn't know when that will happen.

Council has not reached any conclusion yet.

If you think carefully, you can guess that at least that time is still a few thousand years away.

Kryptonian Has a life span from 1000 years to 5000 years under the red sun.

And under the yellow sun, they are immortals.

Doit was thinking to travel alone in space near the yellow sun.

He can take a dip there for a Thousand years, and then he can travel through space without any spaceship.

But the thing is, Kryptonians are forbidden to go there.

As I was thinking about it, suddenly the spacecraft went into turbulence.

" What was that," I asked. I was scared that it was the first and last day of this life. Not long ago, I was on my way to conquer the world. But this little disturbance broke my ass into four pieces.

"Sorry for the inconvenience due to a technical fault in the spacecraft. After Scanning Its Looks like there's a problem with the wrapping device." AI Responded.

" What is the problem with Wrapping Device, Maulzor?" Summer asked as she got up from her seat, and started moving toward Pixel Screen.

Doit also stood from his place and went towards her.

They both looked at the screen, After looking into the screen, they discovered that there was a problem with the wrapping device of the spacecraft.

The wrapping device was getting too much energy, and that caused the wrapping device to overheat.

There were many coolers near the wrapping device to Cool down the engines but

Suddenly the sound of an explosion came from the rear of the spacecraft.

The explosion was not very big, but because of that explosion, the Ship Wrapping Device MissFired a Beam in Infront of The ship and opened a Small wormhole.

Summer and Doit were holding things around us so we wouldn't fall.

We both couldn't understand what happened to our spacecraft because it was the first time in nearly a thousand years that any Kryptonian Ship had faced any Technical problem.

Doit Looked At his Aunt, who was just feet away from him, and she was even more scared than him.

Doit looked outside the spaceship, and saw that their spacecraft was Entering the Wormhole.

In a flash That wormhole Swallowed them like a candy