
Nazi Superman In Marvel Comics

MC transmigrated into a crossover world of marvel world Follow him on his adventure, and how he enjoys his time on earth and outer space. English is my second language so please bear a little bit. just for fun

SexyNinjaBoi · 漫画同人
10 Chs


Doit and Summer were these two were sitting next to each other. The last two days were very tiresome for them. They had nothing to do except look at the earth more carefully. They were also both excited but for different reasons.

Summer was excited about the Sun. Humans didn't interest her much. She had seen many primitive civilizations in her life, some that exactly look like Kryptonian like these humans.

Summer was 125 years old, but due to her Kryptonian physiology, she looks 25.

She had been a scientist for the last 100 years, and in her career, she had done research on so many subjects but the subject that fascinated her the most were her biology and the sun.

She didn't know why the government had banned further research on Biology and Sun.

She had heard rumors that there was a rebellion long ago, and rebels used the power of the sun and killed Millions of Krypton soldiers. In the end, the government used Weapon Doomsday to Kill all the Rebels and passed the new laws to avoid such a situation.

Those laws prohibit further exploration of the yellow sun solar system and biological studies.

She was skeptical after hearing those, it was hard for her to believe that Sun could make them strong enough to massacre million of advanced soldiers.

So She was eager to find the truth and was a little relaxed cos she didn't has to show her location to the system every 1 hour.

As for Doit, he was thinking about his next step.

It was his time to shine.

He has decided he will rule over the world but from the shadows. He would not be a superhero or a supervillain.

He would rule the World without using his powers and become a hero without saving anyone or sacrificing himself.

He didn't want to become too dependent on his power, or he could regret that.

" Sir, Mam, we are close to the Planet. Should I enter the planet's atmosphere " Suddenly, Krypto's voice rang through their ship, Interrupting Doit, and summer thoughts.


Finally, I am Home. Damn, those were some strangest two days of both of life. I became an alien with greek god physics and great intelligence and got a hot aunt who doesn't wear cloth the majority of the time.

" Yes, Krypto enter the planet without any delay and make sure nobody sees you and land on that ice continent," I order Krypto.

" Why are you being so cautious about this planet? I have been noticing for the last two days that you are very curious about this planet. I have never seen you so curious, and why do I feel like you know about this planet? Doit are you hiding something from your lovely aunt?" Summer asked as She came close to me seductively, and pressed her finger on my chest.

She was so close to me that there was only a needle space between our chests, and as usual, she was not wearing any clothes.

It was difficult for me to resist not looking at her d-cup boobs, but somehow I was able to.

But I was not too surprised to hear all her questions. I was still acting like my previous self and was showing my eagerness to reach earth.

I also told her some stuff about the planet subconsciously, so she had her doubt.

" Yes, I know about this Planet, I have read about this planet from our secret family's Files." I Spurt the bullshit without delay while smiling nervously.

"What secret file, I haven't heard about this before," Summer asked with suspicious eyes.

" Well, because it's a secret file, and I found it by mistake. You are worrying about nothing, look, we are about to land." I lied again while laughing nervously.

After hearing this, she backed away, but she was still not buying those excuses.