

"What do you think? Did he really get something from the scrolls?" Hiruzen sat inside his office now without the elders and only a man with black hair and the usual Konoha attire stood in front of him.

"He has a bright head. I am sure of that. And I think his determination is real. But he probably only has memorized one of the scrolls. There were, after all, some A and S class Jutsu in the pile. And even if he understands, it would be hard to learn, no?", answered the person.

Hiruzen smoked his pipe. "I guess you are right. But it is still surprising how he read them so fast. Well, let's just hope he didn't waste his own opportunity."

"Yes, otherwise Danzo is going to pick on him. He has lately gotten sloppy and revealed some of his footsteps."

"Are you telling the truth, Kano? So we found some leads?"

"Nothing concrete but I am getting there. But I swear on my pride and duty that he is already up to something."

"...I guess I will take your word then. After all, you are the Commander of my Anbu forces. Anyway, please strengthen the observation of the twins. We definitely can't let anything like last time happen. I don't want to even think if something like the accident with the Hyuga and Uchiha happens again. We lost already too much...Peace...May be very thin at the moment...."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Just before he wanted to leave he stopped.

"Right, I still got this document addressed to you. It is from someone you know." He handed over the papers.

Hiruzen opened it and read it.

"...Oh my..."

"How should we deal with it?", asked Kano.

"Just the normal procedure. Actually...We could establish a team with this. But for now, it will be delayed."

"Right." Kano nodded and now took his leave.


Serenity was everywhere. The current place was very quiet and tranquil.

There was only the sound of rustling trees from the forest and water that was falling and clashing with a lake below it.

The source of that sound of water was a waterfall that was in a small clearance that was surrounded by a lush and thick forest.

Right underneath that waterfall, one could see 5 shadows sitting in a crosslegged position and letting the water fall unto their backs.

All of them also seemed to move their hands from time to time.

Taking a closer look one could see it was actually Kaito and the movements of the hands were hand signs for kneading chakra.

He was currently doing training and split himself into those 5 clones. What he did exactly was also pretty simple.

He was meditating underneath the waterfall and circulated his chakra in the same way the water flowed.

And with the waterfall constantly hitting his body he also increased his body's endurance all the while learning to mix different chakra natures to his inner flow. Each clones was a sifferent nature.

"Ugh...I am nearly gone...", mentioned one of the guys. Another Kaito reacted to that and stood up.

He then ran over the lake in front of them and only stopped when he was on the land on the other side of it.

Putting one hand in front of his chest and doing the hand sign for a Jutsu release, was all it took for the shadow-clones under the waterfall to disappear. In the end, it was just straightening his index- and middle finger.

"Phew...Guess that's it for today on this site." It was the original Kaito that was talking now. He was currently rubbing his forehead because of the information he was assaulted by. And not only that but also the exhaustion they all experienced.

He clasped both his hands together and the surrounding scenery changed back to the old one where only a hut stood around on a plain grassy field.

The location was changed back and one could see now that he was currently in his own instant dungeon.

"Let´s see how far I have come. In a few days, we are going to have our graduation day. I haven't looked at this for quite a long time now. Status.", he mumbled.

It was really time for that soon. Since the last meeting with the Hokage, 4 whole years went by in a flash.



Name: Kaito Uzumaki

Age: 12

Job: Academy Student - Year 8

Level: LVL 17 Next Level: 78.23%

Title: The Demon Twin

HP: 544 (+5,8%)--> 575 (-25% Debuff) --> 431

CP: 372 (+5,8%) --> 393 (x5) --> 1965

STR: 30.8 ( Base 28 + 2.8)

VIT: 54.4 (Base 34 +17 + 3.4)

AGI: 40.7 (Base 37 + 3.7)

INT: 37.2 (Base 31 + 3.1 + 3.1)

WIS: 26.4 (Base 22 +2.2 + 2.2)

LUCK: 28

Points: 85

Money: 21.114.670 RYO


Water (Chakra) - 100 (Natural): EXP up when learning water-related Jutsu +100%, Jutsu PWR +50%, WIS +10%

Fire (Chakra) - 84 (Perfect): EXP up when learning fire-related Jutsu +75%, Jutsu PWR +25%, STR +10%

Wind (Chakra) - 92(Perfect): EXP up when learning wind-related Jutsu +75%, Jutsu PWR +25%, AGI +10%

Lightning (Chakra) - 88 (Perfect): EXP up when learning lightning-related Jutsu +75%, Jutsu PWR +25%, INT +10%

Earth (Chakra) - 78 (Perfect): EXP up when learning earth-related Jutsu +75%, Jutsu PWR +25%, VIT 10%

Fuinjutsu/Sealing(Space/Time) (Chakra) - 72 (High): EXP up when learning sealing-related Jutsu +50%, Jutsu PWR +25%

Yin(Reality) (Chakra) - 100 (Natural): EXP up when learning Genjutsu-related Jutsu +100%, Jutsu +50% PWR, All Mind STATS + 10%

Yang(Life) (Chakra) - 65 (High): EXP up when learning Medical-related Jutsu +50%, Jutsu PWR +25%



*Cooking (LVL 78)*--(Active):

*Observe (LVL 4/10)*--(Active):

*Eidetic Memory (LVL 3/10)*--(Passive):

*Instant Dungeon (LVL 24)*--(Active):

*Meditation (LVL 58)*--(Active/Passive):

*Chakra Control (LVL 81)*--(Active/Passive):


*Sign-Printing(LVL 85)*--(Passive):

*Shuriken-Jutsu(LVL 60)*--(Passive):

*Kenjutsu(LVL 46)*--(Passive):

*Taijutsu(LVL 63)*--(Passive):




*Fuinjutsu(LVL 42)*--(Passive):



*Clone-Jutsu(LVL MAX)*--(Active):

*Transformation-Jutsu(LVL MAX)*--(Active):

*Substitution-Jutsu(LVL MAX)*--(Active):

*Leaf Body-Flicker Technique (LVL 26)*--(Active):

*Thunder Body-Flicker Technique (LVL 46)*--(Active):

*Rasengan (LVL MAX)*--(Active):


*Natural Water Bullet (LVL MAX)*--(Active):

*Great Water Ball (LVL MAX)*--(Active):

*Water Clone (LVL MAX)*--(Active):

*Water Prison(LVL MAX)*--(Active):

*Mist Technique*(LVL MAX)*--(Active):

*Great Waterfall(LVL MAX)*--(Active):


*Great Fireball (LVL MAX)*--(Active):

*Great Flame Rasengan (LVL MAX)*--(Active):

*Smoldering Summer Heat (LVL MAX)*--(Active):


*Great Breakthrough (LVL MAX)*--(Active):

*Tornado Rasengan (LVLMAX)*--(Active):

*Rasenshuriken(LVL 11)*--(Active):

*Rho Aias (LVL 9)*--(Active):


*Raikiri* (LVL 9)*--(Active):

*Chidori* (LVL MAX)*--(Active):

*Vanishing Rasengan(LVLMAX)*--(Active):

*Thunderclap (LVL MAX)*--(Active):

*Heavens Smite (LVL MAX)*--(Active):


*Earth Wall (LVL MAX)*--(Active):

*Earth Armor (LVL 73)*--(Active):

*Stone Ball Rasengan (LVL MAX)*--(Active):


*Five Elemental Seal (LVLMAX)*--Active):

*Chakra Seal(LVL MAX)*--Active):

*Seal Mark(LVL MAX)*--Active):

*Flying Thunder God (LVL 34)*--Active):


*Shadow-Clone-Jutsu(LVL 68)*--(Active):



*Mystical Palm Technique(LVL 48)*--(Active):

-Stored Jutsu (Already read but not learned): None.


Kaito slowly started to laugh.

"Well, I guess that is a start. I concentrated so much on the chakra control that I nearly forgot about keeping up with my ninjutsu and physical skills."

He clenched a hand into a fist and looked at it. Now he only smiled.

"I think it should do for now. This strength will be a good starting point. But that I still haven't perfected my control. That worries me somehow. It really is something else...Well, I do kinda still struggle at training my nature manipulation..."

He just sighed and thought about something else.

"Then again I am an idiot to try and master everything in just 4 years. Others would take decades to even get to this point."

"I am sure if I could get freaking access to the chakra reserver that Kurama has it would be so much easier. And if I didn't have this ability it would be so much harder to attune myself to the elements."

"Everything I basically learned will stay the way it was and will never change..."

"Anyway, good thing I got so good with my shadow clones that I can now make about 50 clones without any detriments. That helped out a lot as well." After his self-monologue, he was looking around.

"Speaking of which...One of my clones is still active...I wonder how far he got?"

He started running and speed up real fast in a certain direction. Ever since he learned the body-flicker, Kaito was as fast as lightning on short distances.

And when in constant movement his body could accelerate to at least speed to up to 200km/h. And the distance he ran was no small amount.

There was really no wonder why ninja could travel such huge continents within days. They were practically more mobile than any car could ever be.

Besides that, it also strengthened his body somewhat. He could compare it to some ki circulation method.

The chakra-mode was probably the next step. But he didn't figure out how to use that yet and wanted to first perfect his control over his chakra to strengthen himself.

Soon he reached another forested area.

He stopped and slowly walked through the forest. Soon he frowned and took out a kunai from his pouch.

That happened right at the perfect timing because a clone appeared on his right side and attacked him.

The real Kaito deflected the attack and countered but he only hit the air.

Looking around he saw a shadow move from one tree to another. Sometimes he caught a small glimpse of the reddish hair.

But Kaito just smirked when he saw kunai placed at about every tree possible. Then he disappeared as well. His destination was right behind the clone. The kunai in his hand now raised to the clone's neck.

"You seem to have gotten even better at it. Its time for us to rest. You know what is going to come up soon."

The clone only nodded and released itself. All the information flooded inside his mind.

+INT increased by 1 for the intensive gathering of experience+

The system also chimed in and the surrounding forest soon disappeared. Those were the training grounds for him and the shadow clone that was tasked in developing the Flying Thunder God.

"....I should keep myself level-headed. Soon I can meet Kakashi and see where exactly I stand on the food chain now. Hopefully not too far down."


"Actually it would really be nice to get this silly fox to help out. What did father do with the seal? It´s such a mess...Let's see if Jiraiya can help out with that." Kaito was actually helpless in the Fuin department. He still couldn't figure out anything about the seal put on his abdomen. He also didn't want to mess around with it too much.

That really told stories how strong a seal needed to be to keep a tailed beast at bay.

@.@ Uff

Yes, a time skip.

Actually, this is a test chapter. Did I overdo it with the OPness?

Since I did mostly focus his training on the foundations (Chakra Affinities and Control) he barely has any LVL in ninjutsu besides the ones he used to level up his affinities.

And don't worry about the length. I nearly always never count status thingies as words. So the chapter should still be decently long I think.

Soulcrystalcreators' thoughts