I am basically just a bibliophile that likes to read in his free time and imagine his own things from time to time. Cheers!
I do not agree to anything the first few paragraphs stated rofl
Thats the thing. Details are important.
hmm? isn't babylon supposed to be far earlier in the timeline than the greek pantheon? how come Enkidu knows him? That would imply he projected himself even further into the past later without his own knowledge rofl Well, guess timeline shenanigens start from here on
also strength of 3 tons only? thats like nothing major. how dies he even manage to bend and destroy things around himself now. Are walls and concrete made out of extremely thin sheets in that world?
He is a pretty deranged scientist. Also we rarely see him interacting with the other character besides moral conundrums. Even Vander had a more touching emotiona scene in the novel. So where does the sudden love come from rofl.
🤣 looks like you joined the wagon in ridiculous names for her
she became a broodmother now? that escalated quickly rofl.
rofl. "are you gonna use it now? - no - proceeds to drink it anyway and goes hibernating
That one woman got more names than anyzhing in this novel translation xD But then again, she doesnt have an official name 🤷♂️