
Chapter 1

"Oh, how I've awaited your arrival." A voice spoke from the darkness.

A soul, floating in an endless space of darkness, was awoken by the voice. He noticed that whoever the voice belonged to was laced with venom.

"So, this is hell? I expected an eternity of torment." The soul as he sounded bored.

"Oh, no. Hell is too easy for you. For 36 years, I watched you destroy what my father worked hard to build. A notorious killer who killed for fun." The person speaking was beyond angry. He had met some of the worst of people, but the soul in front of him was different. It made him sick to even at him.

"Oh, I see. A daddy's boy who looks for his father's approval, am I right? Based on the tone of your voice, you're not the one in charge here, so how about you go get the actual person to meet me, and go suck off your dad somewhere else." The soul spoke with indifference. The person was even more enraged by his words.

The person took a deep breath, calming their nerves before speaking again.

"From the age of 11 to 36, you were a merciless killer. Skinning people alive, burning people alive, drowning people while singing 'My little pony..." The being said, sounding like they were going to be sick.

"You forgot I made them listen to Justin Bieber, Jacob Sartorius, and Cardi B." The soul said, making it sound like accomplishments.

"That isn't something to be proud of." The voice said sternly.

"I take pride in my work." The soul retorted.

"I see. There is no point in discussing anything with you. You a nothing but a sadistic, manipulative asshole!" The being shouted, losing its temper.

"I didn't know I hurt you so bad..." The soul said, sounding remorseful.

"Don't think that just because you are regretting you act–"

"How far is your dad's dick down your throat?" The soul asked seriously.

"What did you just say?!" The being growled. Once again, his anger getting the best of him.

"You're ignorant enough to defend the piece of shit called Earth? It was all about money and staying in power. I got tired of it and spoke a few magical words into a phone booth, then boom." The soul spoke with disgust and hatred in his voice.

"Enough! I don't want to hear anything else from you, at once!" The being roared.

"Or what?"

The next thing he knew he felt like he was getting pulled towards something. Everything was going black even though it already was. Before he could completely go unconscious, he was dragged away from whatever was pulling him.

"Oh, my. It looks like my son needs to be handled accordingly. I apologize for my son's actions and incompetence." Now he was in a completely white room. The only thing he saw was an old man.

The old man had white robes on that only wrapped around his one shoulder, exposing his shoulder and chest. The man had his eyes closed, drinking tea he assumed. And he was sitting in a lotus position with a table in front of him.

"You bear no hatred or animosity towards me, why is that?" Dom asked slightly confused.

"Haha, it's quite the opposite. I hold you in high regard." The man said as he put down his cup.

"Why is that?" Dom asked.

"Though the murder and torture were understandable to an extent, you got rid of an issue I was going to take care of." The old man responded.

"The humans," Dom said.

"Correct. It was fine for the first few thousand years, but then, you fought for resources, land, money, and power. So, guess what we did?" The old man asked with amusement in his tone.

"In ancient Hindu text, it says that a lightning bolt struck with the power of a thousand suns. There was also crystallized glass found around the world, which only happens when sand reaches 3000°F. The same happened at the nuclear bomb test site." Dom said with little to no effort.

"Good. Now, before I dragged you in here, my son was planning on sending you to the world of Attack on Titan as a side character. But I won't let that happen because you did me a favor." The old man said.

"So, am I going to hell or?" Dom was confused. Now that he wasn't going to be sent to Aot, where was he going?

"No. You are going to the world called Naruto, I have a feeling you will change that world." The man said with a smile on his face.

"Naruto is just as corrupt as Earth, if not worse, but who am I to deny a God?" Dom asked.

"Sweet talking me won't get you anything. Now, be on your way. Maybe we will meet again." The man said as everything began to turn black again.

"Not even a single cheat?" Dom asked before he went unconscious.

"What an interesting soul." The man said as the entire white space disappeared.

In an alleyway in Konohagakure.

"Look who tried to run." A man said as he looked down a blonde-haired boy who was backed into an alleyway.

The man also had a crowd behind him, who looked at the boy with pure hate and disgust. They were looking at the boy, Naruto Uzumaki.

Since the news spread that he was the container of the Kyuubi, the villagers of Konohagakure, set out to make him pay for the pain and suffer the demon inside him caused.

"I-I didn't do anything. Please let me go." The child begged for mercy. He hadn't a clue as to why the people of the village hated him so much.

The next thing he knew he was kicked in the back by a Konoha shinobi, into the crowd of villagers. He landed on all fours as he was kicked in the face again.

Blood poured from his nose and tears stung his eyes. He didn't know why they were attacking him.

"It looks like demons do bleed." A shinobi said as he looked down at the confused and scared boy.

"D-demon? I'm not a demon." Naruto said as he was assaulted again, getting kicked in the stomach.

As the crowd of people shouted insults at him, telling him how he killed their family members or destroyed their homes, he kept denying it which led to him getting mercilessly beaten.

The Anbus' watching did nothing under the order of Hiruzen, who was watching the entire thing through his crystal ball. He planned to make him lonely, so he could come in and be there for Naruto, to keep him loyal to the village.

Naruto was constantly beaten up to an hour until the people were satiated from now, but there was one ninja who was boiling with rage.

He took out a kunai and lodged it into his chest, then dragging it to his shoulder. Naruto cried out in pain, blood flowing out his chest faster than the Kyuubi could heal his wound.

He began to lose color in his face as he laid on the ground in his blood. He was crying and kept questioning what did he do.

The Anbu's saw this and immediately killed the ninja who inflicted the wound on Naruto. Then, one of the Anbus' began to heal Naruto, but it was already too late. He didn't have a heartbeat.

"Humans. They never change. They killed an innocent boy who had nothing to do with the attack. Dad, I wonder, is this the world that you wanted?" The Kyuubi said as the sewer he was in began to go dark. He closed his eyes and accepted what was to come. He was going to reform in a few years anyway.

But nothing happened. The light began to return to the sewer which greatly confused the Kyuubi. He could've sworn that his host had died, the cage had blocked him from healing him fast enough.

Outside of Naruto's body.

Naruto's pulse began to beat, though it was faint, it was there. The Anbu who saw this immediately began to use her medical ninjutsu on him, trying to save his life.

She was confused about how he was alive, she thought he was dead just a second ago. But she was right. Naruto did die, but a new soul now inhabited his body.

Tell me if you see any mistakes.

BigCicada_creators' thoughts