
Naruto: The journey of Rai Inazuma

Uhg.. one moment I was having a blast the next second, am on the city Floor Dying... ------------- Naruto fanfic and yeah of course I don't own the damn thing as for its kishimoto's and will forever be But I have my Own personaly created Oc's so that's that. ---------- And this wont be 100% following the plot of canon so people that dont like canon getting messed up then leave immediately. There will be some parts of the original canon but anymore will be different. And please when I do just one simple thing dont start saying oh no It a beta mc oh no he's a simp. like please dont... like I said I'll only do stuff in the most logical ways. --------- Welp have a fun read or not it's you not me. -------'xx----- I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PIC I REPEAT I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PIC!!

Arekuruu_Tento · 漫画同人
38 Chs

Chapter 31: Obito was Taken?.

(3rd Pov)

'Where did those ninjas come from, zetsu said that lord madara had every thing handled' obito thought as they approached the bridge.

"Rin, obito I'll check what's ahead" kakashi said as he sped up.

"Then I'll stay and protect rin" obito said with serious confidence.

"I can protect myself" rin interjected with a hmph.

Without letting them talk any further dozens of kunais and shurikens were thrown at them from out of nowhere most of them aiming at obito but out of nowhere and with little effort kakashi got in their way and deflected all of them.

"Hey you guys we only have little time to do this so be quick" said one of the dozens of ninjas whom suddenly came out of a tree as they ran towards the three.

As the ninjas approached them kakashi prepared himself but before the fight could initiate a blue blur flashed by them and before they could get out of their shock they were thrown into another one as the bodys of the ninjas dropped to the ground unmoving.

"Am back guys" they heared as Rai walked towards them from seemingly nowhere.

"Huh Rai?" said rin with suprise and little relief.

"Did you defeat those ninjas that appeared earlier" kakashi asked.

"Yeah it was quite quick" rai said as he stood infront of the team.

"Tch, show off" obito snarled as he walked towards a tree behind them.

"Hey that's not a nice thing to say obito" rin said making obito look away like he was just embarrassed.

(obito pov)

' why do I feel like I was targeted the most by those ninjas' I thought as I looked at Rai whom was talking to Rin.

'And how could he beat those ninjas so fast' I thought as I continued to look at Rai my and hate rising.

'I dont have to worry when lord madara trains me then I will become the strongest in the leaf village and also make Rin love me' I thought deeply with excitement.

"Ok guys the bridge is probably a few meters from here so let get going" I heared Rai say.

(20 min later)

"We are here guys" Rai said as a long bridge appeared in our vision.

"Ok let me check if there is any traps" rai said as he walked towards the bridge.

'Seems like it is time' I thought as took out the paper that black zetsu gave me.

'Black zetsu said that with this I'll be teleported to lord madara and people will think I died' I thought feeling a little bit put off by the thought of me being thought as dead, but my desire to be strong ignored that and got ready to activate it.

" weird Doesn't seem like there is any traps here" Rai said with his guard even more up.

"Seems weird that iwa ninja's are not even here" kakashi said fueling the suspection that was lit by rai.

"Come on let's just destroy this stupid bridge already" I suddenly said as I walked towards the bridge.

"Hey obito wait" rin said as she also believed kakashi and rais suspection.

"What's the worst that could happen" obito said with confidence as he took out a paper bomb ready to place it on the bridge.

(Rai pov)

'Even though I didnt watch much of this part of the anime am pretty sure getting to the bridge has been way too easy' I thought as I watched obito take out a paper bomb from his weapon holder.

'Wait a minute...' realizing something I looked at the bridge which had a paper bomb placed on it by obito.

"Obito get away from there!" I yelled as I focused all my strength onto my legs and activating my swift release jutsu I blurred out of existence leaving a blue blur behind and not even a second later I appeared next to obito before pushing him out of the way before quickly equipping my katana and placing it infront of my chest effectively blocking a sneak attack.

(Obito Pov)

Hitting the ground I rolled for a but before stoping next to kakashi and Rin whom were looking at the direction of the bridge I once was, ignoring the pain of hitting the floor too hard i looked towards where they were looking at only to see Rai with a big slash on his chest made by an individual which was standing infront of him with a bloody katana.

'... what is this I am feeling?' i thought as both my eyes began to burn.

'Why am I feeling so much hatred right now' I thought as I looked at the individual with more hate building up.

'My eyes really burn!' I thought as my chest tightened.

'if I wasn't moved out of the way in time.... wouldn't that have been me...' I thought as I couldn't take it anymore and stood up running straight at the individual with hate and anger consuming me.

"Hey obito what are you doing!" I heared kakashi and Rin shout as I near the individual.

"Obito get back!" I heared Rai's voice call out to me but I ignored it as I adjusted to my new perceptive.

"You bastard!" I yelled as I took out a kunai from my kunai pouch targeting the figures neck but what I expected didn't happened and what I slashed at was nothing more than... air.

"Obito what are you doing" Rai said suddenly appearing next to me.

"What about that guy and how are you alive" I asked with confusion.

"Obito... your eyes" rai said with a little bit of suprise kakashi and Rin doing the same, getting even more confused by their actions j used my kunai to see my face but what I saw suprised me as my black eyes were replaced with pure blood red pupils and a two tomoes revolving around it.

"The sharigan" Kakashi said with amazement Rin following with an amazed face.

"The sharigan huh?" I murmered quite shocked.

"Wait forget the sharigan what about that guy that almost killed me and stabbed Rai" I said holding off the shock.

"I don't know about being stabbed but I did save you from that guy" rai finished as he pointed towards a dead body near the bridge.

"That guy had some kind of special jutsu that made him invisible so he tried to sneak attack you but I was able to step in in time to block the attack and kill him" Rai finished making my heart tighten.

'if Rai wasn't here wouldn't I have died?' I thought with more hatred for my weakness 'If I had just awaken my sharigan earlier then I could have probably saved myself and not have need Rai' wanting to get to madara and get stronger started to blind me.

And before I could think anymore a yellow flash flashed by before minato sensei appeared with a worried face.

(3 hours later)

(Rai pov)

After explaining what happened to minato and destroying the bridge with the help of minato we headed back but minaro had to separate with us because he was needed at the frontlines.

"Hey guys" hearing obito call us I turned my head towards him as I stopped jumping from tree to tree and landing on the ground Rin and kakashi doing the same.

"There is something I need to say" obito said as his voice grew serious and serious as he finished his words.

"What is it obito" I said with a questioning look which he replied with a glare.

"I-" before he could finish his words a black puddle opend under him with a black looking hand grabbing his leg and pulling him inside.

'Why can't I move?' I thought with shock as for some reason I couldn't move and it seems it wasn't just me experiencing the same situation as i saw Rin and kakashi struggle to move.

"Obito..." rin said with shock.

Please tell me this isn't confusing as I tried my best to make it as understandable as possible without giving too much info about what isn't need to he known yet.

And thanks for over 500k views

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