
Naruto: The journey of Rai Inazuma

Uhg.. one moment I was having a blast the next second, am on the city Floor Dying... ------------- Naruto fanfic and yeah of course I don't own the damn thing as for its kishimoto's and will forever be But I have my Own personaly created Oc's so that's that. ---------- And this wont be 100% following the plot of canon so people that dont like canon getting messed up then leave immediately. There will be some parts of the original canon but anymore will be different. And please when I do just one simple thing dont start saying oh no It a beta mc oh no he's a simp. like please dont... like I said I'll only do stuff in the most logical ways. --------- Welp have a fun read or not it's you not me. -------'xx----- I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PIC I REPEAT I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PIC!!

Arekuruu_Tento · 漫画同人
38 Chs

Chapter: 10 Sensei!?.

Jinton: Attoiuumani kieta(Gone in a flash).

--------- Seconds later

Appearing at the otherside of the bridge I looked around suprised, before a sudden flux of information came rushing into my head 'swift release huh' I thought before turning around and seeing my pursuers focusing more on a female figure wearing all black with a bear mask on holding a katana covered in blood.

Realizing whom that was my mind focused solely on her she killed the captain and almost killed me too, I dont hold grudges but she's gotta go' I thought "I dont know how you did that but it was probably a fluke so am going to say this only once give up Rai Inazuma, you have nowhere to go" she said.

"And why should I do that, am pretty sure Konoha Shinobi are on their way so I rather advise you to give up" I said preparing to engage "you give me no choice" she said as she ran towards me with shocking speed reaching my location in seconds, but before she could completely reached me I disappeared in a white blur, before appearing again in seconds I striked her in different angles and before she could react I kicked her back over the bridge.

Falling down at the other side of the bridge she tried to stand but couldn't eventually passing out "retreat! the captain is down!" and with that they took the female and disappeared into the clearing, as Konoha ninja's appeared as I sat down on the floor and seeing me they rushed over "hey are you ok" said one of the guys as he came foward "We got ambushed everybody died, and am the only one who made it alive" I said as I stared into the clearing "Ambush where are they" said a guy as he looked around "They recreated" I said as I stood up.

Arriving back at the village I dragged my bloodied and bruised body to the Hokages office, and with a quick knock and a voice from the inside I entered as I went in someone took my attention 'Danzo Shimura' specifically as I stared him down my anger began to burn, realizing where I was I suppressed my anger 'Soon danzo, soon your blood will stain my blade and my foot will stare your dead body down' I thought.

"Hmm Rai what happened to you" said the Hokage " someone gave us false information about the mission and my entire unit was wiped out" I said staring at the emotionless Danzo "What! how could you say that!" yelled danzo "Are you trying to say our leaf village as a traitor" said a woman who I just noticed "propustrus that is impossible" yelled danzo still having that emotionless facade "It is not I have the mission details here, the captain gave it to me to bring it back" I said as I brought out the scroll.

Reading the information Hiruzen's face darkened before it went back to Normal "How many were there" Hiruzen said as he took his pipe "Approximately around a 1000" I said not even flinching "how many did you kill" Hiruzen said as he looked at me seriously "over 500" I said greatly suprising everyone in the room "hm ok you are excused" Hiruzen said but before he could finish I was already on the ground.

"Anbu" Hiruzen said as a couple of figure's covered in black clothing with masks on appeared in a swirl of leaves "Take him to the hospital quick" Hiruzen said "hai" they answered as two of then went forward to pick him up before disappearing again in a swirl of leaves. 'That boy is so talented but is already being targeted, maybe I can train him he does have the talent and the attitude and he also isn't from a clan' thought Hiruzen as he smoked his pipe.

Awaking to see my parent's looking worryingly at me before my mom gave me a bone crushing hug "Oh my honeybun who did this to you tell me so I can destroy their entire family line" shouted my mom "ouch ouch can you hold off for a little bit" I said feeling my injuries acting up.

after a few hours of talking to my parents chuji San came looking worried but after a hug I told her I was fine. minutes later kakashi walked in "Atleast you didn't die" he said "Oh come on you were worried weren't ya" I said "who would be worried about you, your very strong so what's the point" he said looking away. making everyone in the room to chuckle at his antics after a little more talking, it was time for my meds before I had to go back to sleep.

Waking up the next morning I thought about the battle 'I was too careless I didn't think about the dangers that came with war, I was just thinking about missions to quench my boredom never really thinking that people are dying and I could die at any moment' I thought 'But this just makes me wanna train more, so I can battle more people and progress my strength, my enemies will respect and fear me my friends and family will look up to me' With my Resolve burning with determination and passion I thought 'If I keep training by myself I wont progress much I need someone train me' i finished.

A few days later I was discharged my injuries weren't that severe. walking through the streets of Konoha I looked around 'Father can keep teaching me Kenjutsu as I still have a lot to learn but he's been on missions every other day with mom. mom is strong but she has nothing good enough to teach me which still saddens her' i thought inwardly as I stop by a store and bought a plate of oyakodon even if it isn't as good as Chuji San's it still good.

Finding a place to seat and eat peacefully I sit and began eating, a few minutes later "excuse me young Rai may I have a seat" said the voice of a man as he came forth "of course please do" I said shifting a little bit so he can have his space "oh thank you" he said as sat down before taking out a pipe and asking "what do you think about this war" he said, finally looking at him closely I realize who I was talking to "I think it has a meaning because without meaning what's the point" i said as i finished my food "Right so what do you think your role is in this war" he asked as smoke came from his mouth.

"Well if I would say I would say my role is to be one of the defendants of the village as Its is my birth place and my family's home" I replied. 'honestly I can decide to leave this village when I want to but why would I?' I thought "The will of fire truly burns In you huh" hiruzen said as he stood up.

"huh what?" i replied clearly suprised "Rai Inazuma what do you think about becoming my Student" he said suprising me. 'Wait what do I think?' I thought "So what is it do you accept or not" hiruzen said.

Wow what do you think? will he accept or not?.

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1223 words .

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