
Naruto: the blonde assassin (up for adoption)

One of the most deadly assassins was reincarnated into the world of naruto... but the world is very different. I own nothing. Synopsis sucks I know. and OC will be Naruto if I didn't make that clear.

Idk_wqe2 · 漫画同人
45 Chs

What a mess

A blonde boy opens his eyes and sits up, startled, and frantically looks around in the unfamiliar room.

jumping out of what felt like a bed, he observes a room before noticing a slight difference in his height.

and that small difference meant that he felt like a midget.

quickly looking down he sees a white shirt with a red flame pattern in the middle, and green boxers.

carefully walking forward he locates a bathroom and walks in, turning on the lights.

(this place needs to be rebuilt, nothing fixing this).

the place was run down, cracked walls, and the sink was barely holding on the wall, but at least the mirror was still there.

walking closer while still staying alert he looks at his reflection and his jaw drops, eyebrows shoot up, and pupils go wide.

the standing in the mirror was not him, standing in the mirror was not Jacob Knight, the top assassin in the world, No, in the mirror was standing a blonde kid, looking like a twelve-year-old, with blue eyes and whisker marks.

(... okay, calm yourself, it's a dream, you're not Naruto, you're not a dumbass who screams his dream to the world and only knows three jutsus the whole series, you will take up any moment now, in fact, why not wake up now?).

with that thought process, he pinches his cheek and his eyes widen again, but not in surprise but horror.

it hurt.

he could feel the pain.

you don't feel pain in dreams, so it means that it was real, he was naruto, and he had no idea what to do.

then he got a headache that felt like someone stabbing him in the head and twisting it just to spite his dead body.

with a grunt, he stumbles back enough to reach the wall and slides down to the floor.

and as suddenly as it arrived it was gone.

he remembered twelve years of life that wasn't his, he remembered everything but not as he knew from his world.

Sasuke was a girl, Sakura was a boy and so were Hinata and Ino.

Shino was a girl too.

genders ware changed, mostly.

at least the Hokage's ware as he remembered, and he was a dead last, great.

he remembered how to do the basic academy three.

shadow lone jutsu and that was it, that's the only thing he knew.

(okay, I'm in deep shit).

with that thought, he remembers what was going to happen in two weeks.

(the damn team placements will be in two weeks, and I suck, how do I even use Chakra?).

his internal debate wasn't reflected on his face, it being a blank mask as he washed his face and walked into the living room again, looking for clothes that weren't orange.

a black shirt, and black pants.

trying to remember, he figured out that the Hokage gifted him these recently, probably hoping that I wouldn't wear orange.

that wish would come true.

quickly putting the clothes on he walks to the door and puts on his sandals.

(why sandals? they can lose their toes because of this style of footwear).

he opened the door and closed it again, he went back inside the room and picked up his pouch, and looked inside, only two find Dull Kunai and Shuriken.

with a sigh, he dumps the blunt weapons in the trash and walks over to the bed again, lifting up the mattress, he takes out his savings and walks out of the rundown apartment.

using his knowledge to use the transformation jutsu, he transforms into who he remembered was a male, Kiba.

quickly locating the weapon shop that kicked him out frequently he buys twenty kunai and thirty shurikens.

he also finds a fully black Tanto, so he also picks that up.

since the kunai and shuriken didn't cost much, he also bought black pouches and gloves with metal plating.

and tape, he can't forget the tape.

all this cost half of his savings.

(well, I need more money, a good thing the stipend comes next week).

he noticed a black vest, and even though it would cost half of what he had left he still decided to buy it.

now all he had to do was to train, get his body coordination, and at least manage to do a chakra enhanced jump, a chakra enhanced punch, and walk on trees.

he had a giant reservoir of chakra to control.


training ground fifteen was an abandoned training ground, and Right now it was flooded with blonde-haired kids, who looked the same.

some ware running, some ware jumping, some ware doing squats, pushups, and handstands.

they were trying to stick to the trees and some were just standing on them, sticking to their side.

and one of them was holding a cross hand seal, and next to him more blondes were appearing.

sadly they were wearing orange.

(okay, two hundred and fifty are working to get me used to my new body and the rest are working on chakra control... how come the original naruto didn't think of this? oh, I need to make some to practice fighting, a good thing I got too much chakra for my own good).

it was five days since he went shopping and he was waiting for money to arrive in two days, though it would stop after he got assigned to a team, then he'd have to work for his money.

(okay, they aren't falling anymore, so... I should work on my physical ability huh? well, this will be fun).

with a deep sigh, he starts running laps, purposefully not enhancing his body with chakra to gain a little muscle, because he could pass off as a stick.


(...Uchiha clan wasn't wiped out?).

was what he thought when he saw the Konoha police walking around, with the Uchiha symbol on their clothes.

he could feel the glares around him but he ignored them, it was pathetic he was a hardened killer, glares from the helpless population were nothing.

he just got the stipend for the final time and was heading home, when he came across the police.

with a shrug, he dismissed the fact and went home.

he still needed to balance his diet and set up a physical workout routine.

for the next week, he had to at least be ready to fight a highly trained shinobi who is faster, stronger, and overall better than him.

but at least he still knew the tricks from his old life.

(now that I think about it, I am accepting this pretty easily aren't I? well it isn't that surprising, I was very adaptive).

he looks around the village on his way back home.

the houses were old, stands were loud and bright, and loud.

families are enjoying themselves, and singles are drinking.

(ah... I can't enjoy alcohol anymore... damn age limit).


sounds of metal hitting metal are ringing through the training ground fifteen.

ten sets of blonde kids are fighting with Tantos, and one is working out, not too far from them.

Naruto stopped doing situps and stood up, deciding to test out the progress I'm chakra control he made.

walking over to an unoccupied tree, he channeled chakra to his feet in a steady stream and put one of his feet on the tree, then the other.

he stood there for a second, before starting to walk, then jog then run.

finally reaching a high branch he started jumping from tree to tree.

he was channeling chakra through his legs passively and using it to dash and increase his speed.

(okay, I'm going to need some clones to master the three jutsu that the Academy thought us, I at least need to get them in fewer hand seals).

with that thought, he started heading back to the training ground, to resume the training.

(maybe, I should look around the village, just to get an accurate layout and know what else changed... Nah, train first, research later).