Join our friend Ren. Whose soul got transferred into the universe of Naruto as a civilian, with a strange system by his side
After training and getting a feel for the Eight Gates, I moved on to the Flying Thunder God Technique. Gently laying a bunch of Fuinjutsu paper on the ground to start learning the Fourth Hokage's most iconic Jutsu
'Hmm... Per the description of the technique and my previous knowledge about it. It seems I have to make a unique and special seal that will then be the anchor for space-time teleportation. The first stage that I want to master is the marking stage. Being able to subconsciously and passively mark my own Fuinjutsu seals whenever I desire'
I thought, and slowly but surely made my own Fuinjutsu mark, imbued with my knowledge of space-time itself. Each stroke of my brush was perfectly precise. Each angle perfectly aligned with the paper, as every ink I'd dropped was not going to be wasted. Not a single drop
*Sometime Later*
With the last stroke of my brush. I pushed my chakra once more into the Fuinjutsu marks. I then laid the marks on a tree and walked a few feet away. Closing my eyes and concentrating my mind. Bonding with my mark, and manipulating space itself
Suddenly, I vanished out of existence and reappeared the very next moment right to the tree where I placed my mark at
I opened my eyes and smiled at the successful outcome
"I've got it now"
I said, as I looked at my hands, then back to the mark on the tree. It was now time for the next step in perfecting this
'Now that the mark is now a success. Next is to be able to create the mark without needing the Fuinjutsu seal. I now know the symbol of my mark and the concept behind it. It shouldn't take too long for that'
I thought, facing the tree and planting my open hand on it. Then sure enough, not too long later. I've managed to put my Fuinjutsu mark on the tree
Looking at the very unique appearance of the mark on the tree, I smirked. This would make things much more convenient, and can also help be the anchor to my space-time manipulation
The Flying Thunder God opens up a lot more branches that I can work with, especially putting into the equation of my powers. That's why I wanted to learn this technique because it's a way for me to further use my abilities and in more crucial circumstances
With my ability to control space itself, whatever shape or form it may be. Can help me to be able to create and store literal space itself into a mark that I can put onto whatever inanimate object or not. Either teleporting literal land masses away or more. The possibility of those is now open to me
Plus, the benefits that Flying Thunder God provides as well. It also makes instant teleportation more easier and quite frankly, faster
Then, I started to plant a bunch of marks all over the training ground. Covering up a good chunk of the entire area
I then created 100 shadow clones with a decent amount of chakra distributed among all of them
"Alright, everyone. When I say go, all of you charge at me with the intent to rip and tear, got it?"
"Got it"
The clones said in unison
All of the clones then wasted no time and launched an attack at me. Whether it be hand-to-hand or a Jutsu
And to this, I simply smiled at their futile, and useless efforts
*Whoosh* *Whoosh* *Whoosh*
I then started to instantaneously teleport all over the area, pulling out my sword and started to slash all over the area
Then, without even a millisecond passing by. I gently put away my sword, as a second later
*Slash* *Slash* *Slash*
Approximately a million slashes were thrown, as the clones were instantly poofed out of existence
"Hahaha... This power..."
I laughed to myself, looking at the clean way I ravaged the clones just now. My eyes turned dark a bit. As a glowy, deadly aura loomed out of my red ruby eyes. I smiled like a maniac, feeling a bit excited and energetic about what I just did with my power. It felt amazing, to say the least
"Honestly, that should do it. I know Minato used a bunch of special kunai to further utilize his mark on the battlefield. But, I don't need that. All I need to do is manifest my mark, and it will appear with my guidance"
I muttered to myself. Satisfied with the results of my training
'I still need to polish some things, but it wouldn't take too long for me to perfect it. Right now, it's already insanely powerful. I wonder what the extent of this technique can do...'
I thought, still needing to fully polish my technique. But overall, this is a very pleasing outcome for now. There are still many more opportunities for me to fully master this, and the rest of the things I want to master as well.