
Naruto: Self-Evolution

In "Naruto: Self-Evolution," we are introduced to the protagonist whose life is abruptly cut short, only to find his soul summoned to a meeting with God. Amidst a radiant environment, God offers the protagonist a chance to be reincarnated. Determined to embark on this new adventure, the protagonist accepts God's proposal and spins a mysterious wheel of worlds. With a sealed destiny, his new journey unfolds in the world of shinobi, where extraordinary powers and thrilling challenges await. To shape his destiny and abilities, God conjures the wheel of abilities, which will determine the special power that the protagonist will possess in his reincarnation. With each spin, the possibilities are endless, and the protagonist's fate is shaped by this divine choice. As the protagonist begins his new life as a shinobi, he harnesses his special ability in creative and strategic ways. Confronting dangers and adversities, he becomes a force to be reckoned with, while grappling with the weight of his past memories and the responsibility to wield his powers wisely. Throughout his journey, the protagonist encounters familiar characters and forges new alliances, forming powerful bonds while facing threats that challenge the very balance of the shinobi world. He uncovers hidden secrets, unravels ancient mysteries, and fights to protect those he holds dear. "Naruto: Self-Evolution" is a fanfic brimming with action, emotion, and unexpected twists, as the protagonist strives to find his place in this iconic universe. With the combination of his past memories and his special ability, he plays a crucial role in the destiny of the shinobi world, leaving his mark on history and rewriting his own fate.

SharonMeuToba · 漫画同人
29 Chs



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"Finally, I was wondering how long it would take for you to show up," I comment to Kakashi, who approaches slowly, hands in his pockets, and a stoic expression.

Kakashi just shrugs in response to my provocation, and I anxiously ask again, "Did you bring it?"

Quickly, Kakashi takes one hand out of his pocket, revealing a scroll where the supposed Shadow Clone Jutsu technique was stored.

However, something was different. The technique brought by Kakashi was an enhanced version of the Shadow Clone Jutsu, registered in the scroll as Multi Shadow Clones Jutsu.

Anyone familiar with Naruto would recognize this technique. Its value was so great that it had earned a place in the Scroll of Seals.

Without wasting time, we both begin to analyze the technique and memorize its seals. The seal recorded in the scroll was the same one used by Naruto: the modified cross tiger seal. However, the scroll also contained additional information that explained how the technique worked. Without these crucial pieces of information, it would not be possible to replicate it. With that in mind, Kakashi and I start our training, which unexpectedly went quickly.

Kakashi proved to be a true genius by being able to execute the technique with only two attempts. I, on the other hand, needed to perform it four times to adjust some details.

Looking at the number of Kakashi's clones, I briefly feel a twinge of envy. He managed to summon three shadow clones simultaneously, thanks to his High Genin-level chakra reserves and refined chakra control.

Although I wasn't far behind Kakashi, as I was about to reach the High Genin rank and also had good chakra control, I wasn't overly impressed.

Thanks to our camaraderie, both Guy, Kakashi, and I had evolved into more powerful versions of ourselves. As I don't care much about canon references, I don't remember the story of Guy and Kakashi very well, but I'm sure they weren't this powerful at this age.

"Shall we test it, then?" Kakashi asks, bored.

"Hmm, I agree," I respond.

Then, we instructed our clones to do something and dissipate. To Kakashi's surprise, what I had said earlier proves to be true.

After testing a few more times, putting our clones to train, both Kakashi and I say our goodbyes.

Kakashi sets off to do who knows what, while I remain at the training field, determined to test my hypothesis that my clone could also use my ability.

My hypothesis was quite simple and based on recurring events in the Naruto anime. I recalled Uchiha Madara and his Wood Clone technique, where the clone was able to use Madara's ocular powers, such as the Sharingan. Given that the techniques were similar, I felt the need to test whether the Shadow Clone could have the same ability.

Quickly, my clones sit in a meditative pose and activate the trigger of my ability, feeling their chakras being consumed. Excitedly, I jump up and down. At first glance, it may seem like a simple thing, but due to my biological knowledge about Kekkei Genkais, the technique proved to be ingenious. The ability to perfectly replicate all the genetic material would allow a clone to use my ability.

Dismissing the cloning technique, I quickly absorb all the knowledge acquired by my clones. The mental overload imposed by the technique is somewhat challenging to deal with, but if I succeed and manage to manipulate my brain properly, I can reduce the effect of the technique or even nullify it.

Without wasting time, I perform the necessary seals to execute the Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu technique and retrieve a storage scroll containing all the knowledge I have acquired over these past five months.

Looking at my two clones, I summon my tools from the storage scroll and say, "We have a job to finish, guys, so let's get to work," addressing my six shadow clones.

Thus, a new routine begins, or rather, an infernal training where I almost melt my own brain due to the amount of information. Of course, I managed to adapt using my intelligence. Since a lot of mental energy was consumed after the clones dissipated, I had to use my main body to meditate and recover mental energy while my six clones worked and sent me their discoveries over time.

And so, another four long months passed in the blink of an eye. In that moment, a boy with red hair and blue eyes finally achieves his ambitious goal.

Jumping ahead in time, four months have passed since the last event.

As I contemplate the result of all my effort, the word "incredible" escapes my lips. Finally, after much studying, dedication, and an unwavering will that prevented me from giving up, I have reached a significant milestone. Even after almost bursting my brain with the dissipation of numerous clones, I have finally understood and mastered the biological manipulation of my mind.

Over the course of months and continuous use of chakra, I have surpassed my own limits, reaching a level of chakra quantity and quality that allowed me to ascend to the position of Chunin. However, I still lacked the practical experience needed to truly become a Chunin even before graduating from the ninja academy.

But enough delay, today is the day when I will put all my knowledge into practice and manipulate a region of my brain. After contemplating various cognitive abilities, I decide to start by developing an incredible memory. This way, I won't need to rely on scrolls and books to retain knowledge anymore because my brain will be sufficient.

The brain is essentially a part of the central nervous system that is protected within the skull. It is an integral part of the encephalon and represents about 80% of the total mass of this region of the central nervous system.

It is in the brain that the center of intelligence and learning of our organism resides, developing from the telencephalon. Divided into two parts, the left and right cerebral hemispheres, connected by the corpus callosum, each hemisphere controls one side of the body. The right side of the brain controls the right side of the body, and the left side controls the left side.

We can subdivide these cerebral hemispheres into five lobes, named according to the cranial bones situated above them. Thus, we have the frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and insular lobe. Although it is not necessary to understand in detail each of these brain regions, it is important to know that each one of them is responsible for granting us cognitive and sensory functions and some control over the body.

Developing an enhanced memory capacity is not an easy task. I thought of various approaches to manipulate this concept, but regardless of the solution found, everything still seemed complex because it would involve tampering with a crucial part of the brain responsible for obtaining sensory information.

Before directly meddling with memory, I realized that it was necessary to understand how it actually worked. I summarized memory into just three fundamental categories:

1. Sensory memory: This category serves to retain the information that reaches us through the senses, such as sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. This information is processed, analyzed, interpreted, and stored in the brain in less than 2 seconds, as an immediate memory. When the brain needs more time to process, it resorts to the next type of memory.

2. Short-term memory: When the brain perceives that the received information is relevant, it is transferred from sensory memory to short-term memory. In this phase, we can memorize up to seven pieces of information for about 30 seconds. If it is necessary to store it for a longer time, the brain resorts to the next category of memory.

3. Long-term memory: When the information surpasses the previous stages, it can be stored in long-term memory. This is the most interesting part of memory as it allows us to store information in various ways, although always in a chronological manner since we are accustomed to this organization.

But how does memory classify and process information?

Basically, there are three categories:

1. Semantic memory: This is where the brain utilizes the information stored in long-term memory to formulate our ideas, concepts, and their corresponding meanings.

2. Procedural memory: This is the part of long-term memory where information about the processes we know how to perform is stored, such as walking, talking, using a computer, among others.

3. Episodic memory: This is the part of long-term memory that allows us to retrieve episodes lived in the past, such as memories of specific events.

Memory is constantly functioning, detecting what we hear, what we feel, what we do... Any activity activates memory, keeping it in full operation.

Initially, I intended to manipulate only the neurons related to memory. However, I realized that everything was interconnected to this essential function. I decided to take a risk, harnessing the chakra at the Chunin level, and manipulated the entire region of the cerebral cortex, strengthening my impressive 16 million neurons responsible for functions such as consciousness, memory, language, and logical and abstract reasoning.

The process was time-consuming because manipulating over 16 million neurons required time and dedication. But as the minutes passed, I realized that everything was progressing as planned. Mental evolution became evident.

After dedicating the rest of the day to the meticulous manipulation of each neuron and checking my cells for any abnormalities, I finally opened my eyes. With my body covered in sweat, I left my meditative position with a renewed mind, capable of seeing beyond possibilities.

Looking around with fascination, I noticed things that used to go unnoticed, saw details that were invisible, and understood concepts that previously eluded me.

"What the hell!" I exclaimed when I noticed that the world around me was enveloped in a subtly greenish glow.

Immersed in contemplation, a smile formed on my lips because I understood the nature of this energy with just one look.

"Natural energy..." I whispered softly.

Due to the manipulation performed on my neurons, all my functions were in a supernatural harmony. If I were to summarize the sensation I had regarding my new abilities, it would be something like perfection, I reflected.

Eager to test the waters of my new consciousness, I decided to use my Biological Study ability again. However, I was low on available chakra and needed to rest. I returned to my residence, filled with expectations for the next day.


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