
Naruto: Secret organization

The world is in chaos. Destiny can not be changed. To protect my people, to reach my goals and ambitions, I'll mold the world from the shadows. Jiraiya: I can't believe it! An organization much more powerful than Akatsuki! Danzo: It's over! My dream of being Hokage... Madara: Impossible! This was not part of my plan! -------------------------------------------------------- I think there's no need to explain any further. English is not my primary language, so I'm sorry if you find so many mistakes, even more in the first chapters, I'll try to fix them, it's just that I don't have a lot of free time. This will be what I'd like to call an EU (expanded universe) since I'll be introducing nations and people who were not present in the original story, so if you want something that will be strictly following the original story, then this is not the place where you belong. Also, I apologize in advance for any mistake in the information of the story, It's just too difficult to search for every little piece of data, so if I don't know anything then I'll just change it. Just give me a chance. I hope you enjoy it.

SteveOl · 漫画同人
51 Chs

Chapter 25: The Third: I think the world hates me

— Who is the most beautiful fox in the world? (Kushina)

— …

— Come on, you are, yeah, you are. (Kushina)

— …

— Minato, this little fox won't listen to me. (Kushina)

— …Maybe, if you stopped treating him that way, he'd at least pay more attention to you. (Minato)

The day after their infiltration into the village, Minato and Kushina found themselves in a forest far from Konoha, their task was simple, communicate with the Kyuubi and become their friends.

At first, they thought it was a joke, however, then Lite explained the approximate process so they could become full jinchuurikis, and the importance of communication between the tailed beasts and them.

Obviously, it was very difficult to make them understand that what they believed was a beast, for so long, could interact with them like any other intelligent being.

Perhaps it would have been more difficult if the attack on the village had been successful, but the fact that they were able to avoid it, removed much of the prejudice they had against the fox.

— So what do we do? (Kushina)

— Lite said that if we could at least have a conversation, he would give us the last push. (Minato)

— Couldn't that little guy help us from the start? (Kushina)

— Well, the point is to work together based on trust, if he got in from the start then we couldn't achieve that, it would just be a contract. (Minato)

So, day after day they talked to the fox, while the latter only grunted from time to time.

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Office of the Hokage

Hiruzen was sitting, looking at the faces of his predecessors dug into the stone, his mood was gloomy, he felt as if every time the author named him it was only to tell bad things.

His gaze settled on the parchment he had open on his desk. You could see that it had been broken in some parts.

— How did this happen? (Hiruzen)

The parts that had been ripped out belonged to the resuscitation jutsu that the second had invented, it was one of Konoha's secret weapons, but now it had been stolen, which was a big blow to Konoha, not so much because of the jutsu itself, but because that meant that someone had been able to get into the depths of the village and steal a jutsu that was considered forbidden.

Apart from that, Minato's jutsu had also been taken. The third did not know how, since he had a place specially reserved for that one, but he had still been found.

He felt tired, he had taken over because there was no other option, but still he had planned to try to govern by what he considers the right way, but the problems did not seem to go away. From then on, things did not go as he expected.

Now he couldn't even count much on his partner Danzo. Although he always tried to meddle for power, he at least usually always helped him when it came to the village. But now his attitude was cold because of the Uchiha affair.

This was slowly causing Hiruzen to become paranoid, thinking that there were a large number of spies in his village ready to devour him. Were it not for his years of experience, his mind would not be able to bear it.

— *Sigh* This can't go on like this. (Hiruzen)

Generally, it was obligatory for a military leader to first cleanse his opponents so that he could implement his ideas calmly, but now he could not afford it. The third understood well that even if there were spies, they had the opportunity to infiltrate because the defenses of the village were not strong enough.

This site that was once where up to six kage-level ninjas (Hiruzen, Tsunade, Jiraija, Orochimaru, Sakumo Hatake, Minato Uzumaki) lived, now it only had him, Tsunade and JIraija, of whom two practically did not live in the village.

— It's time to strengthen this place.

If the resuscitation or teleportation jutsu fell into the hands of people who were able to use them, then everyone would know it was Konoha's negligence for that to happen.

No matter what, that moment will come sooner or later, and the pressure they will face will be great. So now the third was ready to put aside political stability to increase military power.

— But even so, this was not within my predictions. (Hiruzen)

His animosity towards the Uchiha clan was no secret, and although he never did anything against them directly, neither did he prevent others from provoking them, however…

— Looks like I'm gonna have to stop Danzo now.

That one clan is against you is already bad, but if there're two then it was no longer just bad, it meant a significant loss of influence, especially when offending one means offending three.

— Yamanaka, this is more problematic.

---------------------------- x X x ---------------------------

— Well, can you explain what this is all about? (Lite)

In front of Lite was a yellow-haired young man, about 16 or 17 years old, unconscious in one of the beds of their hiding place.

— *Sigh* Can you explain to me how it is that we have one more person here? (Lite)

— Well, we needed a Yamanaka. (Minato)

— And how did he end up here? More importantly, why is it that I just found out about this? No, sorry, I understand you don't have to report everything you do, but still, I think a little communication would be good. (Lite)

— Hahaha Well, when we went to steal the jutsus in the village, I took a little time to leave some marks out there. And as for why I didn't warn you, I was pretty sure you'd object. (Minato)

— Of course, I would object, it's not like I want to empty Konoha of its talents, that's another novel, the author can't copy everything he reads out there. (Lite)

— True. (Minato)

— In addition to the fact that every action we take can generate changes I have no idea about, it will be difficult to plan for the future if things continue like this, at least I have to recover all my memories to be well prepared. (Lite)

Lite was panicking, the butterfly effect is something he's quite afraid of, so he would try to do everything in secret. Even when they do large movements, he made sure to at least have an idea of the possible consequences of his actions.

— I agree, but at the end of the day you are only one person, even if you recover your memories, you will not have the time to dedicate to develop each of your skills, we need a team. In addition, you know well that when you recover your memories, they come out of the seal and you begin to forget them, like any normal memory. (Minato)

— Ok, ok. I get it. But at least I wish you hadn't just brought him out of nowhere. So, who is he? (Lite)

— His name is Yamanaka Shu, and he is Inoichi's cousin. He is a war orphan, his talent is good and as far as I know, he already dominates all the secret jutsus of his clan. However, I chose him because, due to his age and talent, he is a contender for the position of leader of the Yamanaka clan, but the fact that he has no support puts him in a rather dangerous situation. (Minato)

— I see, then I guess it can't be helped... I'll tell mom to prepare an infographic for the future, I'm sick of explaining everything every time. (Lite)

— Yeah, yeah, I think this will be the last time. (Minato)

After talking, they decided it was best to let Shu rest. They withdrew from the room.

— By the way, where is Tsunade? (Lite)

— In her lab, she hasn't been out in several days. (Minato)

— Looks like she's anxious to bring back Mito. (Lite)

— Well, if it wasn't for the things you said to her, then it wouldn't be like that. (Minato)

— *Sigh* I said it to motivate her, not to put her in that state, although I'm anxious too, I can't risk her health. Well, now we have a pretty skilled Yamanaka with us, as long as Mito is here then we can speed up our plans. (Lite)

— Is there something you need? (Minato)

— Yeah, how's your relationship with the fox going? (Lite)

— Ugh! (Minato)

— Answer my question. (Lite)

— There's nothing I can do, he ignores me all the time and it's almost impossible to communicate with him. Are you sure it's possible to communicate with him? (Minato)

— Yeah, but the problem is, you're not sincere enough. In that aspect, I think Kushina will have more opportunities than you. (Lite)

— I think you're right. (Minato)

— Let me give you some advice, whether it works or not will only depend on how capable you are. (Lite)

— Of course. (Minato)

— That fox, he's incredibly proud, he'd rather die any number of times before submitting to someone. If you want to earn their trust, then you should make them promise that they won't control your body in the event that you undo the seal. Of course, that promise must be made by both you and Kushina. (Lite)

— …*sigh* The things you say are amazing, boy. But, I'll do it. (Minato)

Without saying anything else, Minato withdrew with a smile on his face. There was nothing more to say between them.

Lite walked towards the inner part of the cave, they had begun to expand the hiding place for a while, they needed space for Tsunade's laboratory, another for the Uzumaki family, another for the mother and daughter Uchiha, for Lite's grandparents, for Lite and her mother, for Kushina and Minato, a kitchen, bathroom, etc. A small housing complex was forming quite close to Konoha.

The issue of food and other things needed for comfort was a bit tricky to solve, but with the existence of three kage-level ninjas, it would only take a bit more work to transport them over. That was until they could dig deeper into Lite's transport seal so they could open portals in different parts of the ninja world and get rid of any complications.

The fact that they are so close to Konoha also offered some protection, as they could observe any changes there are, and with the help of Kushina's seals, unless a really powerful ninja sensor specifically searches for them, it is impossible for them to find them. But who would be so bored of doing something so tedious in their own backyard?

Lite continued walking until he reached a thick metal door which, in fact, had no function beyond that it looked good, since even if they were found and forced to escape, the fact that the room is not so large made it possible to blow it up with explosives to keep everything in secret. That was, more than anything, a design Tsunade asked for to satisfy her ego of having a "secret" lab.

One of the most important things Lite taught Tsunade is to always have a copy of everything she does in a separate place, and have that copy updated every day. He did not know why, but he had the feeling he suffered a lot because of not saving his works and then they were eliminated.

[For example, in this chapter I had to rewrite almost everything.]

After knocking on the door in a specific rhythm, it opened. The rhythm they had designed was not some kind of secret code, but they did it so that Tsunade could distinguish what they were looking her for, there was one for the food, another for him to have his medical checks, another for when she had to go out to bring supplies and more.

— What do you want? I'm busy right now. (Tsunade)

— *Sigh* Please do not forget the schedules we agreed, it is time for your classes. Call Rin and Shizune too, I'm sure you took them by force again. If you keep doing that, they won't tolerate it. (Lite)

Because everyone had things to do, they organized themselves so that Lite could teach them new things in their spare time.

To Tsunade, Shizune and Rin, he explained the concepts of medicine he knew. Although the ninjas had reached the point of studying the body at the cellular level and touched a bit on what genes are, they didn't see the way forward from there. Even Orochimaru did not know how to follow, which is why he insisted on performing so many human experiments that in the end did not give any results, instead of trying to deepen his theoretical knowledge first.

As for the classes, although they were called that, in the case of Tsunade it was more a discussion of different theories they proposed and saw how feasible they were to then implement them with the prisoners they captured. Lite's knowledge of the subject grew more and more, though pitifully, the world would never see him as a medical ninja. In fact, he wanted to be an SUV, but he wasn't stupid, he didn't have time for that. He would rather devote himself to the creation of jutsu and the study of fuinjutsu.

— Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, but I think I'm close to achieving something, if I do, then I think I'll be able to bring Grandma even if I don't have her body. (Tsunade)

— Oh? Did you make any progress? (Lite)

— Yeah, look, look. You told me that humans are encoded in what you called DNA, which is found in the cell nucleus. You also said that the soul and the body go hand in hand and complement each other. In the end, the body is needed simply because it is the best receiver for the soul. Grandfather's technique requires another living body to serve as a vessel, since the original is dead, this copies the information, taking the correct form to house the soul. But that is precisely why the technique is not perfect. Right? Right? So I thought, if I have the information of what the original body is, I decode it and create a new, fully functional body, then the reincarnation will be almost perfect and… (Tsunade)

— Ok, ok. I get it, calm down, just tell me what's missing. (Lite)

— Well, that's just a theory for now, I managed to locate the DNA, but I don't have the materials to grow a body, I was looking for new methods, but I can't think of anything. I think if I can find that, then it won't be necessary to wait until Minato and Kushina make a breakthrough with the fox and find that one zetsu. (Tsunade)

— Your idea is… incredible. (Lite)

— I know, I know, come on, keep praising me. (Tsunade)

— … (Lite)

Maybe it's because she had something to look forward to now, but Lite believed that Tsunade looked very cute acting all excited like a child, of course, if she wasn't covered in blood from head to toe, the scene would be better.

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New chapter!

Some like when their protagonist can do everything almost perfectly, but I disagree. Here, everyone will have their space to shine.

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