
Naruto: Secret organization

The world is in chaos. Destiny can not be changed. To protect my people, to reach my goals and ambitions, I'll mold the world from the shadows. Jiraiya: I can't believe it! An organization much more powerful than Akatsuki! Danzo: It's over! My dream of being Hokage... Madara: Impossible! This was not part of my plan! -------------------------------------------------------- I think there's no need to explain any further. English is not my primary language, so I'm sorry if you find so many mistakes, even more in the first chapters, I'll try to fix them, it's just that I don't have a lot of free time. This will be what I'd like to call an EU (expanded universe) since I'll be introducing nations and people who were not present in the original story, so if you want something that will be strictly following the original story, then this is not the place where you belong. Also, I apologize in advance for any mistake in the information of the story, It's just too difficult to search for every little piece of data, so if I don't know anything then I'll just change it. Just give me a chance. I hope you enjoy it.

SteveOl · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 24: Infiltration

Hi guys, I need your help, please. This week I'm presenting my project at my university, but I need to reach 100 likes and 50 comments, sadly I don't think I can make it.

So, I'm leaving the link in the comments, I really hope you can do me this favor.

If you can't access it through the link, you can search it on youtube with the name of conotecno yt for both channel and video. It's spanish, if you don't understand just comment something like "good luck".

Thanks again.

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Lite and the others arrived in Konoha, the main goal was to let Minato and Kushina see Naruto. This was after the seal was modified enough so that they could even use the Hiraishin no Jutsu (flying thunder god jutsu) without any problem.

In the remaining time until they reached the village, Lite explained everything about Zetsu and the possibilities of experimenting with him.

On the other hand, Lite's memories were slowly recovering. Every night, every two or three days, he would sit in a quiet place to merge with his memories, which made his yin increase at an exponential rate, unfortunately, the process was very tortuous and always put a great burden on his willpower, so it could not be done so often.

Bu not all the news was good.

— As you suspected, it is true. (Tsunade)

— I figured. (Lite)

— *Sigh* Maybe it's not that bad. (Tsunade)

— I don't think it's necessary either, but it still frustrates me to give up such power. (Lite)

— Don't bother, son. (Kokoe)

— It doesn't, Mother. It's just that now things have already started to change and I don't know what impact it's going to have on the world. Getting the sharingan would have been easy for me, after all, few can say for sure that they suffered more than me. (Lite)

The fact was that Lite had come to the conclusion that he couldn't get the sharingan, which of course was a severe blow to the plans he had already made.

Since he was a fetus, his body adapted to the large amount of information and energy he received, he began to mutate, more specifically his head, however, the changes had been much deeper than he expected. When he suffered the accident that almost destroyed him mentally, the amount of negative energy that flooded him was enough to allow several Uchihas to awaken the mangekyou sharingan, and although he was still very small, the fact that he already had chakra and a developed mind left the possibility that he also obtained it, even if it is the first phase, but after all that, nothing happened, even until now.

That made him consult with Tsunade and together they did several experiments, unfortunately, everything pointed to the fact that the mutations he suffered also changed the part responsible for the sharingan.

— Well, it looks like you're just left to train like the rest of us. (Tsunade)

— … Does the granddaughter of the first Hokage, a Senju, one of the three legendary Sannins, and the disciple of the third Hokage say so? (Lite)

— *Cof* *Cof* Well, even I train. (Tsunade)

— Does the woman who spent the last few years wasting her life and only returned to the village when the war was about to break out? (Lite)

— *Ahem* Minato, are you ready to see your son? (Tsunade)

— …Yes. (Minato)

What he hadn't commented on was that he felt there was something there besides the sharingan, the mutation that resulted from it. However, he could not look entirely happy, after all, the sharingan is the original eye inherited from the genes of the sage of the six paths, so no matter if he suffered a modification, it will never be as powerful as the original.

— Tsunade (Lite)

— Huh? (Tsunade)

— What did you decide? (Lite)

— *Sigh* Just do it. (Tsunade)

— Ok. Thank you. (Lite)

With Tsunade's permission, Lite communicated what they should do to Minato and Kushina as they infiltrated the village.

— While you're there, don't forget to steal the Hiraishin no Jutsu. (Lite)

— Huh? But e already have it. (Kushina)

— He says so that with that we can use it openly. (Minato)

— Everything is ready, I wish you luck. (Lite)

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In the darkness of night, two shadows appeared inside Konoha, their faces not visible, but one could perceive how skilled they were just by seeing their most basic movements.

Their first stop was the orphanage. It had already been months since the birth of the person they planned to see, so, he had already left the hospital and was now in the care of other people.

As soon as they began to approach, they noticed a group of hidden people constantly watching the building where they were going.

— Looks like the third's keeping his word. (Kushina)

— I don't think he has given you enough reason to doubt him so much. (Minato)

— You can call it a feeling. And?" How do we get closer? (Kushina)

— I'm not called a genius for nothing, they may be good, but a genjutsu from me will suffice to give us some alone time with Naruto. (Minato)

These two were obviously Minato and Kushina.

Even though Konoha had strengthened his defenses over and over again, it was impossible for them to protect themselves from someone like Minato, who with just a jutsu could go anywhere he pleased, as long as he had a mark on such a place, and as the previous Kage, it was impossible that he hadn't left some out there.

They quickly headed to the orphanage where their son was staying and found themselves in the situation that he was moderately guarded, they obviously understood the reason, since anyone strong enough could notice that there was something out of place if they ran into high-level ninjas.

Minato, however, only needed to use a genjutsu to trick them, because while he wasn't the most proficient in the art, his large amount of chakra was able to help him break through common ninja defenses.

Minato immediately activated the jutsu and without any problem they both managed to enter the orphanage.

There, in one of the rooms was his son, he was easily recognizable because of the great resemblance he had with his father and the great vitality he inherited from his mother.

— After so long I hold you in my arms. (Kushina)

She, with tears in her eyes, carried her son and curled him up with all the love she could offer.

Inside, her heart apologizes over and over again for not being strong enough to protect him when he needed her the most.

She looked at him, and had the impulse to breastfeed him, but the months she stayed away from him made her body stop producing milk, so the fact that in her life she could never have the opportunity to share such an experience with her son was something that broke her heart.

— … Can you give him to me for a moment? (Minato)

— Yes. (Kushina)

Minato, seeing that the seconds passed, had no choice but to ask his wife to allow him to carry his son, after all, although he could hallucinate the ambus, these were people specially prepared to deal with such techniques, causing them not to have much time to spend between family.

He just held him in his arms for a moment and then returned him to his bed.

When he left his parents' arms, he began to cry, as if he felt it was time to part.

They couldn't afford to draw attention, so they immediately forced him to sleep.

— We have to go, it won't be long before they wake up. (Minato)

— Hey What if we take him? (Kushina)

— You know that's not possible. (Minato)

— Yeah, but Lite said that... (Kushina)

— Don't worry, I am sure that in the future we will be able to meet him, even now, after only a few months, we are much stronger than before. Besides, Lite himself said it, didn't he? A lot is changing, so Naruto may do well. (Minato)

Lite had obviously informed Minato about what would await Naruto in the village, and although that made the couple want to get him out of there, he managed to convince them that it was better to wait to see how things unfolded rather than rush. In addition, as long as they saw fit, they could intervene in his life in different ways.

Without more to do in that place, they withdrew.

Minato dispersed the genjutsu gradually so that the ambus would not notice that their senses had been altered.

— Now what? Are we going to steal the scroll at once? (Kushina)

— No, we have to make a stop by the Uchiha clan. (Minato)

— Why? (Kushina)

— The little one told me to check how his grandparents are, depending on the situation, he left it to my discretion to take them with us or not. (Minato)

— Heh heh. That boy didn't mention them once in all these months, but he does care about them. (Kushina)

— Ha ha. Just don't say it head on. (Minato)

Immediately, they headed to the civilian part of the Uchiha clan. Their surprise was great when they saw an elderly couple about to fall into absolute depression.

They watched them from the shadows for a moment. As much as they wanted to be good and gather as many loved ones, they understood perfectly that there were things that could not be done, and that not everyone was trustworthy, that's why Lite left the decision to Minato. It showed the confidence he had in him. Just as Lite decided on Naruto for them, he would leave the future of his grandparents in her hands.

Minato and Kushina could only see two people who, if not helped, would die without any doubt.

— *Sigh* I think this shows everything. (Minato)

The drop that spilled the glass was when they heard how they both blamed themselves for everything that happened, that perhaps, if their son-in-law were still alive, then their daughter and grandson would not have disappeared.

— Stay here with them, when you receive my signal use this and you will take them with you outside the village. (Minato)

— Be careful. (Kushina)

The rest of the story was easy to deduce, after all, with marks all over the village, even in the most secret corners, Minato immediately reached where the roll of forbidden seals was located.

Their task was simple, to make a scene so that people would know that there was someone who went into Konoha and stole the Hiraishin no Jutsu so that they could then use it openly.

Saying and doing, minutes later, an alarm went off, indicating that an intruder had appeared. The show was underway, no one caught the intruder and the village lost the scroll, the same one that would later be found out there with two missing jutsus. After all, that was the basis of Konoha, without the scroll, the village would be greatly weakened in the future.

At the same time as the alarm sounded, Kushina received Minato's signal and broke into the elders' house, knocking them out in one fell swoop and then escaping. However, it would be very suspicious if first a baby disappeared with its mother and then the grandparents, so she caused a fire and took out two bodies from the parchment she received from Minato. So it would seem an elderly couple who, distressed by the disappearance of their daughter and grandson, decided to end their lives.

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— I feel like every time we visit that village, we end up kidnapping someone. (Lite)

— Come on, aren't you happy? (Kushina)

— …Thank you. (Lite)

— Hey, kid! (Tsunade)

— Yes? (Lite)

— I understand you feel like you have a lot of responsibilities, but remember, you're just a kid. If you are happy express it, if you are sad cry, our trust in you will not disappear just because of that. I thought it was already clear. (Tsunade)

— …Yes. (Lite)

In the end, it is impossible for problems to be solved with just one conversation. Everything takes time and while some insecurities are resolved, others emerge, the human being is never perfect and the paths they travel is never easy.

The happiest, of course, was Kokoe. Her parents were a constant worry weighing on her mind, but there was nothing she could do about it. Now, seeing them so emaciated, even while they sleep, she feels bad for not having been a little more selfish before and asking to bring them before.

Hours later, they woke up. It was a problem to explain everything that had happened so far, Lite wondered if he should make an infographic.

Before that, while they slept, Lite and the others had a conversation.

— Okay, now we have what you asked for, what's the next step? You told us about Zetsu, but the way you described him, I think it'll be hard to find him. (Minato)

— Yes, it will be, there are several of them, but they are too elusive, that's why even we must be very careful, if not, they will catch us before we realize it. (Lite)

— That will be a task for everyone. (Minato)

— No, that will be a specific task for you and Kushina. (Lite)

— Me? How? (Kushina)

— The kyuubi, he is able to feel people's negative feelings and intentions. (Lite)

— Seriously? But so far I've never felt that. (Kushina)

— That's obvious, because you're an imperfect jinchuuriki. (Lite)

— How do we become "perfect"? (Minato)

— Ugh, don't talk like that, please, you remind me of a certain green monster. The answer is simple. Do you like to have friends? (Lite)

— Huh? (Minato & Kushina)

Hearing that, they had a bad feeling, and unbeknownst to them, a certain fox also began to feel something wrong.

— You and the fox have to be the best of befis. (Lite)

— ¿¡Uh!? (Minato, Kushina and a certain imprisoned fox)

The future days of those three would be anything but peaceful.

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