
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki Dropped

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · 漫画同人
36 Chs

Chapter 7 Victory!

They actually left I can't believe this worked! We lost a lot of men but at least the clan survived this is a much better situation than what originally happened in Naruto now the clan can just focus on recovery.

While I can take this chance to get comfortable with my abilities and hopefully start my training soon. This world is too unpredictable for me especially during this time period as I'm more familiar with Naruto's life story than anything else. Also, I need to find some time to start planning for the future. If one isn't prepared to succeed they might as well prepare to fail after all.

- 1 Month Later -

It has been 1 month since the invasion and throughout this time the village has had to spend many recourses on recovery. What truly hit us the most was our loss in Shinobi. Prior to the battle we had over 8,000 Ninjas but now we're barely in the 3,000 range so recovery on that end will be slow. Luckily we will have time for to recuperate our losses thanks to the second world war ending soon after the invasion.

A mass Funeral was held and a large stone slab was placed in the center of the village in front of the Kage building. The names of the shinobi that died were carved into it as a way to honor their memory. The village had never lost so many clan members before not even during the First and second world wars but we lost all this in a couple of hours so the village will definitely feel the aftereffects for a couple of years.

My grandfather Ashina also announced to the villages that we will start selling seals and scrolls to other villages from now on and not just to Konoha. Everyone in the village was surprised but no one protested especially since most people are aware that they abandoned us when we needed them most.

This news obviously didn't sit well when it reached Konaha as they even sent a delegation here to negotiate led by Tsunade. When they arrived all they did was make excuses for not giving aid and how our villages have history. Their protests were ignored and things have now turned sour between both villages but honestly, I think this is for the best. As long as Tobiramas disciples run the place it will never truly be trustworthy. Also, it was kind of funny to see Tsunade leave the village pissed.

Our reputation has even changed a bit as many now fear us more than they did in the past. Knowing a village is strong is one thing but one village repelling multiple is a feat that has only been accomplished by Konoha. Some are even saying that it should be called the six great villages instead of five because of this.

During this month, I've been especially busy trying to get information on the state of the world and on my current abilities. I didn't exactly have the chance during my reincarnation rough start to take time and figure things out.

What I learned so far is that my emperor eye has not awakened yet and probably needs to be stimulated somehow. I've also discovered that my Eye of Kagura allows me to sense at least 20 kilometers if I really focus and that range may grow as I get older. I'm not sure how to use the Adamantine chains but according to my mother, every full-blood clan member inherits this so it's really only a matter of time.

"Haha, being an Uzumaki is truly broken."

Well, the only thing that has me slightly worried is the timeline. According to what I've found out from family members and nice old ladies is that I'm somewhere in between the second and third war. This means things will get crazy soon and our clan needs to get stronger if we're gonna make it through this war.

Looks like I need to talk to Grandpa about us getting allies

Yea I know what you might be thinking is this guy really showing off his intelligence to others? All I can say is yes, yes I am. I rather expose my intelligence and influence my clan as early as possible than regret not doing anything.

Who cares about canon anyways the Uzumaki's fate has already been changed so I say let's keep messing things up everything will work itself out in the end I think maybe?

Anyways it's good that Grandpa is coming to my house for dinner tonight since he apparently also has something to talk to me and my parents about.

- Akashi's Home -

"Akashi set the table they should almost be here"

"Yes!" And she's right I can sense their chakra heading this way. It really is nice being able to feel your family all the time it gives a silent sense of security.

Quickly setting up the table my Mother came over with many dishes. I've never really had Japanese food in my last life since I mostly ate Mexican but let me tell you after one month of this stuff I don't think I can live without it now.

*Knock Knock*

Hearing the door Mom heads over and brings in the rest of my family.

"Oho miso ramen is it? Smells delicious thank you dear for having me" Ashina said with a wide smile on his face

My father went straight to try the food before he ended up getting hit by my mom


"Ah sorry honey I'm just so hungry and it was calling me." my dad said while rubbing the growing bump on his head

"Hmph you do this all the time when will you learn."

That's something else I learned in my time here. Most women seem to be aggressive. Every time I go out shopping with my mom I see dudes getting whacked by their wives. I guess Kishimoto was writing from first-hand experience.

Once my Mom was done lecturing my dad on table manners we all sat down and gave thanks before starting our meal.

"Akashi your father mention at work that you had something to tell me?" he said while giving me a curious look

"Yea that's right Gramps I don't know if it's sudden but I wanted to talk to you about the village."

Hearing this my parents turned toward me wondering what I was up to. Instead of questioning my intelligence like I expected they actually looked quite interested in what I had to say. This wasn't a change I just noticed either but one that happened ever since the clan survived the invasion. I guess this genius persona is working that's good I won't have to act childish for too long.

"About the Village you say? What do you have planned?"