
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki Dropped

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 8 Dinner Discussions

"About the Village you say? What do you have planned?"

"Well, I thought about how we could increase the strength and population. Right now we don't have as many shinobi and we need more but we also need allies that we can trust."

"Akashi have you truly been thinking about such things?" asked my mother she was truly surprised that my thoughts had been dwelling on matters of strengthing the clan which is a topic far beyond a three-year-old.

"That's a good mindset to have son you are the clan heir and will one day inherit your grandfather's role. It's good to see that you are already showing the mindset of a leader you will make a good Clan Head one day" My father wasn't even surprised by my intelligence and was more so proud that I seemed to be beyond others my age

"Have you found a solution Akashi?" My Gramps was interested before but now I can tell he is truly invested in my words. This was a matter he had been pondering on since the attack.

"I have some ideas". I said while trying to look bashful. Just because I'm smart doesn't mean I'm not a kid so I have to do stuff like this every now and then so I don't ruin my parent's experience of raising a child

"I was thinking that we should open up an academy in the village not just for Uzumaki but for the civilians as well. They may be a minority but they are still citizens of this village. Most would probably love to have the opportunity of becoming shinobi of Uzushio." This would even bring us closer to the non Uzumaki members of the village

"An academy huh I think it's a great idea I know some villages already have such a system currently in place and thanks to it they are able to fill up their ranks much faster during war times. You also mentioned allies got any ideas on that side of things".

"Yea Gramps but before I tell you my answer, I'll ask you a question first. What do you think makes us different from other villages."

Hearing my question my Dad decided to speak first "Our Fuinjutsu?" my gramps seemed to agree with him and turned back toward me

"No that's not it"

"Then what makes us different?" asked my mother who was also stumped on this question

"Our village is run by one clan and only has one clan. Even all of our shinobi belong to the same clan"

They all seemed to think about my words until Gramps asked me "So you see this as a weakness?"

"Yes, Gramps that's exactly what it is. I'm not trying to look down on the clan we are indeed strong but when enemies come here they already know what to expect from each shinobi they encounter. We have no variety so that makes us easy to predict and easy to counter"

All three adults made faces as if they reached Enlightenment

"That is a glaring problem but what other clan can we bring in? Most of those without a village are either quite rogue or are quite weak"

Truthfully I was having a problem with that as well since my knowledge is limited but if I'm right there should still be one clan that's actually quite strong and basically homeless.

"I had the same problem Gramps but I heard about a clan that was falsely accused and banished if we were to bring them here they would definitely increase the strength of the village! With them by our side, we can also focus more on researching what clans are left and training civilian shinobi.

"A clan that has been banished you say? I can't seem to remember any that have been banished recently which clan are you talking about Akashi?

"The Chinoike Clan that resides in the valley of hell. From what I heard in the market with Mom they apparently have strong eye abilities like the Uchiha from Konoha"

"The Chinoike you say that is a powerful clan and your right they currently don't have any affiliation with the villages"

"Father aren't they the ones capable of controlling blood"

"Yea that's them they're also pretty good at Genjutsu they would actually make quite good partners if joined with us. We are more suited to Taijutsu and Fuinjutsu while they excel in Genjutsu and Ninjutsu having them would definitely make us more flexible and diverse in combat"

"Consider it done Akashi tomorrow I will hold an elder meeting about the things you discussed with me you shouldn't worry though I have a feeling that they will all pass. You may not realize it but the elders actually hold quite a lot of faith in you after your suggestions saved the clan."

Wow, I didn't know they thought so highly of me. Hopefully, this doesn't bite my back in the future.

"That's great Gramps I can't wait but didn't you also have something to say to me?"

"That's right Akashi during the battle we actually sealed away the 7 tails and have decided to keep it as our spoils of war. So the topic came up of who should be Jinchuriki. Naturally, your name came up and the elders have decided you will be our village's first Jinchuriki that's if you would want to of course.

Jinchuriki now this is really messing up the canon but having a tailed beast will definitely increase my strength but it will also put a target on my back. If Gramps had offered me a weaker-tailed beast I would've refused but the 7 tail is just under Hachibi so it has to be pretty strong and I don't remember seeing it used to its full potential In the anime.

Turning toward my Grandfather I thought about my options once more and finally made my decision "I'll do it, gramps! I'll be the first Jinchruiki of Uzushiogakure and make everyone proud Believe It!"

"Haha that's the spirit good good ill let the others know and well prepare the ceremony in a couple of days"

"Dad aren't you forgetting something?" asked my mom while appearing redder than a tomato

"Ah yes I forgot, thank you for the food dear it was delicious," said Gramps while giving a kind smile

"Really now I wonder why you didn't think to ask the mother of the boy you plan on putting a monster inside!"

Wow she is truly furious

"Ah I thought you knew, Asahi said it was alright after all"

Instantly my dad began to run out the door as my mom chased him. Haha, their pretty funny this is why I like them.

"Gramps before you go do you think I can start receiving ninja training?" I asked while giving him puppy eyes

"Hm yes I do think it's about time that you start training as well holding the 7 tails is a big responsibility after all and being strong is always a good thing. I'll get you a teacher and introduce you once I find someone good enough"

After that, Gramps said his goodbyes and left for his home while my Mom came back with my Dad who was covered in bruises.


Hey guys Author here ✌️

Just wanted to ask what you guys think about adding the Chinoike clan?

Also what are some other clans I can add in the future?