
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · 漫画同人
113 Chs

Who's that minion? It's Haku!

Edited by: ShinBowlnoodles#3554


Chapter 65: Who's that minion? It's Haku!

Jutsu of the day:

<Bamboozle no Jutsu>

Courtesy of Haku.


[Previously on NaRUS?]


PSS. I also might have, sort of, kind of, awakened Wood Release, teehee~ I will show you when I am back. Oh, and the bouquet I sent you is made from my wood release. Neat Huh?

Well before you get mad, love you, kissies~|

Reading the letter Tsunade didn't know what to think of…

She simply opened a cabinet and took out her prized Sake and started drinking… She knew very well that a huge headache was coming.




Location: Training ground 11, Kirigakure



It was a bright sunny morning, which was something new for me, after all, Kiri by order of the previous Mizukages' was always put under <Kirigakure no Jutsu> by using certain seals that were keyed to the running Mizukage.

Very few of us had the privilege to see a mist-free sky, where the sun shone brightly like this.

Honestly, before we had never thought about the sun much, but now that we can witness its warmth, it was truly wonderful, I looked around and saw many children around my age, some a bit older, waiting in rows while the Chunin and Jonin of Kiri were making sure everything was in order.

We were here to volunteer ourselves to help restore the villages around the Land of Water. It was an honorable task, as said by new Daimyo and Mizukage-sama.

Even though most of the volunteers were not even Genin, they would be taking voluntary D rank missions for this task, at least that's what the ninjas said.

Even though I was already classified as a hunter-nin under Zabuza-sama… as I was his secret tool and without him, I am not even considered a ninja of Kiri yet, not to mention my bloodline if it was known, would cause several problems…

I wonder how much longer I need to keep hiding my true identity…

But with Zabuza-sama dead… Would I even have a choice?

I pondered on that thought for a while.

A gentle breath escaped my lips

There was no point thinking about that because the village came first.

Most of the village was restored due to Mitsu-sama, a boy who was younger than I and yet was strong enough to defeat Yagura-sama alone.

Someone who killed the full assassination squad and Zabuza-sama…

The thought alone sends shivers down my spine.

I felt a bit lost, remembering that night, how the fourth Mizukage by himself destroyed so much of the village…

We were all so powerless to do a thing…

If it wasn't for Mitsu-sama's assistance, many other people would have died… Many would turn into orphans overnight… Just like me…

Right then a shout to keep order came.

I guessed that Godaime, Mei-sama was about to arrive and I could see that all the kids were standing a bit straighter to see our new Kage.

I had already seen Mei-sama before, though from afar we worked in the same resistance force after all. Still, we had never interacted.

Looking at the raised stage, I could see a few people approaching.

There she was, in her deep blue gown, adorning cascading auburn hair, Terumi Mei-sama, in all her glory. But what surprised me was the person she was… escorting?

It looked as if the Mizukage was politely escorting a boy around our age. He had light brown hair and two beautiful golden orbs for eyes.

He was Kaneko Mitsu, the Fire Prince… but now people are calling him the second coming of Hashirama or even the Demon executioner.

I heard that the gigantic, towering flower that was blooming outside of Kirigakure, which the people named "Bloom of Clear Mist" was created by him.

They named it as such because that's where Mitsu-sama had defeated the demon and its defeat cleared the mist of our village.

I, much like all the kids around me, looked at him with awe in our eyes.

The prince looked in our direction and smiled gently.

I could see what they mean by sunshine, when they mentioned him I felt weird looking at that smile, I have never felt such warmth in someone's smile before.

As I was looking at Mitsu-sama in a daze, Mizukage-sama started her speech, which I almost completely ignored but at the end of the speech, I felt a pair of eyes on me.

It was Mitsu-sama. He was looking right at me with surprise on his face, which turned into a gentle smile a second later.

I felt nervous as I saw him smiling at me and then saying something to his attendant, a boy with raven hair and sporting a deep blue shirt with a fan symbol on his right arm, I watched as the boy nodded and waited beside him.

After 10 more minutes, the speech was over and the ninjas called us to get ourselves registered so that they could assign us our missions, but when I was about to go register, the raven-haired boy stopped me.

"Hello, my name is Uchiha Itachi and I am one of Mitsu-sama's subordinates, Mitsu-sama has invited you to speak with him." The boy said with a smile.

"Umm… Why would Mitsu-sama want to speak w-with me?" I asked bewildered.

"That… Well, only he can tell you that but if he wanted to meet you, then he has probably seen something in you as he is a great judge of character and can see the potential in people so, I think whatever he wants, it won't be anything bad for you."

I was surprised but nodded.

Did Mitsu-sama truly see something in me?

"Shall we go then?" The boy, no Uchiha-san asked.

"Yes, please lead the way Uchiha-san," I replied politely.

Soon, I was brought to the tent where Mizukage-sama, Ao-sama, Utakata-sama, Mitsu-sama, and their subordinates were talking about something.

"Well, as you had directed Mitsu-sama, the sanitation system is being properly implemented, and the report of new diseases has been minimal, we had quarantined any person who showed even the slightest signs of carrying a disease." Ao-sama finished his report.

"Good job, captain one eye, we can't have diseases running around our village now, can we? So Mei-nee-chan, how is being Mizukage treating you? How are you liking the paperwork?" Mitsu-sama asked sarcastically.

"You know… I liked you more when you were threatening me and fighting Yagura…" Mei-sama muttered in annoyance.

Right then Ao-sama noticed our presence and frowned.

"And why did you bring a kid here Uchiha?" He asked with a growl.

"Sheesh, Captain one eye, you need to take some chill pills, and please don't mind them, I told Ichi to bring the ice boy here," Mitsu-sama said nonchalantly.

This made alarm bells ring in my head.

He knew…

I could see the surprise on the other's faces, including the Uchiha-san who brought me.

"Ice boy? You only give nicknames like that if they have some base to it… Is the… boy? Is the boy from the Yuki clan?" Mei-sama asked in surprise.

"Bingo was his name-o! I can't believe you don't know him… I mean he was Zabuza's spy kid after all…" Mitsu-sama asked in surprise, and I felt my face drain.

He even knew that I worked for Zabuza-sama.

Words can't describe how Haku was feeling after hearing that name.

"I am not even going to ask how you know that but is he really from the Yuki clan?" Mei-sama asked seriously.

"Yep!" Mitsu-sama giggled as he seemed to make a popping sound, then he looked at me with a smile and said, "Why don't you introduce yourself?"

I took a deep breath, knowing that there was no point in stalling.

"Greetings, Mizukage-sama, Kaneko Ouji-sama. My name is Yuki Haku and I am the last survivor of the Yuki clan." I finished.

The news came as a complete shock.

"Yuki clan has a scion? I can't believe it…" Ao-sama exclaimed.

"This is fantastic news… This means we can restore the Yuki clan…" One of the older ninjas in the room voiced jovially.

I winced at that… I guess hoping for freedom was too much to ask…

But then a voice surprised me

"Yeah, no, not happening." Said a bored Mitsu-sama.

"B-but Mi-Mitsu-sama." The older ninja was about to say much more but stopped when he saw the glare from Uchiha-san and the man standing behind Mitsu-sama.

The room turned cold, and the old ninja shuddered.

It was Mei-sama that broke the atmosphere.

"Please, no need to go at each other's throats…"

Mei sighed before continuing to voice her opinion

"Mitsu-sama, you have to understand that the Yuki-clan bloodline is very important for Kiri…"

"Of course, I know that but that doesn't mean I will let that kid get turned into breeding stock!"

"He will have a life of his own, he will enjoy his ninja career or whatever he wants to do. He will later fall in love, experience heartbreak, happiness, and maybe finally find himself a family! And through that, the Yuki clan will rise again.

And he will get that chance by being one of my subordinates, like Ichi and Fuzzy here. And I won't hear no for an answer.

Kiri has already forgotten about the Yuki therefore it shouldn't be a problem. And even if it is, I don't care.

But… At the end of the day, the power to decide lies with the person himself."

Saying so the prince looked at me with his gentle smile.

I was still dazed by what he said… Live my own life? Can I have that? Do I even deserve that?

"Tell me Haku, what is your choice? You can either stay in Kiri and be hailed as a Yuki clan survivor and later live your days to restore your clan. Or you can become one of my subordinates, I promise to treat you well." His voice was gentle.

I was stunned. I was allowed to make my own choice… When was the last time I had that?

Looking at the prince I asked, "Will I be truly able to live freely if I go with you?"

"Well, you will still have duties towards me, as any ninja would but other than that? Yes, you will have your own life. Ichi and Fuzzy have their own lives too, after all, tell you what, Ichi there is already whipped by a special woman, who knows you might find yours too."

The fire prince grinned playfully

I smiled at the last comment as I heard Uchiha-san groan from beside me.

The choice was so easy…

"I… I will go with you… Mitsu-sama, from this day forward please accept me as your tool." I declared.

I kneeled before my hopefully soon to be master.


"I don't want a tool, I want a mi- subordinate… Maybe a friend? Someone who I can trust to watch my back." He mused to himself.

Friend? I like the sound of that…

A bright smile appeared on the face of the once lonely Haku

"As you wish, my lord," I spoke with a smile I couldn't hide.

Everyone was looking at me, even my master, but soon it turned into a grin as he turned back to Mei-sama and said, "Well there ya go, Mei-nee-chan. Haku will be my new subordinate."

Mei-sama sighed, "Not like I can stop you… Very well, I will let you take Haku-Kun here…"

My master chuckled and took out a paper and gave it to Mei-sama whose eyes started twitching as she kept on reading the paper.

"You prepared for this…How did you even know there was a Yuki clan member here?" Mei-sama asked annoyed.

Mei was unable to hide her frustration with the situation.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, nee-chan." My master answered innocently… Too innocently.

But she said nothing else and signed the paper with a huff.

"Fine, the Yuki clan is from now on under your jurisdiction, they are still part of Kirigakure's clans, but they will also be welcomed by Konoha as the paper dictates and you will have the regent position of the Yuki clan till a suitable family head is chosen...

"I don't know why you made something so complicated when there was only one member left…" She said in exasperation.

Even I thought that it was kind of over the top, don't get me wrong, I was happy that my master was the only one power over me. And now I had full access to my clan and no one else can plunder our assets. Of course, I was happy to give my all to my master. But in the end, I was only one person…

"Sweet, here Haku, from now you have dual citizenship, neat huh?" Mitsu-sama said as he threw me the signed paper.

I believe it was a copy of the paper, bowing gratefully, I stored it.

Mitsu-sama then got up from his seat and started to walk out with us 3 in tow but before leaving the room he looked back and said something that almost made me giggle.

"Oh right, before I forget, nee-chan, I also have a cook from the Yuki clan, she has the ice release, beautiful features, broody face, ice queen vibes, boobs, and everything, so yeah, thanks for that. see ya~" Saying so he walked out without a care.

I could hear snickering from my new Uchiha colleague and an exasperated sigh from the older one.

While the whole room behind us was in silence, it was as if the higher-ups were demonstrating the aftermath of the Yuki clan's ice techniques.

giggling to myself I quickly walked out to meet my new master.

I have a family alive! And she also works for my master's! We won't have to spread our legs and become breeding mares for the village.

I felt so happy thinking that.

until I realized something, which I had to ask my master.

"Umm master?" I called.

"You don't need to call me master, Haku but I don't mind if you want to, it has a nice ring to it. So what ya need my new minion?" He asked with a smile.

I wondered what minion meant but I could always ask later.

"Umm, I was just a bit confused. Did you keep referring to me as a boy so that they won't demand me to be a breeding mare?" I asked as I was genuinely curious.

Mitsu-sama was still smiling, but I could see he was a bit… shaken?

He seemed to look in front of him for a second, seemingly at the air, he blinked a few times and looked again as if trying to find something.

Before he calmly looked back at me and smiled, "Well of course, why else would I call you a 'boy'. Hehehe…"

I felt relieved.

A tearful smile appeared on her face as she tried to hide her tears.

He was just like Zabuza-sama, he too told me to refer to myself as a boy so that they won't use me as a breeding mare, I am blessed with a kind master.

I will do my best to aid him!



Meanwhile inside Mitsu's mind~


She wasn't a HE and the He was never a He and whaaaaaaa?

My brain is hurting… Damn Kishimoto!

Is this an AU? No… I confirmed that it wasn't… THE FRICK? Was Haku always a grill? And hid it coz of what she just said?

Makes sense I guess…


A last shout came out of my mind…


[A/N: Hey there beautiful people!

If you want to join the discord! The updated link is on the synopsis.]

The 500 stone for an extra chap still exist!

LuminouShadowcreators' thoughts