
Naruto: Mixed Heritage

Question: How would a Uchiha Uzumaki Hybrid fair in the world of Naruto? Ethan A Computer Science student transmigrates into the body of an orphan named Renjiro in Naruto. He soon realizes that the orphan has Uchiha and Uzumaki Bloodlines. Join Renjiro in his journey as he grows and his quest to become the strongest shinobi! Warning : 1. The MC's power would be gained via hard work and training over years (sorry if you want an overpowered MC from the get-go) 2. No harem (there might be some romance but don't get your hopes high) 3. There will be a lot of killing (maybe gore too, not sure if I can do gore right though) What to expect : 1. Lots of training 2. A lot of original arcs. 3. The plot will mostly stay the same (at least till Shippuden), but I won't repeat any scenes/dialogues that took place in the manga (as I'm assuming you've already read it). Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create) Please support me on Patreon: patreon.com/SideCharacter Chapter Updates will be From Monday-Friday at Webnovel's Daily Refresh. However if we meet our weekly Powerstones goal I will upload extra chapter during the weekend.

Sidecharacter1 · 漫画同人
53 Chs

Genin Promotion

[This is Yesterday's Chapter]

"Lord Third, I would like to be taught the Flying Thunder God Technique!" Renjiro said.

Hiruzen was at a loss for words. He was completely stupefied. He was not the only one shocked. Besides the adults present, no one else knew the weight of the demand. All of the adults were well aware of the second Hokage's technique and to think an academy student asked for it right out of the bat.

'Where the hell did he even get this idea from.' Hiruzen thought as he glanced at Hiroshi, who was blushing. It was clear that he was experiencing second hand embarrassment from Renjiro's actions.

Fortunately luckily for Hiruzen, he did not take long to regain his composure and answered back,

"Don't you think that you are too you to learn such a technique?"

Hiruzen was trying his best to diffuse the situation. Outwardly denying the child his request would be bad for his image regardless of the child's outrageous demand. Therefore he needed the boy to concede on his own, or at least appear so.

'I have him where I wanted him.'

"No, I am sure with experienced guidance I can manage," Renjiro replied, not backing down at all.

Hiruzen eye twitched but he countered,

"So, wouldn't guidance help you more than the technique?"

Renjiro appeared to be thinking about it for a moment before he answered,

"Yes, it would Lord Hokage. Then would you be kind enough to give me lessons on Fuinjutsu?"

'Should I do it? After all. It would strengthen relations with the Uchiha considering the recent fractures in our relationship. It is better to better the situation that worsens it. But he is still a child, I should probably get someone else to tutor him. Considering his background, I think I have just the right person to do it.'

With a resolute conclusion, Hiruzen had a soft laugh before replying,

"You see Renjiro, My duties make me busy but how would you like to have an experienced Fuinjutsu master to teach you?"

'Well, that was easy. Renjiro was in no way an experienced negotiator in his previous life but he still had some basic knowledge on the subject matter. He had only read up on the topic for conversational purposes but boy was he glad he did.

All his 'experience', which was non-existent before this, could be summed up in three rules. The first one, of course, was to know what you want before negotiating. Renjiro knew that it would be a cold day in hell before the Hokage gave him the flying thunder god technique because he was not even a genin. Not to mention he had made no contribution to the village.

The second one was to strive to be innocent. In most cases, this trick helps others lower their guard around you. And this could help you punish someone for underestimating you.

The third and final rule was aiming for a win-win situation. By utilizing all the above rules, conceding your earlier requests would give the other party the illusion of you settling for a more reasonable offer. That is what Renjiro wanted Hiruzen to feel.

"I would really love that Lord Hokage," Renjiro answered.

After finishing up with Renjiro, Hiruzen turned to the Hyuga and Aburame expecting them to name what they wanted. It seemed that Renjiro had started a trend and The Aburame asked for an advanced jutsu bordering on the forbidden extent. 

The Hyuga asked for chakra nature crystals for meditation. Almost everyone found this weird as he was from a shinobi clan which was full of resources so why would he need it?

With the ceremony reaching its zenith, the Hokage requested the academy instructors to distribute the coveted forehead protectors to the graduating students. This symbolic accessory marked the transition from an academy student to a full-fledged genin—a momentous step on the path of becoming a seasoned shinobi.

Excitement rippled through the crowd as the graduates eagerly received their forehead protectors. Each protector bore the emblem of the Hidden Leaf Village, a profound symbol of allegiance, duty, and the responsibilities that came with their newfound status. 

The students, now officially recognized as genin, couldn't help but wear broad smiles that mirrored the pride they felt in their accomplishments.

The academy ground echoed with a blend of cheers, applause, and the rustling of robes as the young shinobi proudly donned their forehead protectors. It was a moment of triumph and the beginning of their individual journeys as shinobi, each destined to leave their mark on the legacy of the Hidden Leaf.

Amidst the celebratory atmosphere, Renjiro's elation was palpable. The weight of the forehead protector resting against his brow served as a tangible validation of the relentless effort and dedication he had poured into his training. 

"That's one step made. But the job is far from being complete." Renjiro muttered.

A subtle yet profound sense of accomplishment settled within him, a silent acknowledgement of the hurdles he had overcome and the strides he had taken on his shinobi journey.

After the celebrations, Ryuji congratulated them on their accomplishments.

"This is just the beginning of your story. So don't be in a hurry and just take each day as it is. If you continue to work hard maybe you might be the next Hokage."

'Nope. Minato is a different monster to even think of competing with.' Renjiro thought as he bid farewell to his friends and headed home.

The celebrations spilt over to the next day as Renjiro was invited by Inabi and the trio's parents for a meal. Since Miwa was away on a mission, he did not see any reason not to accept the invite.

Renjiro chuckled as he accepted the invitation, a wry smile playing on his lips. The prospect of a shared meal was doubly enticing for he was hiding a huge Secret. Renjiro's huge dark secret was that he was a terrible cook.

Renjiro's culinary escapades were nothing short of legendary. If one could distil chaos into a pot, it might have come close to his attempts at cooking. 

His misadventures often resulted in comically catastrophic outcomes. Once, a simple attempt at boiling water morphed into a smoke-filled extravaganza, reminiscent of ninja smoke bombs. Another time, an innocent stir-fry turned into a fiery spectacle that rivalled even the most enthusiastic jutsu displays.

Renjiro, in all his ninja prowess, was rendered utterly powerless in the face of a stove and ingredients. His kitchen escapades became a source of amusement for friends and a potential hazard for anyone brave enough to taste his concoctions. 

The only consistent element in his cooking was the unpredictability – you never quite knew what you were going to get, but you could be sure it would be a memorable experience, if not a tasteful one.

"I used to wonder why Naruto used to live on ramen cup day in and day out. Didn't know bro was just like me. Or am I just like him? But why can't I just be a decent cook? It must be this body since before I came to this world, I was a decent cook. Yes, this body must have issues." Renjiro remarked.

That is why it was a no-brainer to accept the invitation. Seated around a shared table, the Uchiha clan's elder members delicately intertwined the celebratory atmosphere with a sense of responsibility. The newfound status of Genin brought with it the expectation of shouldering clan duties.

Inabi, Yashiro, and Tekka's parents conveyed the importance of active participation in clan meetings, a responsibility meant to foster a sense of unity and collaboration within the Uchiha community. 

Assurances were offered, emphasizing that the young Genin need not bear burdens beyond their capacity but were encouraged to engage in the collective decisions that shaped the clan's path. 

Renjiro, amidst the camaraderie and familial warmth, absorbed both the flavours of the meal and the weight of his newfound responsibilities. The journey of a Genin extended beyond personal triumphs, entwining with the tapestry of clan duties and collective endeavours.

[Let's hit our weekly target of 500 Powerstones and I will upload a bonus Chapter on Sunday]


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