
Naruto: Mixed Heritage

Question: How would a Uchiha Uzumaki Hybrid fair in the world of Naruto? Ethan A Computer Science student transmigrates into the body of an orphan named Renjiro in Naruto. He soon realizes that the orphan has Uchiha and Uzumaki Bloodlines. Join Renjiro in his journey as he grows and his quest to become the strongest shinobi! Warning : 1. The MC's power would be gained via hard work and training over years (sorry if you want an overpowered MC from the get-go) 2. No harem (there might be some romance but don't get your hopes high) 3. There will be a lot of killing (maybe gore too, not sure if I can do gore right though) What to expect : 1. Lots of training 2. A lot of original arcs. 3. The plot will mostly stay the same (at least till Shippuden), but I won't repeat any scenes/dialogues that took place in the manga (as I'm assuming you've already read it). Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create) Please support me on Patreon: patreon.com/SideCharacter Chapter Updates will be From Monday-Friday at Webnovel's Daily Refresh. However if we meet our weekly Powerstones goal I will upload extra chapter during the weekend.

Sidecharacter1 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs


[Yetserday's Chapter]

In the hallowed office of the Third Hokage, the atmosphere buzzed with a mix of anticipation and purpose. Jounins, each a seasoned warrior in their own right, assembled with an air of quiet expectancy. 

The room, adorned with the weight of history and decisions that shaped the fate of the village, bore silent witness to the gathering of Konoha's elite.

The Hokage, a figure of both wisdom and authority, sat at the head of a large wooden desk cluttered with scrolls and maps. His gaze, a measure of discernment that had weathered many storms, swept across the faces of the assembled Jounins. The council chamber echoed with subdued murmurs, echoing the diverse perspectives that would soon converge in a symphony of strategic arrangements.

Seated around the room were the Jounins, each a representative of their unique expertise and experience. The Anbu operatives, shadows in the corner, added an air of mystery to the proceedings. The gravity of the discussions ahead was palpable, for the decisions made here would shape the trajectory of the village's future.

With the recent graduation of new genins into the shinobi ranks of Konoha, the Jonin Sensei selected beforehand had to deliberate the different team formations. The decisions made here today would change the lives of many shinobi, the genins as well as their soon-to-be sensei, forever. 

Due to the low number of Jounins and those of them who were qualified and willing to teach the next generations, those who would not make the cut would be sent to the genin reserve.

The lingering tension in Hiruzen's office found a momentary respite as the door creaked open, heralding the arrival of the latecomer. The eyes of the assembled jounins turned towards the entrance, eyebrows furrowing in mild irritation as a figure stepped into the room.

The man, known for his lackadaisical approach to punctuality, exuded an air of nonchalance that bordered on insolence. His attire, a relaxed ensemble that seemed to defy the formality of the occasion, only accentuated his disregard for convention. A mop of unruly hair, cascading like a waterfall of shadows, framed a face that wore a perpetual expression of detached amusement.

As the latecomer strolled into the room, hands shoved into his pockets, a subtle sigh of exasperation fluttered through the chamber. It was a collective acknowledgement of a recurring quirk, a foible that the village had learned to endure due to the undeniable prowess this unconventional shinobi possessed.

"Good to see that you joined us today,"

The Hokage, his countenance a blend of patience and mild reproach, greeted the tardy jounin with a nod. The others, veterans of many missions and negotiations, exchanged knowing glances – a silent recognition of the eccentricity that accompanied exceptional talent.

The late arrival, seemingly unaffected by the unspoken disapproval, took a leisurely path towards his designated seat. His demeanour suggested that time, as a concept, held little sway over him. The room, a microcosm of disciplined warriors, seemed to orbit around this enigmatic figure who existed on the fringes of conformity.

As he settled into his seat, the latecomer flashed a lazy grin, acknowledging the silent reprimands with a charm that hinted at the sheer audacity of his individuality. 

The meeting, momentarily paused by his entrance, resumed its course, leaving in its wake a lingering question of how such an unorthodox shinobi could contribute to the intricate dance of team formations in Konoha.

"So that only leaves six students," Said Shiba Nara.

Shiba Nara, the venerable head of the Nara Clan and the current Jounin Commander, carried an air of sagacity that bespoke the weight of experience and leadership. A cascade of shadowy hair framed his face, exhibiting the familiar indolent charm inherent to those of the Nara bloodline.

His eyes, sharp orbs that seemed to hold the accumulated wisdom of decades, surveyed the world with a discerning gaze. Lines etched upon his countenance told tales of battles fought, strategies devised, and a lifetime dedicated to the village's well-being. Despite the passing years, there was a subtle glint in those eyes, a spark that hinted at a mind still sharp and a spirit undiminished.

If Renjiro saw him, he would mistake him with his son Shikaku Nara as He was the spitting image of his son in maturity only lacking the scars the latter had.

"I think Ibiki Morino, Hiroko Aburame and Tekka Uchiha would be a perfect team for Intelligence gathering for team 24. So Shimora Yamanaka would be a perfect fit to train them is that fine?" Shiba asked.

"Yeah no problem," Shimora Yamanaka, a blonde lady in the traditional jounin attire, affirmed the decision.

"Good, so that leaves Renjiro Uchiha, Hiro Hatake and Aiko Nakamura as team 25. They were from the same year so that would help in their team coordination. As for their Sensei, you were the last one to arrive so you get them." Shiba said while turning to the tardy jounin who arrived later, almost when the meeting was concluding.

"That's it for this year. Unfortunately, the Sannins would not be taking in teams this year due to other responsibilities. Lady Tsunade and Lord Orochimaru are busy in the Hospital and the Research Centre. As for Lord Jiraiya, well... he is researching for his new book."

Hiruzen winced at the mention of what his disciple was doing. Unlike later the only books Jiraiya was known for was his research in Fuinjutsu. But lately, his weird behaviour had taken a turn as Hiruzen caught him sneaking around spring baths in the village.

'I probably need to check what he is doing.' Hiruzen sighed as he vowed to use his crystal ball to check what his mischievous disciple was doing.


The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow on the faces of the newly graduated genin as they gathered once more at the familiar courtyard of the academy. Excitement and nervous energy buzzed through the air, each new genin eager to discover their assigned teams and the identity of their Jounin Sensei who would guide them through the perilous path of becoming full-fledged shinobi.

Renjiro, amidst the crowd, felt a blend of anticipation and uncertainty. The courtyard was alive with the chatter of other genins exchanging speculations and hopes for their new teams. The atmosphere crackled with a sense of possibility and the unknown.

As the moment arrived for the team assignments to be revealed, Renjiro's gaze shifted from face to face in the crowd. Hiro and Aiko, his former classmates, shared a mix of anticipation and curiosity. The shuffle of papers, the clearing of throats – every sound heightened the suspense.

"I just hope I get a good sensei. Not much about the current Jounins was told in the anime so they either died or retired." Renjiro thought as Team after team was announced, each met with a ripple of reactions. 

Then came the moment for Team 25, a number that echoed through the courtyard. 

"Only three of us remaining, we must be in the same team but who is our Jounin Sensei?"

 "Team 25," The names of Hatake Hiro, Aiko Nakamura, and Uchiha Renjiro rang out, and a flicker of understanding passed across Renjiro's face.

'Thought so'

"Leader Senju Riku." The name of their Jounin Sensei was announced.

'Not canon and a Senju, He probably died. I'm fucked.' 

[Let's hit our weekly target of 500 Powerstones and I will upload a bonus Chapter on Sunday]


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