
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · 漫画同人
525 Chs

Chapter 35

Join my Patre@n at patreon.com/JoshRichie2 for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.}


Title: Amegakure I


Two women, hearing about the happenings and bearing in mind, that one of their ancestors once said. "As warriors who possess chakra, fighting, not to mention killing ordinary people is a disgrace to the Tengoku clan."

Fueled by the righteous anger, these two noble clan members, set off on a quest to seek vengeance for the Fallen civilian.

They were noble because they were able to use the Domain Expansion ability of their clan.

No longer was this ability only available to the True Noble ones, anyone able to use it is a noble clan member.

The two sisters with their domains over the moon and water, arrived on the location they were directed to after a couple day's journey from their island.

Shun was alerted by their appearance as he had set up a Calogram on the skies above that place and had instructed Eien to alert him once anything out of sorts happened.

At first, Shun was disinterested but seeing that they were his descendants with a good amount of chakra and control over it, he became a little bit interested.

One had to know that every descendant of his would have a perfect control over their Chakra, but perfect was only in comparison to the normal clan.

There was no such thing as perfect control over chakra, same way there was no such thing as perfect control over your body as most Fanfics would say.

The moment you gain that so called perfect control over your body, mind, soul or energy, you've stepped into the domain of Gods.

Gods, because they're the only ones who can be called perfect, but even then, Gods do die, so their perfection is not truly perfect.

In the case of the Tengoku clan, to gain a control over your chakra to a perfect degree means that you'll be able to access a domain of your choosing.

Be it elemental domains, Illusory domain or physical domain focused on enhancing your physical strength, there need be a above perfect control of chakra and an enormous amount of chakra to achieve such result. Hence Shun's interest.


The two girls stood at a distance from the town that was close to deserted as there was no normal person willing to stay in such a place.

If they stayed inside, they'd die eventually, if they left, they'd also die eventually to the warriors or bandits. Staying wasa ticket to sure death, leaving meant there was a chance at survival, so they left.

"Ayaka-nee, are we really doing this?" One of the girls asked while looking at the other one.

The girl now recognised as Ayaka looked at the village far off with a determined gaze, hearing the question from her little twin sister, she turned and said. "Of course Akari. This is what we've been training so hard for. Also, we can't allow such despicable behaviour to go unpunished."

Akari, the little twin looked at her sister with a perplexed look before sighing. 'This can't be the only incident dear sister. All over the world, similar incidents take place daily.' She thought as an amused smile appeared on her face.

"So are we killing them all or just the higher ups?" Akari asked.

"Not everyone is guilty. Kill everyone who attacks you. Those are the not so guilty ones. If their guilt isn't strong enough to make them surrender then they're basically our enemy. Kill all without mercy." Ayaka answered as her aura changed.

"Are we going all out from the begining? Should we do the joined domain thing?" Akari asked. Her formerly gentle demeanor completely vanishing as a scythe appeared beside her.

"We're going all out, but first announce our arrival." Ayaka said.

"With pleasure. Nee-san." Akari chuckled and took in a deep breath and used her eyes. Without opening her eyes, she began. "Everyone in the town ahead, listen up. You have ten minutes to identify yourself. We're here to purge the wicked clan that had a hand in the massacre of civilians. We're also aware that not all of you had a hand in this, so, in ten time, anyone who holds a weapon would be identified as an enemy and will be killed swiftly. No form of deceit can escape our eyes. Be warned."

"It is done Nee-san." Akari opened her eyes and said the other lady.

"Then let's wait for them. Ten minutes later we storm the place." Ayaka replied and closed her eyes while taking deep breath.

'Neesan is doing it again. How can anyone meditate while standing. Sigh.' Akari thought to herself.

Meanwhile, Shun, who was watching this in the company of the girls that appeared out of nowhere, stroked his nonexistent beards and said. "Sound transmission of such scale. Interesting. We really did give birth to a unique clan didn't we, dear."

"Indeed we did. I can't wait to see them in actual combat." Hinami answered and smile sweetly.

Shun shuddered at that smile. One must know that this lady beside him was able to get the acknowledgement of a whole Peak power in the Celestial Mountain and become their Priestess. Smiling sweetly in such a situation would make one question your sanity but alas...


Ten minutes quickly passed and the two girls took a stroll into the village like they were walking into a park.

At a distance away from the village gate, a group of people stood with weapon on hand and chakra flaring.

"It must be the two of you that issued that warning earlier. Was it arrogance or overconfidence that led you to take such action." A man who looked to be the leader spoke. He was quite mascular with height of over 6 feets.

The girls looked at him impassively before Ayaka opened her mouth and asked. "Are you the clan leader?"

"So what if I am?" The buff man asked.

"Then you'll have to pave the way for you clan members in hell." Akari answered.

There was a moment of silence before the buff man and his entire entourage began laughing uproariously. "Hahahaha. Did you all hear her? I'll have to pave the way for you guys in hell? Me. Hahahaha. That was a good laugh. I can't remember the last time I had such a laugh. Good. Girl, you've done something good today and as such I will reward you and your sister. You're both quite strong, why don't you join my clan and sire our children, considering how strong you both are, your children will be even more terrifying when mixed with the supreme physique of the blacksmiths clan. Huh, how about it? Hahahaha."

The clan leader laughed without noticing the drop in the moods of the girls.

Their sacred clan and bloodline, wanting to be desecrated by such people and to bear children for them. If before, the girls had an iota of mercy for the people not involved, now, there was nothing but blood as far as their eyes could see.

The black sclera of their eyes got darker as their iris and pupil became even blood red.

In unison, the girls brought their right hand in front of their faces as they formed a one hand seal and said.

"Domain Expansion: Blood Moon."

"Domain Expansion: Blood Rain."

As the sound of their voice reached the ears of the men in front, to their horror, they felt dread creep inside their heart as a great pressure fell on them.

At the same time, daylight turned into night as a blood red moon hung up in the sky.

To make matters worse, red clouds began gathering and from the red clouds came tiny droplets of water. As this drops fell on them, they felt as thought they've been pierced by a sharp needle.

"Wha-what is this? Genjutsu?" Someone from the side asked incredulously.

Not giving any answer Ayaka and Akari stood there and gazed at with eyes filled with indifference.

The clan head seemed to be deep in thought despite the pain ravaging his body. A moment later his eyes flashed and he looked at the girls with a shocked expression.

"Black and red eyes that will put an Uchiha's to shame, enormous chakra on par with the Senju and the domain Expansion. You two are from the legendary Tengoku clan, right?" He asked as fear began to take root in him.

"Oh? Legendary?" Ayaka asked.

Before she could get her answer, someone interrupted. "Impossible. Isn't that clan already exterminated? How come there's someone from there?"

"Exterminated? By who? The likes of you? Not even the combined force of the Uchiha and Senju could exterminate our clan, why would we be exterminated?" Akari asked with obvious disdain.

"I see. I see. Good. Unfortunately I did and said something I shouldn't have. I will die here today, that a given, but you two girls will be going down with me. There's no way I am just going to accept my death. Whether you're from that clan or not. I have my pride as a warrior." The clan head said and flared up his chakra.

The rain drops that fell toward him evaporated before they could reach his body due to the sheer head wafting off of him.

"My clan has dedicated itself to creating a weapon that could be on par with the weapon brought out of the land of your ancestors. Unfortunately, till this day, we haven't been able to succeed and the clan is destined to be exterminated in my time. I'm not willing! Even so, I will fight. I will fight with this weapon, though unfinished but I only ask of one thing." The clan head said as he gave the girls a deep look.

"You've already insulted our honour, not once, but twice, and get you have the gall to ask something of us?" Ayaka asked.

"Taking us down with him. What a joke." Akari said and waved her scythe, immediately, a wave of red blood water shot out at the small army Infront of them.

Unlike the clan head who had a fire armour around him and several old fellow who had the same fire armour, other were unfortunately split in pieces by the wave.

The old men didn't even flinch at the death of their members, instead the clan head kept his gaze locked on Ayaka.

Ayaka relented and asked. "What do you ask for?"

"Seeing as you're both confident despite seeing our fire armour, it's safe to say that our ancestor was right in saying that this technique was learnt from your clan of back then. That's why I would like to ask, in the off chance that we all die in this battle, please bring back this weapon to your clan and perfect it." The clan head said as he showed the glaive he was holding in his hands.

"What is wrong with that glaive? Isn't it perfect already?" Akari asked confused.

"Unfortunately no. It doesn't have the same effect as the Trident my ancestor saw that could control all form of water no matter the distance between them, as far as the wielder has the chakra to support it." The patriarch said.

"So this one should be able to control what? Fire?" Akari asked as though she hadn't just killed a few of his clansmen.

"Hmm... Not just fire but it's very source, heat." The clan head said and swung the glaive upwards, evaporating the rain drops falling on him.

Ayaka raised an eyebrow at that display. This weapon was basically the nemesis of her sisters domain. Thankfully her Moon Domain brought with it and increased gravity and overall suppression.

Akari was dazed for a while before smiling. "Nee-san, he's mine, take all the old fellows for all I care but this man, is mine."

Saying that, she brandished her scythe and took a step. "You seem interesting. Let have a hearty fight. Hopefully your stamina is strong enough to go a few rounds."


Shun who was watching this looked at this girl, Akari for a while before looking at the girls and asking. "You think this girl understands what she's saying?"


"I doubt."


"I thought so. She's interesting though, she uses a scythe. Which girl uses a scythe, am I right?"


Sorry guys, on more chapter to go. I promise, after the next one, we'll continue our Timeskip.