
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · Anime & Comics
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518 Chs

Chapter 36

Join my Patre@n at patreon.com/JoshRichie2 for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.}


Title: Amegakure II


Akari swung her scythe aiming for the neck of the patriarch as she kept her gaze on him. Every movement he made, the slightest twitch of his muscle, everything was being monitored by her.

The clan patriarch responded with a downward swing aiming to intercept the scythe.

Their weapons cashed midway and produced sparks due to the friction of both weapons.

"Good Weapon." The clan head praised.

"I know. Got it as soon as I could create a domain." Akari answered without taking her eyes off him.

The patriarch smiled and pushed his glaive forward and used the counter force to move backwards. Akari squinted her eyes at that as that was a major mistake in any close combat.

You don't move back when your opponent is still going strong. 'Well, what did I expect from a non fighting clan.' Akari thought as she flashed and appeared behind the clan head, ready to loop off his head.

At that moment, Two extremely powerful auras bore down on them causing countless people to be shocked. "Seems like Nee-san is about to finish up. I better hurry up with you."

They inclined their heads and stared at the two figures in the air. The expressions of the clan head and the others drastically changed.

All of a sudden, numerous roars shook the sky as chakra permeated the atmosphere. In an instant, the red sky dimmed further, the entire area was cast into darkness.

RUMBLE~ The skies trembled from the might unleashed by the

Moons gravity.

The Clan head pointed his glaive upwards. In an instant, flames filled the air, as they rushed upwards, in hopes of destroying the moon and stopping the gravity.

Unfortunately, this was a domain and as far as you're not as strong as the owner, you can do nothing against it. Before the flames could reach the moon high up in the sky, the downpour increased and quenched it.

"You should focus on our fight than your soon to be dead clan members." Akari said as she appeared again beside him.

"They're my subordinates hence I have the obligation to protect them. Also, how are you this fast?" The clan head asked.

"That's quite noble of you. But where was this nobility of yours when you slaughtered civilians?" Akari asked and swung her scythe at his abdomen.

"Humph." The man snorted and blocked. Both of them unleashed their terrifying chakra and continued slashing at each other with the intent to kill.


At this moment, at the other battlefield, the entire ocean below them was churning wildly as water reversed their flow and went against gravity, flowing upwards instead.

Chakra permeated this entire area, and various manifestations of swords made from water manifested one after another, wanting to annihilate everything.

Unlike Akari, Ayaka didn't use a weapon as she could always use the water from Akari to form whatever weapon she seemed fit for any occasion.

Holding one sword in hand, Ayaka directly vanished from her location and her manifested swords together with her.

Slash. Slash. Slash.

Sounds of slashes and stabs reverberated all over the place as whenever Ayaka appeared a body is either split in two or stabbed through.

She showed no mercy to anyone who held a weapon whatsoever. She seemed like the goddess of death reaping the lives of mortals whenever and wherever she goes.

Despite her appearance, she disliked prolonged fights while Akari liked a good one on one battle. According to her, that's where the excitement of learning all the things she learnt comes to play.

Learning and not putting into practice was something almost everyone in the clan suffered, there wasn't anyone strong enough to test their mettle against. And even if they fought against eachother, they wouldn't fight with the intent to kill.

As they were a rather peaceful clan, it wasn't much of an issue as there was always something to curb away their violent tendencies.

The remaining survivors felt their legs go soft. They stared at the battle in a daze. No, this wasn't a battle, this was a one sided massacre.

This battle was actually so overwhelmingly powerful. If Ayaka willed it, even the entire stretch of water would disappear.

If Akari willed it, every strike of her scythe would bring with it gravity enough to end this battle, but she refrained from doing so.

This was a unique skill for those with similar domain types. Siblings are more likely to have this ability as their chakra natures are almost always similar.

Without further ado, Ayaka was done with every one from the clan. All that was left was the clan head.


"Do you think we can beat them?" The clan head asked while looking at the glaive.

He sighed, he had not predicted this. A single act of cruelty brought about the end of his clan.

"Oh? Do you want to fight us? Haha... You may be better than most of these pests, but you still remain a pest. Let's see… I'll call you the king of pests." Akari laughingly said.

"Tsk... I'm getting impatient, let's end this now." Akari declared.


The man didn't even notice and Akari was gone, having disappeared from his place.

Nervously, he looked around himself. There was no sign of him, but he remained vigilant, trying to anticipate any movement.


He had ignored the above. Contrary to his expectations, what came from above wasn't the blade of the scythe but the blunt handle. Despite that, It was very heavy and meant to kill him in one strike.

He immediately immediately used his arms to lessen the impact, but it still hurt him a lot, turning one of his arms into a paste. He was in pain now, but he used his other arm to try to push her away. The glaive now useless in this situation.


"Amusing, the fact you did not die sets you above most of the people I have fought," Akari praised him with an annoying smile on his face.

The man staggered under the weight of his punch. ~I need to get out of this situation, or else my body will break~

The clan opened his mouth and folded a one handsign, gathering his immense chakra at one spot, he placed his hope on the off chance that he'll take this one lady down before his death. Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation Ball.

"Heh, if you think that's going to hurt me... *BOOM*"

"Overconfidence," The man shot the ball at her at lightning speed. Akari was sent many hundred meters back with the fireball ball and soon, the blast sounded.

A blinding light covered everything, from the sky to the land. Everything seemed as if it had lost colour and now it was all black and white world. The waves of the blast was so huge that it split the clouds above.

The sound only came a second later. It was ear-shattering. And along with it came strong winds that would put even the some storms to shame. The trees, the ground, everything got uprooted. Immediately turning the place into a wasteland.

However the metal houses remained steady.



The sound of whistling wind and the echo of the loud blast still lingering around, made the atmosphere seem depressing.


"This is interesting. I didn't know this technique existed." Shun said while praising the clan heads use of chakra to simulate a destructive might that only Bijudama could cause.

"You can literally make a spark be as destructive as this, Shun, stop saying stuff like this." Kaguya rebutted him.

"Hehe, I know but this is different. He's but a normal human. A bloody civilian one at that." Shun said with a smile.

Civilians like this who can break their limits and create a something that will go down in time as phenomenal are rare.


Back in the Domain,

The dust was finally starting to settle. A coughing sound was coming from the middle.

The clan head looked closely at it, to see how much damage he had done. But, when he clearly saw it, his heart sank. He expected some deformation on the body, but there was nothing. Except for a small drop of red blood, oozing from the nose.

Akari seethed in rage. This was the first time that she was bleeding, when confronting someone outside the Clan "YOU PEST!! YOU… MADE ME BLEED? ME?"

The clan head looked calm. 'She's angry, gotta make use of this chance to take her down-'


The clan head sidestepped instinctively, in a split second, a dark endless abyss formed where he stood just a second ago. It was a portal to god knows where.

The man's face tightened as he felt that one was this ridiculous what of the other.

Before he could come up with an answer, Ayaka's face changed as she looked pensive for a moment before sighing.

At that very instant, her domain was taken over completely by Akari. The little connection they both had with eachother was the link Akari, in her rage, used to completely take over the domain.

"DIE! YOU WORM." Akari's rageful voice reverberated throughout the domain and with each echo came injuries were being inflicted on the patriarch.

His low fire armour could barely keep the casual rain drops in check but it was by no means effective against sound waves.

This went on for a good while before the Patriarch fell on his knees all battered up. He was already unrecognisable due to the blood gushing from every part of his body.

Akari appeared Infront of him while giving him a glare that was enough to kill him were it possible. Raising her scythe to finish her opponent, she heard. "Akari, that enough, he's done." Ayaka ordered in a tone that held no room for refusal

Akari froze instantly, looked at her sister and then looked at the Patriarch kneeling wretchedly Infront of her.

She gave him a good look before snorting and putting away her scythe and walked toward Ayaka.

"All this happened because of your pride. Why make such a city if it was inhabitable? Why kill the civilians when you could just have told them to leave. All this..." Ayako said as she looked around at the dead bodies loitered around.

"Was your fault." She finished.

"I... Know... Do..nt... for..get...you...r...promise..." He managed to say before Keeling over.

The rain was still pouring heavily on the two girls as well as the numerous corpses around.

"Guess it's time to go home." Ayaka said.

"Eh?... But we just left that island. Why don't we stay outside and play a little." Akari pleaded while making a face.

"Sure. Take down the domain first. We gotta leave immediately."

"Sure." Akari said took back the chakra in the surrounding. The moon disappeared and in its place was the normal moon, however, the rain didn't stop, instead it just changed from blood red to the normal red.

"This should be natural. Let's get out here. I don't like being in a rain I didn't create." Akari said and held Ayaka. Immediately the vanished.

At the spot where they disappeared from, Shun appeared and scanned the area with his eyes before taking in some blood samples. Looking up at the sky, he muttered. "What a strange rain...
