
Naruto- Amaterasu

" Who is that man" A meek voice enquired. " Not much is known about him, they say he is invincible. Nobody knows where he came from, the only information about him are his black flames and his name " "his name ?" " ACE" The logia Fruit Of the Heavenly flames of Amaterasu fell in the Hands of the Young Kuroko. Watch his journey as he reaches the full potential of his Powers in the world of the ninjas and lead it through his ideals and strength alone. discord- https://discord.com/invite/kMcexXTzhE

IMMORT_AL · 漫画同人
30 Chs


< Slice of life ;) ,my favourite>

<word count- 1323 >


In the legendary land of the toads, a woman could be seen moaning in pain, her stomach as though inflated with air, and the countless toads around her looking at her in concern.

Biwako Sarutobi was the only woman in the room, holding Kushina's hand while Hiruzen himself was outside, staying guarded in case a threat emerged.

"AAaaahhh," a painful yelp came from the red-haired woman, her face scrunched up due to the excruciating pain she was going through.

"You can do it, Kushina." Minato's shadow clone encouraged her; he couldn't bear to see her in pain. His hands were already busy strengthening the weakened seal.

"Don't worry, Kushina, this pain will pass. Don't worry, just push." Biwako's soothing voice whispered in Kushina's hair.

Kushina had no idea pregnancy could be this scary; in fact, she even asked Mikoto about it, and the information she obtained from Mikoto was so terrifying she didn't want to imagine it.

Yet now she was living through that pain.

Another yelp resounded in the room as a child was pushed out by Kushina, her face drenched in sweat. 

Biwako swept the baby boy up in the air and exclaimed, "Awww, such a sweet child!" Her loving eyes stared at the child in her arms. She looked at Kushina, and seeing her desperate to look at her son, she quickly handed him to her. 

"Here Kushina."

"Welcome to the world, my son." Kushina held the fragile boy with extreme care, as if holding a piece of glass. Minato, at this moment, joined his wife, their love-filled gaze locked in on the boy.

Naruto, at this moment, started crying on his own. Seeing this, all the toads and Biwako lit up in joy.

"Hurrayyy, lady Kushina, it seems your child is well and healthy." The lady toad of the group called out. 

Soon after, every single toad in the village said congratulations to them. A single question in everyone's mind is, 'What is his name?'.


At this moment, the real Minato flashed in the room, clearly concerned at how the pregnancy went. The shadow clone quickly burst, giving the information back to Minato himself. 

His expression eased into one of fatherly love. 

"Thank you, Kushina," he whispered in her ear.

They both looked at each other and whispered, even though everyone heard it, "Naruto, Naruto Namikaze, that's his name."


Kuroko stayed up all night, clearly anxious. Despite the ticking of the clock and the knowledge of his father and brother sleeping peacefully, he kept looking at the moon. He couldn't tell when he slept; his body itself resisted his anxious mind, putting the boy to rest. 

The next morning, the sun of Konoha rose high in the sky, the Ninja's ran across rooftops, the people of the village enjoying their day leisurely, the dango shop selling their merchandise, the children playing hide and seek, and the Shinobi Academy students running to their school. 

The air was as fresh as Shodaime Hokage left it when he created the village. There was no destruction of the nine tails, no children left orphaned, The cycle of hatred might not have stopped forever, but one of its key moments had been destroyed. 

The nine-tails outbreak never happened, Kushina and Minato never died, and Obito didn't succeed. 

All this is because Kuroko made a small change.

Life is unpredictable like this in many ways.


"Kuroko, come on, get ready, my son." Hizashi called out to his little boy, "Last time I left you to choose your clothes, you wore a T-shirt and trousers to an important function." The father remembered with a sigh, "I have laid out your clothes for you; go and wear them."

"Yes, father, onto that. Shizu and Itachi said they would go to the function from my house, so they are also coming." Kuroko, in his excitement, was munching down on his breakfast, so his voice was muffled. 

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say, son, whatever you say," Hizashi quickly looked to his side; his eyes widened at the scene in front of him. "Neji, no, we do not eat curtains!."

His little boy, Neji, who was about to be a year old now, was munching on the curtains of the house. Hizashi quickly flickered to his youngest son. 

Slightly pulling him as to not hurt him, "Neji, please, we do not eat that; Papa will feed you chocolates, oki." Seeing Neji not care about a single thing, he said, "Help me, son, Only you can handle your brother." 

Of course, the scene on this side also flabbergasted him: "Kuroko, why are you taking pictures?" Hizashi almost screamed, panicking. His younger child was eating a curtain, and his older one was taking his younger brother's photos. 

'I did not become a Jonin for this,' he thought comically. 

"Blackmail, father, blackmail, You won't understand, so do not worry yourself with my sage-like intellect."

'We will reach the function by the time it ends,won't we' Hizashi thought with a depressed face. 

ting tong 

The bell of the house rang, and Kuroko, with his newly learned body flicker, quickly detached his camera and rushed towards his door. 

"Hello, Itachi," Kuroko looked once again. "Itachi?, I am pretty sure we talked about this."

In front of him were Itachi, Shizu, and Kushina sensei, but if that wasn't enough, Naruto was sleeping in her arms; Mikoto and Fugaku came as well, with Sasuke somehow trying to wake up Naruto. 

both were barely a day old, Damn Ashura and Indra.

Shizu also came with her parents, Hana and Tomako Inuzuka; her brother, who I hadn't seen through the academy days, was here as well.

and Minato Namikaze himself.

"UH, ha ha ha," an embarrassed chuckle ran out of Kuroko's mouth. "While I love the company, how did the main family of the two clans of the village and the hokage himself come to my house?

"Me and Shizu clearly saw how stressed you were a couple days ago," Itachi continued, "so we talked to our family's and even Sensie herself so we could surprise you." Itachi with a proud expression on his face lay open the truth of their masterplan. 

"Got you, doofus." Shizu, in her signature nickname, made fun of my shocked expression.

"No way you are wearing this, right?"

"See for yourself." Kuroko opened the door for one of the most important people in the leaf to look at the state of his house. Hizashi had already given up and was sulking in the corner while Neji was happily chewing on the curtain. 

"Let us help Hizashi Sama." Mikoto and Kushina couldn't contain their motherly instinct and rushed to smother Neji. 

"Seeing you, the great Hyuga Hizashi, depressed can always make my day," the Uchiha patiriarch spoke out while laughing.

'Is there some history between the two? Why don't I know of this?" My head snapped towards my father, who looked at me with a sheepish face, scratching his hair in embarrassment. 

"We are getting late to the Hyuga Hinata's naming ceremony; get ready quick." Hana Inuzuka quickly rushed into the room, telling all of them to be quick. 

' It makes so much sense that she is her mother. '

With that, the Hyuga household was up in laughter. Fugaku was laughing with Minato, clearly bullying Hizashi, while the women were too busy seeing Naruto, Sasuke, and Neji playing castle with pillows. Shizu's little brother was already off doing some wierd acrobatic moves, clearly practicing to defeat Kuroko and take back his sister (he was jealous). 

Itachi and Shizu were talking with Kuroko about all the different places they would visit once they went out of the village for missions. 

Life was good at the leaf village.


< The first volume- Of the butterfly and the Nine-tail>


< Later

" wait, no way , you are our leader ?" Kuroko looked towards the silver haired Jonin in front of him>