
Naruto - Light Ninja

In an AU, Naruto doesn't have his fate sealed as a Jinchuuriki of the nine-tails fox; instead, his sisters receive the halves of the Bijuu, and something else emerges in him. He receives powers and memories from another world, a world where there were pirates, sailors, organizations trying to dominate or maintain their power at sea. Naruto ends up being born without any chakra, as the only being in the world without this energy, however, he received something else in return. Naruto has the Pika Pika no Mi. Minato and Kushina are alive.

RaccoonLeague · 漫画同人
80 Chs

Chapter 05 - Secrets 02.

[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]

Third Person POV




Itachi looked at the six-year-old boy, unsure how to react as they stared at each other from a distance. With a mix of surprise and curiosity, Itachi decided to be direct. "Naruto, was it you who killed Mukai Kohinata yesterday?"

Naruto looked at Itachi, his face calm and serious. "Yes, it was me," he replied without hesitation. "He was about to defeat you and your friend. I just did what I thought was necessary."

Itachi observed Naruto with intense curiosity and couldn't help asking, "How did you do it? Your ability... I've never seen anything like it in the ninja world, it's not chakra, is it?"

Naruto shrugged, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Let's just say I have some abilities that aren't common in this world. I'd prefer to keep the details to myself, Itachi."

Itachi nodded, understanding Naruto's need to keep his secrets, despite his curiosity. "Your secret is safe with me, Naruto. But, be aware, your actions may have unforeseen consequences."

"I know," said Naruto, looking on with a small smile. "But only if I get caught." He spoke confidently and in a rather childish tone.

"I bet you didn't come just to ask me that, come to the place where I'm training," Naruto said and left, jumping through the trees like a ninja, but Itachi knew that although he was as fast as one, Naruto didn't move like a ninja should as he decided to follow him.

Naruto and Itachi returned to the place where Naruto was training. Naruto hadn't destroyed much of the area because of the ambush patrols in the area all day, so the place looked quite clean.

"Naruto, you know how people treat you in Konoha, but why do you hide your abilities? You simply killed someone that Shisui and I couldn't handle in an instant," Itachi said, looking at the boy.

"Well, I am a person without chakra, do you think everyone will accept a boy showing tremendous strength with strange abilities? I'm sure they would pressure my father to study me. My father may be the Hokage, but he can be pressured a lot for that reason, and as Hokage, he has to think of the village first, right? Especially when there is someone in the high ranks trying to undermine him. And honestly, I don't care much for what people say about me, as you've seen, I know how to deal with it," Naruto said in a dark tone, much darker than a boy his age should say and continued.

"Besides, I intend to explore the continent. It will be much easier to leave Konoha as the useless son of the Hokage, although my mother would be devastated by that, but all children must leave home one day, right? Hahaha." Naruto didn't hide his plans, he wanted to explore this world and not be tied to Konoha forever.

"And what do you hope to find in this world, Naruto? What are you looking for?" Itachi couldn't help but ask, looking at the boy who spoke like someone much beyond his age, very different from his little brother.

Naruto looked up at the sky, thoughtful. "Answers, Itachi. I want to understand more about myself and about this world. I want to create my own story."

"I think I can understand your point of view..." Itachi said finally. Despite being full of doubts about this boy the age of his brother, he remained respectful of what Naruto did not reveal.

"Anyway, how about a training session? I've always wanted to fight a ninja, but never had the chance," Naruto said, seeing it as a good opportunity to test his abilities in a training session against ninjas.

Itachi observed Naruto with a thoughtful expression. "A training session, huh? That could be interesting," he said, a slight smile appearing on his face. "But remember, Naruto, you may have caught Mukai off guard, but don't underestimate a ninja, especially an Uchiha."

Naruto nodded, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "Don't worry, Itachi. I am well aware. But I'm curious to see how far I can go with my abilities against ninjas, since I never do something like this."

The two positioned themselves in the training area, an open space in the forest that offered enough room to move freely. Naruto stood in a relaxed manner, but with a posture indicating he was ready to react at any moment.

Itachi, on the other hand, adopted a more traditional combat stance, with his Sharingan eyes already active, watching every movement of Naruto attentively. "I'm ready when you are," said Itachi.

Without warning, Naruto made the first move. He lunged forward with surprising speed, closing the distance between him and Itachi in the blink of an eye, attempting to strike the older boy with a punch. Itachi, using his sharp reflexes and Sharingan vision, managed to block the attack, surprised by the boy's speed and strength.

The fight quickly intensified, with Naruto using a mix of techniques and movements not typical of Konoha's shinobi. He moved unpredictably, using abilities that seemed to defy the laws of physics, while executing soru and a hand-to-hand combat style different from traditional taijutsu.

Itachi, adapting to Naruto's unique fighting style, began to counterattack, using his Sharingan to anticipate the boy's movements and trying to find an opening in his defense. The fight was a spectacle of speed, technique, and power.

'What? He can predict my movements...?' Itachi asked a bit alarmed as Naruto used observation haki even to dodge attacks in his blind spots, leaving Itachi quite impressed. This boy was much stronger than his younger brother or his sisters; this boy was a monster who, despite being 6 years old, already showed skills that could make him have a fight where he would have to give his all.

Naruto, for his part, was having fun. Fighting against a skilled ninja like Itachi was exactly the challenge he was looking for. He used his abilities to the fullest, testing his limits, and learning from each of Itachi's movements.

Itachi made a quick move and delivered a powerful kick to Naruto's side, hoping to surprise him. However, to his astonishment, it felt like he had kicked a wall of iron. Naruto had executed Tekkai, a technique that supernaturally hardens the body. Itachi stepped back a bit, impressed and surprised by the boy's physical resistance, feeling that he had done something with his body, but not knowing what happened, since even with his Sharingan, the vision of Naruto's body was quite limited.

"Interesting," murmured Itachi, observing Naruto with a new level of caution and respect.

Realizing the opportunity to escalate the fight, Itachi prepared to execute one of his fire jutsus. With a quick set of hand seals, he unleashed a powerful blast of flames towards Naruto. However, Naruto reacted instantly, using Geppo to jump into the air, dodging the attack with surprising agility. Itachi looked up, impressed by Naruto's ability to move through the air as if stepping on invisible platforms.

'What is this?!' He couldn't help but be amazed by it.

Naruto, now in the air, looked down at Itachi and formed a pistol with his fingers. Suddenly, air bullets began to come out of his fingers in rapid succession, each targeting Itachi with deadly precision.

'A kind of air jutsu?!' Itachi, forced to retreat, used his Sharingan reflexes to dodge and block, but the pressure was intense, as Naruto executed hundreds of them.

Realizing he was at a disadvantage, Itachi used the Substitution Jutsu at the last second, escaping a direct blow. He reappeared a few meters away, recovering from the surprise attack.

"You really are full of surprises, Naruto," said Itachi, hiding a smile.

Naruto landed gracefully on the ground, his expression still calm and focused. "That was quite fun, it looks like I found a training partner." He said, smiling at the end.

The fight continued, with both combatants employing a mix of tactics and skills. After several minutes of intense combat, the two stepped back, catching their breath. Itachi looked at Naruto with new respect. "You are really amazing, Naruto. Your strength and abilities are... unique."

Naruto smiled, satisfied with the training. "Thank you, Itachi. It was a good session. I learned a lot fighting against you."

"Will you come to train here now?" Itachi asked.

"Yes, I want to perfect my skills and this is a good place away from the village. You can come whenever you want, since you are the only training partner I have in the village," Naruto commented, putting his hands behind his head.

"On my days off, I can come here, so let's meet next time. Now, I have to return to the clan and sort out some things," Itachi said, and Naruto noticed some abnormality at the end of his sentence, but didn't mind, after all, Itachi's problems are his own.

With Itachi leaving, Naruto continued his training, wanting to greatly improve his body. As soon as he saw the sky painted with the color of the sunset, he jumped into the air and returned to the village.

Resuming his usual behavior after changing his dirty clothes. "I should take my clothes tomorrow... Mother will probably notice and ask questions..." Naruto commented as he prepared for the arrival of his family.

When his family arrived home a few hours later, Naruto greeted them with a warm and genuine smile, that of a loving son and brother. He helped his mother with the groceries, casually asking about his sisters' day at the academy and his father's activities.

Kushina, always observant, cast a discerning look at Naruto. "You seem well-rested today, Naruto. Did you stay home all day?"

Naruto nodded, keeping his expression serene. "Yes, mom. I spent the day reading and relaxing a bit. You know, sometimes it's good to have a peaceful day."

Mizu and Sora excitedly shared their day's experiences at the academy, talking about the new theories they learned and the friends they were making. Naruto listened with interest, maintaining his calm demeanor, occasionally asking questions and sharing laughs with his sisters.

During dinner, the family chatted animatedly. Minato shared stories from the Hokage's office, while Kushina talked about her plans for the family's garden. Naruto participated in the conversation, but in a measured way, careful not to let slip any details about his secret training.


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