
Mystical Encounters

What would be the world like when humanity has supernatural abilities? This story revolved around a young girl named Irvene whose entangled in the world of magic. She strived to live and become the strongest. However, she's known to be the weakest. She's known to be an orphan, fragile, poor and a girl without knowledge Yet she goes through the forest, she builds her home and she knows alchemy. What is her true identity behind her innocent facade? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The story is a fantasy with a bit of mystery but they're still on planet Earth. The protagonist is struggling to find the truth behind the ruler's disappearance and the traitors within their country. She will be accompanied by Vaughn Estrama, Sid, Meryll and her other friends in solving their country's problems. *** Tags- Fantasy, Female Lead, mage, action, mystery, revenge, original, magic, spells -unedited (Read at your own risk :>)

ILLYAchan · 奇幻言情
53 Chs

Chapter 23

Irvene's point of view

Our morning classes finished, and we tried to go to the western part of the school, but the hallways were crowded with students, and we wanted to prevent someone seeing us while entering that closed area. The students who stalked us yesterday might become suspicious of us, so we stopped going to that place for now.

While we're waiting for an opportunity here in the lobby of the western part of the school, Student President Ingrid Welsey suddenly turned his head on our direction and it looks like he didn't expect us to be in this kind of place. He stopped himself from leaving the lobby and instead walked towards us.

"Oh, it's rare seeing a fourth level student in this area. I wonder what do you need from here?" he asked.

"It's nothing, don't mind us, Student President Ingrid. I reckon you have many things to do, and we don't want to bother you," Vaughn said.

Their eyes met each other, somewhat trying to read how does one of them think. Ingrid grinned and looked among us.

"Really? I guess that you're trying to get some information about that closed area here. Some students started coming here when they heard about that, although I don't think that you're the type of person who would get themselves in a crowd of students to get some latest news around the school," he said.

"Don't overthink things, Student President. It's more peaceful in the western lobby than the other places in this school, so we chose to spend our time here before the afternoon classes, and like you said it's not our thing to join the crowd," Meryll said.

As much as possible, we would refrain from speaking out our real purpose in this place especially to a person like Ingrid Welsey. I have to say that he's a cunning and smart person. It's not shocking that he became the current Student President of Soul'e Magic High.

"Mr. President, we need to meet the Vice President," a student reminded him.

"No worries, it's still early, " Ingrid said.

Once again, he turned his attention towards us and bid goodbye. "There are so many coincidences we had meet, so I thought today will not be the last, bye." He waved his hand and left.

We looked at him until his figure couldn't be seen.

"The Student President is such a problem, " Sid uttered.

After that, we didn't have the chance to enter the closed area and the afternoon classes started already. I waited patiently until it ended. The mystery behind that place bothered me since yesterday that I spaced out during the entire class. Fortunately, the instructor didn't notice my actions.

"It's finished!" Sid uttered while stretching his arms and legs from sitting for long hours.

Our classmates were the same and immediately left our rooms. We waited for them to come out until we went outside the room. We walked to a corner of the western part of the school. Vaughn leads the way and brought us here.

I could see the students from afar, and they're walking through the northern part of the school.

"What would we do here?" I asked.

He opened the portal. "Nobody should see us walking towards that area in the hallway so let's get inside. We don't have much time," Vaughn explained.

The four of us swiftly entered the portal, and we reached another corner in the western part. We immediately walked towards the knights who guard the area.

Before they would utter a single word, Vaughn took out a small black envelope and showed them the Soul'e Military seal.

The other knight looked at his comrade. "It's a military seal," he said.

"Sir, please hand it to us. We'll check its authenticity," the other one said.

Vaughn gave the letter and it glowed in dark blue light. Letters started to form in midair. "You may enter and it's indicated that your entrance here shouldn't be known by others. We'll ensure you that no one would know about this," he said.

They released their crossed weapon at our way. Meryll leads us towards the hidden room. We walked through the wall.

An illusion. I guess only the enemy knew this way.

We found it, and we saw a white light that looks like a portal.

"Is there a portal here during the time you accidentally found this place?" Vaughn asked Meryll.

She shook her head. My brows furrowed from her reaction. It is by chance, a portal from an enemy? A portal isn't a common thing and only a few people owned it.

"What should we do now?" Sid asked.

"We'll continue what we are doing and fight if there's an enemy," Vaughn said.

"Then, I'll guard here while you're inside that room," Sid uttered. He summoned his sword and attentively looked around.

We nodded at him and walked in front of the hidden room's door. "There's a barrier spell that prevents anyone to enter," I said.

"How do we enter then?" Meryll asked.

"It forbids anyone from intruding the place, and they only need to say the right words for it to open. We don't know what words it is, so I'll try to break it," I said.

I started to save magic into my hands. Magic slowly flowed into my veins and I touched the barrier. I need to break this one.

I saved up a lot of magic but nothing happened. I need more. The flow became faster and I heard a cracking sound of the barrier. Only a bit more. I started to breathe deeply.

"I can do this, " I whispered slowly.

"Irvene! You're exhausted, " Meryll said. She tried to pull me away from the barrier but I don't let her.

"Don't worry, it'll break soon," I said.

The cracks got bigger. I made ice blades and slowly attacked the barrier. It shattered into pieces like glass and disappeared in thin air. I gasped for air and I felt my feet couldn't stand up anymore. Vaughn and Meryll caught me before I fall.

"You should have let us break it when the cracks get bigger instead of using more magic," Vaughn said.

I shook my head. "It won't work. The barrier may explode if a strong impact hit it," I explained.

My strength came back and when we entered the room, my eyes widen from what I saw.