
Mystical Encounters

What would be the world like when humanity has supernatural abilities? This story revolved around a young girl named Irvene whose entangled in the world of magic. She strived to live and become the strongest. However, she's known to be the weakest. She's known to be an orphan, fragile, poor and a girl without knowledge Yet she goes through the forest, she builds her home and she knows alchemy. What is her true identity behind her innocent facade? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The story is a fantasy with a bit of mystery but they're still on planet Earth. The protagonist is struggling to find the truth behind the ruler's disappearance and the traitors within their country. She will be accompanied by Vaughn Estrama, Sid, Meryll and her other friends in solving their country's problems. *** Tags- Fantasy, Female Lead, mage, action, mystery, revenge, original, magic, spells -unedited (Read at your own risk :>)

ILLYAchan · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 22

Irvene's point of view

The classes ended well and the loud, chattering noises inside the classroom could be heard. We stood up and left. All students in the hallway were busy, and they didn't notice us, so we immediately walked outside before anyone would pick up a fight.

Before we would leave Soul'e Magic High, we walked towards its western part. Meryll led us the way where she found a hidden room. Her steps were long strides, and she's eager to go back at that place.

"Meryll, wait for us," Sid said.

Meryll breathed deeply and slowed down her pace. We saw two Knights in their silver armor and a spear in a crossed position that stopped us from our tracks.

"Students are not allowed to enter this area. This place is closed down and will be under construction. Only authorized persons are permitted to pass this way. Please leave immediately." One of them said that made Meryll shouted.

"Let's go now," Vaughn said.

Vaughn looked at us and walked away. We followed him, and he stopped when we reached the tall gates of the school.

"We'll talk about this later. Someone is following us," he said.

"What?" Meryll asked and it made her more irritated.

"I think that's a student," Sid said.

"They shouldn't know that we live in the castle," I whispered.

"We'll stall them for a while, Let's go," Vaughn said.

We left the school and took a stroll at Soul'e Park. Soul'e Magic High and the Soul'e Castle are located at the capital so this place is filled with busy businessmen and women, students and children.

"Let's go to that stall!" Sid shouted and pointed at an ice cream store.

I mentally rolled my eyes at him. He's always hungry. We walked at the white stall and bought for the four of us and sat at the table in front of the stall.

"They're still following us," Meryll whispered.

"So it's not only one," I said.

"Do we need to stay here until they got tired of following us?" Sid asked while eating his two cones of ice cream. I wonder why he didn't get fat with his eating habits.

"Of course not, we'll lose them and immediately use a portal to the castle," Vaughn said.

We agreed and stood up when Sid is finished on his food. He really bought another cone of ice cream. Unbelievable!

We ran at a very fast pace in every corner of this place and then, I opened up a portal. We entered and instantly reached the castle.

"Finally!" Sid shouted and touched his stomach.

"That's what you get from eating too much," Meryll said. Her arms are crossed while looking at him.

"Okay, that's enough. Let's get inside," I said before they would continue babbling at each other. I slightly pulled Meryll to my side and walked away from Sid.

We reached our own rooms, and then after a while, they knocked on the door. I opened it and let them sat on the couch.

Vaughn got the envelope from his shirt's pocket. "This would help us to enter the closed area at Soul'e Magic High," he said.

"How come?" Meryll asked him.

"I already read the letter. To prevent the increasing numbers of lost students, they closed it down. The seal from this letter is from General Elwind that is in charge of the internal conflicts of our country. We would be able to enter that place if we present this to the Knights and that is why a military man is needed to send this to me," Vaughn said.

"So that's the reason," Sid commented.

"But why do they need to give us one? We are not a part of them," Meryll asked.

That made me think as well. The reason might be that they knew that we're not really students of Soul'e Magic High and are only solving this matter.

"Headmaster Waltz knew that we are helping him, so he made sure that we will be able to enter that area. He held a high position, so he could find a way to talk to the Ruler. Your brother knew about our matters so that's why he could get us a seal from the military," Vaughn explained.

"Does the Headmaster knew about our true identities?" I asked him. Our true identities shouldn't spread out. It's still not time.

It's a little early.

"He already knew before we enter the school because he's the closest friend of the former Ruler, but he promised that he wouldn't say it to anyone," he said.

I thought only our instructors who are some councilors, generals, knights, and maids knew this. The workers in the castle were put under a spell which prevents them from saying out about that secret. Father did that, so we'll be safe from them, because they knew our true identities and then, prevent them from leaking that information.

"About the closed area, we have a portal right? Why we didn't use it earlier?" Sid asked.

I forgot about our portal!

"We can do that but the place might be under a spell and those Knights might notice us. It's still safer to have the seal," Vaughn said.

"So we can finally enter the western hidden part but before that, my stomach is still aching. If I knew we would run, I shouldn't have eaten too much!" Sid said while holding onto his stomach.

"That's your fault for being such a gourmand," Meryll said.

They're starting again.

"Your just jealous because I didn't get fat no matter how much I eat!" Sid said to Meryll.

"Please stop you two," Vaughn said.

I stood up and took a small bottle above my table.

"Sid, drink this potion. It'll help reduce your stomach ache but if it still aches, tell me or consult to Doctor Lazine," I said.

He accepted the potion and drank it. "Thanks, Irvene," he said.

"Sid, I advise that you should refrain from eating too much when we are in a mission," Vaugh said.

"Okay," Sid said. He breathed deeply and his face is filled with sadness like he would not be able to eat for a long time.

I rolled my eyes at him.

Afterward, they left my room. It's been a long day. I wonder what would happen tomorrow.