
A Plan Bears Fruit

It had been almost a year since he had found his path and he had been working on it ever since but he had realized something throughout the process and that was that his body had changed a lot due to Macarthur's mana body idea. He had recently realized that he wasn't storing mana in just his mana center like normal people but every single cell was taking it in.

While looking through his mana space while forging one day he had realized his mana wasn't running out and that streams were constantly pouring into the mana space from somewhere; it took him only a few seconds to realize that his cells were storing mana the same way that his mana space was. He came to the realization that his mana body had created trillions of mana spaces throughout his body located in each of his cells. He sat in his father's room with his back resting on a slightly bigger Link as he began to make a new plan.

Macarthur said his mana space itself shouldn't break through before he turned 18 but what if he treated each cell as a mana space itself and began to make all of his cells breakthrough? The only real issue is that even after reading most of the library there was nothing as unprecedented as this so his mana cultivation would be going into a completely unprecedented territory and he had no clue what it would mean but the possibility alone would make him stronger than anyone ever.

Peter had visited a week or so ago now complete with his second stage but after talking about it with him he knew that his mana body was nothing like this and when he completed his second stage he didn't experience the massive increase of physical strength that Regius went through. They together deduced that Regius' whole body rapidly grew stronger due to the mana in his cells and the increase was not anything to scoff at.

His whole body through every second of the day was powered by mana and reinforced by it. The mana body concept had turned his body into a weapon itself and he had no clue what to do with that. At his current strength, he could crush steel with his hands. Would this path stop him from being human and change him into something different entirely. The thought passed as quickly as it came as he stared at Link and the pain of losing everything came back to him.

It was around midnight but Regius has recently developed a technique that using his mana allowed him to drastically reduce how much he slept. Through all the reading and everything else, he valued his time to a point that using the technique he only slept 4 hours once a week which gave him ample time to practice forging as well as move through each book in the library. So there was no time like the present to test his new theory.

He sat down once more as Link slept and began to focus on his cells. He focused on one to start and as he did he began to compact the words that his mana had become into a single point. The mana slowly began to compact on itself as the lettering disappeared slowly as he kept squeezing the mana in the cell. What seemed like forever seemed to pass as finally a compressed ball of gas squeezed itself into one single drop of bright golden mana. A small pop sound was heard as he jumped in excitement as it hasn't affected his mana space in the least but when he looked down he realized the jump had carried him much higher than it should have.

He came down with a thump waking up and scaring the horse-sized dragon that had been sleeping there moments before. He grabbed a very annoyed Links head as he hollered in the air "I've done it Link there won't be anyone that can contend with us!" Link snorted and a mass of hot air hit Regius in the face as he communicated through their bond.

Regius could feel him expressing that that was already a given since he had him as the dragon took his head back and laid down with his back to Regius once again. Regius playfully slapped one of his hind legs before sitting back down "Tch Arrogant Lizards are a mood killer." said Regius. This was greeted with a smack from Link's tail much in the same way Peter would hit him on the top of the head.

Which launched the both of them into a wrestling match that would eventually end with a Triumphant Link resting on top of a hollering Regius struggling to get out from under the weight of his dragon companion.